Implementing Guest User Access

While no guest user ID is defined and delivered with PeopleTools, PeopleTools does deliver the following definitions to assist with creating guest user access:

  • PeopleSoft Guest role.

  • PTPT1400 (PeopleSoft Guest) permission list.

The PTPT1400 permission list provides access to the following:

  • The default fluid homepage (DEFAULT_LP: My Homepage).

    Note: Because permissions are set to public on the default classic homepage (DEFAULT: My Page), a guest user also has access to this classic homepage.

  • The NavBar, the Classic Home button, the Fluid Home button, the Navigator, and any menu folders and menu items that PTPT1400 has been assigned to or that are designated as public.

  • Any fluid dashboard that PTPT1400 has been assigned to or that is designated as public.

    Note: The PTPT1400 permission list has access to the underling fluid dashboard component (PT_FLDASHBOARD).

  • The Sign In tile and the Sign In pagelet.

On the other hand, the PTPT1400 permission list does not provide access to:

  • Personalizing any fluid or classic homepages including dragging and dropping tiles or pagelets, or personalizing the NavBar.

  • Add To links, the Notifications feature, and the My Preferences link.

  • The Forgot Password component (from the Sign In tile or Sign In pagelet).

While certain PeopleSoft applications are delivered with a defined guest user ID and guest user access enabled, and a guest homepage definition (PeopleSoft Interaction Hub, for example), others are not. In addition, you may want to implement your own guest user access and homepages.

To implement guest user access:

  1. (Optional) Clone the PTPT1400 permission list if you wish to customize the guest user experience.

  2. (Optional) Change access permissions in your custom guest permission list.

    For example, to hide the Sign Out link in the Actions list for guest users, grant full access to the WEBLIB_PORTAL.PT_PORTAL_HDRLINK.FieldFormula.IScript_HideSignOutLink function.

  3. (Optional) Clone a custom guest role if you created a custom guest permission list. Assign your custom guest permission list to this custom guest role.

  4. Define a guest user ID—for example, MY_GUEST.

  5. Add either the delivered PeopleSoft Guest role or your custom guest role to your guest user ID.

  6. Update the active web profile to enable public user access:

    Note: Enabling public user access means that public (guest) users do not have to explicitly sign in using the guest user ID and password.

    1. Select PeopleTools, Web Profile, Web Profile Configuration.

    2. Select the active web profile.

    3. Select the Security page.

    4. Select the Allow Public Access option.

    5. Set the user ID to your guest user ID.

    6. Set the password to your guest user’s password.

    7. Set the HTTP Session Inactivity field to value that specifies the interval of inactivity after which time the web server releases the guest user’s HTTP session. (This setting merely prevents an overload of web server resources for inactive public users, and does not sign guest users out.)

    8. Stop and restart the web server.

  7. Create a fluid homepage definition, a classic homepage definition, or both specifically for guest users. Add the PTPT1400 permission list or your custom guest permission list to each guest homepage definition.

    • Configure each guest homepage with the tiles and pagelets that are deemed suitable for public access.

    • Optionally, add the Sign In tile or Sign In pagelet to each guest homepage thereby allowing defined system users to sign in from the guest homepage.

  8. Add guest user access to other public components of your site. For example, add the PTPT1400 permission list or your custom guest permission list to fluid dashboards that are suitable for public use.

  9. Distribute the URL to the guest homepage for use by the public.

    • For example, for a classic guest homepage:

    • For example, for a fluid guest homepage:

      Note: Unlike a classic guest homepage, there is not a distinct URL for each fluid homepage. The guest user will see the default homepage and any other fluid homepages to which the user has been granted access.

Note: When configured with the Sign In tile or Sign In pagelet, a guest homepage can also serve as an alternative signon page for defined system users.