Numbered Messages

This table describes numbered messages:

Error Number

Error Message



Error while opening the message file: '`01' (`02): `03

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Error while reading the message file. (`01): `02

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Error while closing the message file. (`01): `02

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Error while seeking the message file. (`01): `02

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Corrupt message file: Invalid header information.

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.


Corrupt message file: Invalid count (Got `01, Should be `02).

The header contains an invalid entry count.

  1. Make sure SQRDIR points to the correct directory.

  2. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

    `01 = The value read from the header.

    `02 = The correct value.


Cannot handle message file version `01.

This message occurs when the release of SQR does not support the header version.

  1. Make sure SQRDIR points to the correct directory.

  2. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

    `01 = Unsupported version read from the header.


Invalid SEMCode encountered: `01.

An invalid code was passed to the error message handler. Try reloading the files from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Invalid code.


Unknown conversion type (`01) for code `02.

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Invalid type.

`02 = Internal error code.


Message `01 must be either Preload or BuiltIn.

The type error code is not correct. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Error code.


Cannot point to message `01.

The error handler cannot position to the desired error code. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Error code.


The required environment variable `01 has not been defined.

Define the named environment variable and restart SQR.

`01 = Environment variable name.


The Meta ESC characters do not match (Got '`01', Should be '`02').

The meta escape character defined in the header does not match what the error message handler expects. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = What was found in the header.

`02 = What was expected to be found


`01() called to process (`02) and the message file is not open.

The specified error routine was called but the error message file was not open. Try reloading the files from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine

`02 = Error code


Message `01 must be ReportParameters or CopyrightNotice.

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support. `01 = Error code


Allocation header does not point to a valid heap.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Allocation header has an invalid size.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLOBAL header has an invalid size.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error, and contact technical support.


Cannot free GLOBAL allocation.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Cannot access the initialization file: `01 (`02): `03

The initialization file specified by the -ZIF command line flag cannot be accessed.

`01 = Name of the file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


DPUT: Bad field number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DARRAY: Unknown command number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


`01: Cannot find `02 command.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = Name of the command.


DDO: DO arguments do not match procedure's.



SDO: Bad params for DO command.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SDO: Bad params for BEGIN-PROCEDURE command.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Bad command numbers.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Bad goto function parameters.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Could not find beginning of section or paragraph.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Bad label: from parameters.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


COMPAR: Unknown relational (numeric) operator.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


COMPAR: Unknown relational (string) operator.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DONBRK: Unknown case for putlin.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


`01: Bad length case for numeric `02.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = name of the variable.


GARRAY: Unknown command number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GCMDS: No Gfunc found.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GDOC: Unknown document type.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLET: Bad operator.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLET: Stack incorrect for expression - arg `01.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Number of the argument.


GLET: Unknown operator type.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLET: Unknown operator in expression.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPARS: Column not SCOL, TCOL or NCOL type.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPARS: Bad parameter format: `01 =`02=

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.

`02 = Bad format field found.


GPARS: No end of required word in parfmt: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Bad parfmt entry: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Bad parameter string.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPARS: Repeat count bad: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Only a,b,8,9 allowed for repeats: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Missing required x: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Bad type in 'ckvrpr()'.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPROC: No Gfunc found.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GRDWRT: Unknown command number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GSHOW: Unknown SHOW option.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


PGMPARS: 'addvar()' passed maxlen but not column.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


PGMPARS: '`01' passed invalid parameter number: `02.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Routine name.

`02 = Invalid parameter number.


PGMPARS: 'fxclrf()' encountered bad column reference type: `01.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal variable type code.


PLCMNT: 'getplc()' passed invalid element number: `01.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Invalid element number.


RDPGM: Command array size exceeded (change COMDMAX to at least `01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Maximum internal command number supported.


RDPGM: Bad match adding internal variable: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal variable name.


RDPGM: No cmdget function found for BEGIN_S.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Function `01 not included in run-time package.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the SQR routine.


SETSQL: Could not find variable '`01', in Run Time.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Variable name.


SIFWHL: Command number incorrect.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SPINIT: Bad parameters.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DBFFIX: DBDATLEN returned out of range status.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SETSQL: Could not find variable entry in list.

(Oracle) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DBDESC: SQLD not = number of select columns.

(DB2) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DBFETCH: Unknown variable dbtype encountered: `01 (`02)

(DB2) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Variable name.

`02 = Unknown database type.


WRITE_SPF: Unknown code encountered: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Unknown SPF code.


`01: Cannot find LOAD-LOOKUP table: `02

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = Name of the table.


PGMPARS: '`01' called with wrong variable '`02'

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = Name of the variable.


SQTMGT: Could not find 'vars' entry with 'nvars' index of '`01'.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Index into nvars table.


MODIFYVAR: Attempt to change variable which is not xVAR (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = name of the variable.


MODIFYVAR: Incompatible variable types (`01) and (`02).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Variable type (from).

`02 = Variable type (to).


Out of query arguments; use -Mfile to increase QUERYARGS.

