Administering Web Server-Based Navigation Caching

This section provides an overview and discusses how to implement web server-based navigation caching.

Web server-based navigation caching considerably boosts performance by automatically storing cached data on the web server when users select items from the navigation menu. This form of caching saves unnecessary calls to the application server.

The portal maintains a single cache for all users with a given combination of roles. If your user population has limited role combinations, your caching memory requirement is significantly reduced.

See Understanding Caching Scope.

Implement web server-based navigation caching by selecting the Cache Menu check box in the On the Web Server group box of the Web Profile Configuration - Caching page.

The cached data is stored in the following folder and cannot be moved:


You must delete the cache periodically to keep the folder at a manageable size.

To prevent conflicts, disable browser-based caching and homepage caching.

Disabling Browser-Based Caching

To disable browser-based caching:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Personalization > Personalization Options.

  2. Select PeopleTools (PPTL).

  3. Remove the METAXP personalization definition.

  4. Click Save.

Disabling Homepage Caching

To disable homepage caching:

  1. Select PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration.

  2. Select the appropriate web profile.

  3. Access the Browsing grid on the Caching page.

  4. Deselect the Cache Homepage check box for the appropriate browser.

  5. Click Save.