This is the total number of variable references ($Var, #Var, &Col) allowed in the context of a BEGIN-SQL or BEGIN- SELECT command. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Cannot open the argument file: '`01'. (`02): `03

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = Name of the file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Cannot close the argument file. (`01): `02

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code.

`02 = System error message.


Cannot open the - Mfile: '`01'. (`02): `03

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = Name of the file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Minimum value for '`01' in the -Mfile is `02.

Correct the -Mfile entry.

`01 = Keyword in question.

`02 = Minimum value allowed.


Maximum value for '`01' in the -Mfile is `02.

Correct the -Mfile entry.

`01 = Keyword in question.

`02 = Maximum value allowed.


Invalid -Mfile entry: '`01'.

Correct the -Mfile entry.

`01 = The line from the -Mfile.


Cannot close the - Mfile. (`01): `02

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code.

`02 = System error message.


The minimum value for '`01' (`02) is `03.

Value out of range.

`01 = Entry name.

`02 = Specified value.

`03 = Minimum value.


The maximum value for '`01' (`02) is `03.

Value out of range.

`01 = Entry name.

`02 = Specified value.

`03 = Maximum value.


The value for '`01' (`02) is not an integer number.

Value must be a integer value.

`01 = Entry name.

`02 = Specified value.


Bind list does not match query (do not use '@__p' string).

SQR reserves the variable names that start with "@__p" for internal use. Edit the source code and use different variable names.


Forward references not permitted in select list bind variables.

Within the body of BEGIN-SQL paragraphs, forward references to &column names are not permitted. Move the BEGIN-SQL paragraph after the &column definition.


SQL buffer too small; use -Mfile to increase SQLSIZE.

The SQL statement exceeds the size of the internal SQL buffer. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Error in SQL (perhaps missing &name after expression):

The database server has determined that the SQL statement is in error. The actual error text from the server follows this message. Correct the SQL statement.


Check SELECT columns, expressions and 'where' clause for syntax.

The database server has determined that the SQL statement is in error. The actual error text from the server follows this message. Correct the SQL statement.


CMPSQL: Unknown data type in database: `01.

Contact technical support with the version of the database you are connected to.

`01 = Datatype in question.


Bind value too large (IMAGE, TEXT not allowed).

IMAGE and TEXT data types cannot be used as bind variables. Modify your SQL statement to use other columns to perform the same selection logic.



(Oracle, ODBC) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


`01: Could not bind column `02.

(Oracle, ODBC) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the SQR routine.

`02 = Name of the column.


The type for '&`01' (`02) does not match the type from the database (`03).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Name of the column/expression pseudonym.

`02 = User specified type.

`03 = Database type.


Only numerics allowed for arithmetic.

Only #numeric variables, &columns, and literals are permitted in the arithmetic commands. Correct the source code.


Optional qualifier is ROUND=n (0-`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Maximum value for ROUND.


Optional qualifiers for DIVIDE are ON- ERROR={HIGH|ZER O} and ROUND=n.

Correct the syntax.


Attempting division by zero.

Use the ON-ERROR = HIGH | ZERO option to prevent this error from halting the program.


Bad number of digits to ROUND or TRUNC (0-15).

Correct the syntax.


WARNING: The ROUND or TRUNC qualifier is greater than the number's precision.

Correct the syntax.


Array element out of range (`01) for array '`02' on line `03.

Correct the source logic.

`01 = Element number passed.

`02 = Name of the array.

`03 = Program line number.


Field element out of range (`01) for array '`02', field '`03', on line `04.

Correct the source logic.

`01 = Element number passed.

`02 = Name of the array.

`03 = Name of the field.

`04 = Program line number.


WARNING: Attempting division by zero on line `01. Array field '`02' unchanged. Run continuing...

The ARRAY-DIVIDE command has attempted division by zero. The division has been ignored; the result field is unchanged. Add logic to account for this possibility.

`01 = Program line number.

`02 = Name of field.


'FILL' not appropriate for numeric data.

The FILL argument to the PRINT command may be used only for text fields. Move the #numeric variable to a $string variable, and then print the string variable.


Report '`01': Columns must be between 1 and the page width (`02).

The specified value is wider than the width of the page. Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report.

`02 = Page width.


Report '`01': GOTO- TOP=`02 must be between 0 and the page depth (`03).

The value specified on the GOTO-TOP argument of the NEXT-COLUMN command was either less than 1 or greater than the page depth. Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report.

`02 = Goto-Top value.

`03 = Page width.


Report '`01': ERASE- PAGE=`02 must be between 0 and the page depth (`03).

The line number specified on the ERASE- PAGE argument of the NEXT-COLUMN command is greater than the page depth. Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report.

`02 = Erase-Page value.

`03 = Page width.


Report '`01': The NEXT-COLUMN command is not legal in the `02 section with the qualifier AT- END=NEWPAGE.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report

`02 = Name of the section


Report '`01': Column number `02 is not defined.

The column number specified with the USE- COLUMN command is greater than the highest column defined in the COLUMNS command. Correct the source line. `01 = Name of the current report `02 = Column number


Format for CONNECT: username/password [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)] ]

Correct the syntax.


Cannot use CONNECT while SQL statements are active.

Correct the program logic to ensure that all BEGIN-SELECT paragraphs have completed before executing the CONNECT command.


Logoff failed prior to CONNECT.

The database server returned an error while trying to log off from the database. SQR ends the program run since it cannot continue.


CONNECT failed. Perhaps user name/password incorrect.

The specified connectivity information is incorrect or there might have been a network failure. Use the ON-ERROR flag to trap any errors during the program run; otherwise SQR ends the program run.


USE allowed once in SETUP section only, not in BEGIN-SQL. Elsewhere, specify db.[user].table...

Correct the source.


Out of query space. Use -Mfile to increase QUERIES.

The number of SQL statements has been exceeded. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line specify a file that contains an entry that increases a greater value than is currently defined.


The requested database connection (`01) is already active.

The -Cnn value specified is being used by another BEGIN-SELECT paragraph that is currently selecting data. Use another connection number.

`01 = Connection number


Cannot find inactive database cursor. Program too large.

Too many BEGIN-SELECT and BEGIN-SQL paragraphs are active at the same time. Reduce the complexity of the program.


Database commit failed.

(Oracle, DB2, ODBC) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Database rollback failed.

(Oracle, DB2, ODBC) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot open database cursor.

(Oracle, ODBC) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Variable for date-time must begin with '&'.

Correct the syntax.


Format code must be SYYYY when specifying signed year.

Correct the edit mask.


Bad input data (`01) for edit mask: '`02'.

Correct the input.

`01 = Data being converted `02 = Edit mask


Year cannot be zero.

Correct the date.


Year must be between -4713 and 9999 inclusive.

Correct the date.


Ambiguous date-time.

Correct the date.


'`01' is not a valid date part.

Correct the date part.

`01 = Date part.


Invalid day of week.

Correct the date.


Format code cannot appear in date input format: '`01'.

Correct the edit mask.

`01 = Improper format characters.


Bad date mask starting at: '`01'.

Correct the edit mask.

`01 = Improper format characters.


Seconds past midnight must be between 0 and 86399.

Correct the date.


Seconds must be between 0 and 59.

Correct the date.


Minutes must be between 0 and 59.

Correct the date.


Month must be between 1 and 12.

Correct the date.


Day must be between 1 and `01.

Correct the date.


Hour must be between 1 and 12.

Correct the date.


Hour must be between 0 to 23.

Correct the date.


HH24 precludes the use of meridian indicator.

Correct the edit mask.


HH12 requires meridian indicator.

Correct the edit mask.


Day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year).

Correct the date.


Date string too long.

Correct the date.


The month (`01) is not valid for the current locale or database.

Correct the date.

`01 = Name of the month.


The format mask must be a literal when the date-time is not loaded into a variable.

Correct the format mask. The format mask must be a literal when the date-time is not loaded into a variable.


Date-time format too long.

Correct the format mask.


Bad date-time format.

Correct the format mask.


Bad SQL for default date-time. (Table DUAL required for syntax.)

(Oracle) The format mask needs to be corrected or there is a problem with the database server.


Bad SQL for default date-time. (Table DUAL required for syntax.)

(DB2) The format mask needs to be corrected or there is a problem with the database server.


Cannot recompile sql.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Problem executing cursor.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Error fetching row.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot redefine variable addresses.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


The date '`01' is not in the format SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[N NNNNN]]]].

When specifying an SQR date, at a minimum, the date must be specified. The time is optional.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in one of the accepted formats listed below: MM/DD/YYYY [BC | AD] [HH:MI[:SS[.NNNNN N]] [AM | PM]]


The date specified with the INPUT command was not in one the default formats. Reenter the date in a valid format.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:


(Oracle) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FO RMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:

Mon DD YYYY [HH:MI[:SS[.NNN]][ AM | PM]]

Mon DD YYYY [HH:MI[:SS[:NNN]][ AM | PM]]




(ODBC) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FO RMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:



`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:




(DB2) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


SQR does not support dates before '`01'.

SQR does not support dates before the one specified in the message.

`01 = Smallest date


The date variables are incompatible with each other.

The SQR function references two date variables that cannot logically be used together, for example, DateDiff of 'date- only' and 'time-only' dates.


Procedure name used more than once: '`01'.

Specify a unique name for the procedure.

`01 = Procedure name


Could not find procedure: '`01'.

Verify the spelling of the procedure name.

`01 = Procedure name


DO arguments do not match procedure's.

The argument lists for the DO and BEGIN- PROCEDURE commands must match in both type and count. Correct the source line.


DO argument must be $string or #number to accept returned value.

Correct the syntax.


Edit string too long.

The edit mask must be less than 255 characters. Reduce the length of the edit mask.


Bad numeric 'edit' format: `01

The numeric edit mask contains an invalid character. See the PRINT command for the valid numeric edit mask characters.

`01 = Invalid character


DOLLAR-SYMBOL must be a single alphanumeric character or its decimal value enclosed in brackets: <nnn>.

Correct the syntax.


DOLLAR-SYMBOL cannot be any of the following characters: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = List of invalid characters


MONEY-SYMBOL must be a single alphanumeric character or its decimal value enclosed in brackets: <nnn>.

Correct the syntax.


MONEY-SYMBOL cannot be any of the following characters: `01

Correct the syntax.


ENCODE string too large; maximum is `01.

Break up the ENCODE command.

`01 = Maximum length of an ENCODE string supported by this version of SQR for PeopleSoft.



The database command to cancel the query returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


EXIT-SELECT valid only within SELECT paragraph.

Remove the EXIT-SELECT command.


Duplicate label's - do not know which one to GOTO.

Labels must be unique within the section or paragraph where they are defined. Give each label a unique name.


(Labels must be in same section or paragraph as GOTO.) Cannot find a matching label for GOTO command.

Check the source code.


Error getting INPUT.

The C routine "fgets()" returned an error and SQR ends the program run.


Unknown INPUT datatype: type={char|number|integer|date}

Correct the syntax.


INPUT STATUS= must reference #variable.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown qualifier for INPUT.

Correct the syntax.


Too long. Maximum `01 characters.

The response to the INPUT statement was too long. Re-enter the data.

`01 = Maximum characters allowed


Incorrect. Format for floating point number: [+|-]99.99[E99]

Invalid number was entered for an INPUT request. Re-enter the data.


Incorrect. Format for integer: [+|-]999999

Invalid integer was entered for an INPUT request. Re-enter the data.


A format mask can only be specified when TYPE=DATE is used.

Correct the syntax.


The format mask cannot be stored in a date variable.

Correct the syntax.


The input variable type does not match the TYPE qualifier.

Correct the syntax.


Number too large for INTEGER. Valid range is -2147483648 to 2147483647.

The number was too large to be stored as an integer. Values are from -2147483648 to 2147483647. Re-enter the data.


Enter a date in one of the following formats:





The date cannot be blank. Enter a date in one of the specified formats.


`01 required user interaction but user interaction was disabled by the -XI command line flag.

The specified command required user interaction, but user interaction was disabled by the -XI command line flag. `01 = Name of the command


LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01' has not been defined.

Add a LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Missing value for `01= in LOAD-LOOKUP.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Name of missing required parameter


Bad value for `01= in LOAD-LOOKUP.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= cannot reference a variable in the Setup section.

Either move the LOAD-LOOKUP command from the Setup section or remove the variable reference.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP names must be unique.

Give each LOAD-LOOKUP array a unique name.


Cannot compile SQL for LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while trying to compile the SQL statement needed to process the LOAD-LOOKUP command. Check the column and table names. Also check the WHERE= clause for errors.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Could not set up cursor for LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while trying to compile the SQL statement needed to set up the LOAD-LOOKUP command. Verify the column and table names. Review the WHERE= clause for errors.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Problem executing the cursor for LOAD- LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while trying to execute the SQL statement needed to process the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Integers only allowed in numeric lookup keys.

Correct the source line.


Numeric lookup keys must be <= `01 digits.

Correct the source line.

`01 = maximum length supported


Bad return fetching row from database in LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while fetching the data.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Loading '`01' lookup table ...

This message can be inhibited by using the QUIET argument on the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Name of the load lookup table

`02 = Number of rows loaded


Warning: `01 duplicate keys found in '`02' lookup table.

This message can be inhibited by using the QUIET argument on the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Number of duplicate keys

`02 = Name of the load lookup table


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= must reference a numeric variable or literal.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= must reference a string variable or literal.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= variable '`02' has not been defined.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the parameter

`02 = Name of the undefined variable


LOAD-LOOKUP cannot support `01 rows; maximum is `02.

Reduce the ROWS= value.

`01 = ROWS= value

`02 = Maximum value allowed


`01 command not allowed with -XL option in effect.

Either use the #IF command to conditionally compile the program when -XL is being used or do not execute this SQR report with the -XL option.

`01 = SQR command


Line to stop erasing for 'NEW-PAGE' is larger than the page depth.

Correct the source line.


'ON-BREAK' not appropriate for numeric data.

The ON-BREAK argument to the PRINT command may be used only for text fields. Move the #numeric variable to a $string variable, and then print the $string variable.


SET= and LEVEL= must be >= zero when indicated.

Correct the source line.


Cannot use old style PROCEDURE= with BEFORE= or AFTER=.

Correct the syntax.



use -Mfile to increase ONBREAKS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


SET= must be same for all ON-BREAKs in Select.

All the ON-BREAKS in a query must belong to the same SET. Use SET= to differentiate between ON-BREAKs in different queries. Correct the source line.


ON-BREAK with BEFORE or AFTER must be inside Select.

Correct the source line.


SAVE= must be a $string variable.

Correct the syntax.


Record :types are FIXED, VARY or FIXED_NOLF (default is VARY).

Correct the syntax.


STATUS variable for `01 must be #Numeric.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = SQR command affected


OPEN missing required qualifiers: RECORD={rec_len} FOR-READING|FOR- WRITING|FOR- APPEND

Correct the syntax.


Too many external files opened; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of open external files needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number of open external files supported by this version of SQR


File number already opened.

Verify the program logic.


Cannot open file '`01' AS `02.(`03): `04

SQR stops.

`01 = Filename

`02 = File number

`03 = System error code

`04 = System error message


Cannot close file `01. (`02): `03

SQR stops.

`01 = File number

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Problem closing user file(s) at the end of run.

This message may indicate system problems.


Warning: Cannot CLOSE file `01 -- file not opened.

While not an error, this message indicates a problem with your SQR code.

`01 = File number


PAGE-NUMBER strings too long.

The pre-and post-PAGE-NUMBER strings must be less than 74 characters. Correct the source line.


Cannot find document marker referenced in POSITION command.

Defines the specified @ marker in a BEGIN- DOCUMENT paragraph. Verify that the @ marker names are spelled correctly.


Only 'COLUMNS nn...' allowed after document marker in POSITION command.

Correct the syntax.


Specified file number not opened for reading.

Files must be opened for reading in order to use the READ command with them. Correct the program logic.


Line `01: Error reading the file. (`02): `03

`01 = Program line number

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Specified file number not opened for writing.

Files must be opened for writing in order to use the WRITE command with them. Correct the program logic.


Line `01: Error writing the file. (`02): `03

`01 = Program line number

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Length of variables exceeds record length.

The total of the lengths indicated in the command must be less than the RECORD= argument used on the OPEN command. Search for a typographical error or recalculate the RECORD= value.


Numeric binary transfer allowed with FIXED or FIXED_NOLF records only.

By default, all files are opened in VARY (variable length) mode, thus prohibiting the transfer of numeric binary data. Add the:FIXED or FIXED_NOLF option to the RECORD= argument on the appropriate OPEN command.


Command not complete.

Correct the syntax.


File number must be a numeric literal, variable, or column.

Correct the syntax.


Missing required length in READ command.

Correct the syntax.


Bad length for READ or WRITE command.

Correct the syntax.


$String or #numeric variables required for READ.

Correct the syntax.


#Numeric variables and literals must have :length of 1, 2 or 4 bytes.

Correct the syntax.


#Numeric variables and literals on CDC may only have :length of 1 or 3 bytes.

Correct the syntax.


:Length not allowed for $date variables, length of 18 is assumed.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown qualifier for STOP.

Correct the syntax.


Program stopped by user request.

This is an informational message.


Wrap not appropriate for numeric data.

The WRAP argument to the PRINT command may be used only for text fields. Move the #numeric variable to a $string variable first, and then print the $string variable.


Max `01 chars/line for reverse WRAP.

Reduce the number of characters specified.

`01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR.


Max `01 chars/line for WRAP with ON= or STRIP=

Reduce the number of characters specified.

`01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR


Bad <number> in WRAP qualifier.

The number inside the angled brackets must be a valid number (1 - 255). Correct the source line.


Missing '>' in WRAP qualifier.

A leading "<" in the ON= or STRIP= qualifier indicates that a numeric value is following, which must be ended by a closing ">". Correct the source line.


The value for '`01' (`02) must be `03 0.

The value specified for the specified qualifier is invalid. Correct the program logic.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Value encountered

`03 = Relation to zero (<,<=,=,>=,>)


PUT, GET or ARRAY- xxxx command incomplete. Required word missing.

Correct the syntax.


Did not find end of literal.

The ending quote character (') was not found at the end of the literal. Add the ending quote character.


Literal too long.

Literal strings can be up to 256 characters long. Break up the literal into smaller pieces and combine using the LET command.


Unknown variable type.

Variable names must begin with $, #, or &. Correct the source line.


Cannot find 'array_name (#element)'.

The element number was not specified. Correct the source line.


'(#Element)' variable not found for array.

Each GET or PUT command must indicate the element or row number to access in the array. Correct the source line.


Array specified not defined with CREATE-ARRAY.

Use the CREATE-ARRAY command to define each array before referencing that array in other commands. Verify that the array names are spelled correctly.


Bad element reference for array (#variable|123).

The element number is larger than the number of rows defined in the CREATE-ARRAY command. Review the program logic to make sure that the element number was not inadvertently changed.


Did not find ending ')' for field.

The "occurs" number for an array field is missing a right parenthesis. Correct the source line.


Field not defined in array: `01

Verify that there are no misspelled field names in the CREATE-ARRAY command.

`01 = Undefined field name


More variables than fields specified in array command.

The ARRAY command must not have more variables listed to the left of the array name than there are matching fields defined for the array. Check against the CREATE-ARRAY command.


More variables in command than fields in array.

The ARRAY command must not have more variables listed to the left of the array name than there are matching fields defined for the array. Check against the CREATE-ARRAY command.


Only numeric variables and fields allowed with array arithmetic commands.

The ARRAY-ADD, ARRAY-SUBTRACT, ARRAY-MULTIPLY, and ARRAY-DIVIDE commands may have only numeric variables or literals as the source fields. Move the string data into a #numeric variable and then reference the #numeric variable.


GET can only be used with $string or #numeric variables.

You can move array fields only into $string variables or #numeric variables. Correct the source line.


PUT and GET variables must match array field types.

When moving data into or out of arrays, the source or destination variables must match the array fields in type. CHAR fields can be stored into/from strings, NUMBER fields into/from numeric variables. Check the CREATE-ARRAY command.


More fields than variables found in array command.

The ARRAY command must not have more variables listed to the left of the array name than there are matching fields defined for the array. Check against the CREATE-ARRAY command.


Too many arrays defined; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of arrays needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number of arrays supported by this version of SQR


Missing '=specifier' in qualifier: `01

Correct the syntax.

01 = Name of missing required parameter


Duplicate array name: `01

Change the name of the array.

`01 = Array name in question


Too many fields defined; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of fields.

`01 = Maximum number of fields allowed per array


Missing ':type' in CREATE-ARRAY FIELD= `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = The name of the field


Duplicate FIELD name: `01

Change the name of one of the fields.

`01 = The name of the field


Optional :nn for FIELD must be between 1 and 64K.

Correct the source line.


CREATE-ARRAY FIELDS :type must be one of the following: `01

Correct the syntax.



Correct the syntax.


Missing or incorrect SIZE= in CREATE-ARRAY.

Correct the syntax.


Missing FIELD= statements in CREATE-ARRAY.

Correct the syntax.


Array dimensioned too large for PC in CREATE-ARRAY.

On 32-bit systems, the maximum allocation that can be made is 65520 characters. The array as specified would exceed this limit. Reduce the number of entries.


Missing or invalid initialization value for field `01.

Correct the syntax.

01 = Name of the field


Missing 'ask' variable name.

Correct the syntax.


Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


WARNING: Substitution variables do not vary when saved with run-time.

This is an informational message.


No substitution variable entered.

The C routine "fgets()" returned an error and SQR ends the program run.


Did not find end of paragraph: `01

The END-paragraph command to match the specified paragraph is missing. Correct the source file. `01 - BEGIN-paragraph in question


Invalid command.

Verify the spelling of the command.


Command not allowed in this section: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Offending command name


Paragraph not allowed inside procedure.

The BEGIN-paragraph command is not allowed here. Review your SQR code for a misplaced paragraph.


Missing procedure name.

Correct the syntax.


Extra argument found.

Correct the syntax.


Missing Comma.

Correct the syntax.


Bad Argument List.

The DO or BEGIN-PROCEDURE command has an error in its argument list, possibly extra characters after the final right parentheses. Correct the source line.


Empty Argument.

The DO or BEGIN-PROCEDURE command has an error in its argument list, possibly two commas in a row inside the parentheses. Correct the source line.


Only $string and #number variables allowed for BEGIN-PROCEDURE parameters.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown argument type.

An argument in a DO or BEGIN-PROCEDURE command is incorrect. Verify the spelling of the variable types.


Indicate :$string or :#number returned values in BEGIN- PROCEDURE only.

Correct the syntax.


Missing ).

Correct the syntax.


`01 paragraph not allowed with -XL option in effect.

Either use the #IF command to conditionally compile the program when -XL is being used or do not execute this SQR report with the -XL option. `01 = Name of the BEGIN-paragraph


Bad database connection number.

The -Cnn value must be a non-zero value. Correct the source line.


Did not find end of paragraph: `01 (No 'from...' clause found.)

Correct the source code.

`01 = BEGIN-command in question


Error in SQL statement.

The database server has determined that the SQL statement is in error. The actual error text from the server follows this message. Correct the SQL statement.


Extra characters after expression continuation.

Remove the extra characters after the dash.


Did not find end of expression.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


Columns names and expressions must be unique or be given unique pseudonyms (&name).

You are trying to select the same &column name more than once. Change the assigned &column name by using an alias after the name. Columns retrieved from the database are assigned names by prepending an "&" to the beginning of the name.


Bad number specified for 'LOOPS=' on 'BEGIN-SELECT; Maximum is 32767'.

If your program logic requires that you stop processing after more than 32767 rows have been retrieved, you could count the rows manually and use the EXIT-SELECT command to break out of the SELECT loop.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [- Bnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(DB2) Correct the syntax.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [-DB=database]

(ODBC) Correct the syntax.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [- Bnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Oracle) Correct the syntax.


Could not set up cursor.

An error occurred while trying to compile the SQL statement. Review any $string variable references. Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Problem executing cursor.

An error occurred while trying to execute the SQL statement. Review the $string variable references. Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Could not exit query loop.

The database command to cancel the query returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


Bad return fetching row from database.

The database returned an error status for the last row that was fetched. This is commonly due to the buffer not being large enough. If selecting expressions, make sure that the length of the first expression is adequate for all rows selected.


Literal in SQL expression missing closing quote.

Literals must be surrounded by single quotes ('). To embed a quote within a literal use two single quotes in sequence (''). Correct the source line.


SQL expression not ended, perhaps parentheses not balanced.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


SQL expression not ended, perhaps missing &name.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


SQL expression is missing &name or has unbalanced parentheses.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [ON- ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(DB2) Correct the syntax.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [-NR] [ON- ERROR=procedure(arg1[,argi]...)]] [-DB=]

(ODBC) Correct the syntax.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [ON- ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Oracle) Correct the syntax.


Did not find 'END- SQL' after 'BEGIN- SQL'.

Correct the source file.


ON-ERROR= for 'BEGIN-SQL' in SETUP section must be STOP, WARN or SKIP.

Correct the syntax.


Could not compile SQL.

Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Could not execute SQL.

An error occurred while trying to compile the SQL statement. Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Please use BEGIN-SELECT - END-SELECT section for SELECT statements.

(Oracle, ODBC) Correct the source code.


Bad fetch buffer count.

(Oracle) The -B flag specifies an illegal value. Correct the source code.


Report interrupted by request.

This is an informational message.


Dynamic column must be $string variable.

Correct the syntax.


Dynamic column missing '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Missing character


Dynamic columns must have a &pseudonym.

Correct the syntax.


&pseudonym =type must be 'char', 'number', or 'date'.

Correct the syntax.


Only a variable name may be between the '`01' and '`02' characters.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Leading character

`02 = Trailing character


When dynamic columns are used all non-dynamic columns and expressions must be defined with &name=type.

Add &name=type to all expressions and non-dynamic columns.


When the table name is dynamic each column and expression must be defined with &name=type.

Add &name=type to all expressions and non-dynamic columns.


Too many document paragraphs; maximum is `01.

There are too many BEGIN-DOCUMENT paragraphs. Reduce the number of DOCUMENT paragraphs needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Too many document markers; maximum is `01.

There are too many BEGIN-DOCUMENT paragraphs. Reduce the number of DOCUMENT paragraphs needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Duplicate document marker.

Specify a unique name for the the document marker.


Did not find 'END- DOCUMENT' after 'BEGIN-DOCUMENT'.

The BEGIN-DOCUMENT paragraph must end with END-DOCUMENT. Correct the source code.


EXECUTE command is incomplete.

Correct the syntax.


Bad -Cnn connection number for EXECUTE.

The -Cnn value must be a nonzero value. Correct the source line.


@#Return_status must be #numeric (missing #).

Correct the source line.


Missing '=' after `01.

Correct the source line.

`01 = The parameter in question


Unknown variable type.

Variable names must begin with $, #, or &. Correct the source line.


OUT[PUT] variables for EXECUTE may only be $variable or #variable.

Correct the syntax.


The only EXECUTE option is WITH RECOMPILE.

Correct the syntax.


You must EXECUTE ... INTO &columns.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown datatype for EXECUTE...INTO &columns.

Verify the spelling of the data type. If the data type is correct, then contact customer technical support so SQR can be updated.


EXECUTE...INTO &columns must be unique.

The &column name assigned to the column must be unique throughout the report. Specify a unique name for the column.


Missing (length) for datatype in EXECUTE.

Correct the source line.


Datatype should not have (length) in EXECUTE.

Correct the source line.


DO= in EXECUTE requires INTO... variables.

Correct the syntax.


Could not EXECUTE stored procedure.

Record the database error message displayed with this message. If needed, contact your system administrator.


Bad return fetching row from database.

Record the database error message displayed with this message. If necessary, contact your system administrator.


Could not set up EXECUTE cursor.

The database server returned an error while trying to compile the SQL statement needed to set up the EXECUTE command.


Result #variable or $variable or '=' missing in expression.

The LET command is not properly formatted. Correct the source line.


Expression too complex.

The expression is either too long or is too deeply nested. Break the expression into smaller expressions.


Parentheses unbalanced in expression.

A left or right parenthesis is missing. Correct the source line.


Too many variables; maximum is `01.

Break the expression into smaller expressions.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Empty expression.

The expression is invalid. Correct the source line.


Extra comma in expression.

An argument is missing after a comma in the expression. Correct the source line.


Unknown operator '`01'. Do you mean `02 ?

The concatenation operator is ||. Correct the source line.


Too many &column forward references in expression; maximum is `01.

The expression contains too many forward references. Break the expression into smaller expressions.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Unknown function or variable in expression: `01

The specified function is not an SQR built-in function nor does it exist in the user-modifiable file UFUNC.C. Verify that the function names are spelled correctly.

`01 = Function name


Function '`01' missing parentheses.

All functions in an expression must be followed by their arguments enclosed in parentheses. Correct the source line.


Empty parentheses or expression.

A pair of parentheses were found with nothing inside them. Remove the () in question from the source line.


User function '`01' has incorrect number of arguments.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


Function '`01' has incorrect number of arguments.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = SQR function name


Missing operator in expression.

Correct the source line.


Operator '`01' missing argument.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = Operator


Function '`01' missing argument.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = SQR function name


Function or operator '`01' missing arguments.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = SQR function name


User function '`01' requires character argument.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' requires numeric argument.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' requires $string variable.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' requires #numeric variable.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' has incorrect argument type list. Must be of: c,n,C,N

The UFUNC.C file has a bad definition for the specified function. Correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' missing arguments.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function. `01 = User function name


User function '`01' has incorrect return type. Must be c or n.

The UFUNC.C file has a bad definition for the specified function. Correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable. `01 = User function name


'isnull' requires a &column, $string or $date argument.

#numeric variables cannot be NULL. Correct the source line.


'nvl' requires a &column, $string or $date as its first argument.

#numeric variables cannot be NULL. Correct the source line.


Function or operator '`01' requires character argument.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Function or operator


Function or operator '`01' requires numeric argument.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Function or operator


IF or WHILE expression must return logical result.

The expression used must evaluate a statement that will be TRUE or FALSE. Correct the source line.


Attempting division by zero in expression.

The expression tried to divide a number by zero. Use the COND() function to determine whether the divisor is zero; then divide by something else (for example, 1).


Attempting division by zero with '%'.

An attempt was made to divide a number using the " %" operator. Use the COND() function to determine whether the divisor is zero; then divide by something else (for example, 1).


The number used with '%' (`01) is out of range.

The "%" operator works only with integers. Correct the program logic.

`01 = Maximum value allowed


User function has unknown return type -- expecting n or c -- need to recompile Run-Time file?

SQR detected an error while processing a user defined function. If you are running an .sqt file, it probably needs to be recompiled because the user function has changed its definition. If you are running an .sqr file, you need to correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable.


In user function use C type with allocated string to change $variable.

SQR detected an error while processing a user defined function. Correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable.


Could not find array '`01' in ARRAY function.

Verify the spelling of the array name.

`01 = Array name


Could not find array field '`01' in ARRAY function.

Verify the spelling of the array field name.

`01 = Array field name


Math error in expression (usually over- or under-flow).

Most of the SQR mathematical built-in functions have a corresponding C library routine. One returned an error. Break the expression into discrete expressions in order to identify the function that caused the error.


Error executing expression.

Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Out of space while processing expression;

Use -Mfile to increase EXPRESSIONSPACE.

The expression requires more temporary string storage than is currently allocated. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file that contains an entry that increases by a greater value than is currently defined.


'`01' assumed to be a variable name, not an expression.

Warning message.

`01 = Expression in question


The array '`01' has not been defined.

Define the array using the CREATE-ARRAY command. `01 = Array name


The field '`01' is not valid for array '`02'.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Field name

`02 = Array name


The array reference '`01' has an incorrect number of parameters specified.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Array name


The array reference '`01' requires numeric parameters for the element and occurs arguments.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Array name.


Function or operator '`01' requires date argument.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Array name


Incompatible types between expression and variable.

Correct the source code.


The field '`01' is must be 'char' or 'float'.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Field name


Function or operator '`01' must be a string or date argument.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Function or operator


Use 'print' command to format data outside SELECT query.

You must precede PRINT command arguments (WRAP, ON-BREAK.) with an explicit PRINT command when outside of a BEGIN-SELECT paragraph. Correct the source line.


Cannot find required parameter.

Correct the syntax.


Bad number found.

A command expecting a numeric literal or :#numeric variable reference found an illegal number definition or a reference to a string variable or column. Correct the source line.


Cannot find required numeric parameter.

Correct the syntax.


Cannot find placement parameters.

The position qualifier "(Row,Col,Len)" was not found. Search for a missing parentheses.


Placement parameter incorrect.

The "Row", "Column" or "Length" fields are invalid or ill-formed. Correct the source line.


Invalid second function on line.

An SQR command used as a qualifier for a primary command (for example, PRINT) is incorrect. Correct the source line.


Second function must be FORMAT type.

The PRINT command may have format command qualifiers such as WRAP, CENTER, or FILL. Other qualifier commands are not permitted.


Missing operator =, <, >, ...

Correct the source line.


Invalid operator.

Correct the source line.


Missing variable.

Correct the syntax.


Please give this expression a &pseudonym.

Expressions selected in a BEGIN-SELECT paragraph should be given an &Name or be followed by a print position "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


Wrong variable type.

Correct the syntax.


Command incomplete, expected '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = What was expected


Expecting '`01', found '`02'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = What was expected

`02 = What was encountered


Unknown command or extra parameters found (missing quotes?).

Correct the syntax.


Duplicate references to parameter '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Duplicated parameter


Unexpected equal sign found with '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Qualifier '`01' cannot be used with the following qualifiers:

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Expecting numeric column, found string column.

Correct the syntax.


Date variables (`01) cannot be used with this command.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Page width and depth must be > 0 and < 32767.

The values specified with the PAGE-SIZE command are out of specified range. Specify legal values.


Page buffer must be < 65536 on PC SQR.

The maximum page buffer allocation on a PC is 65536. The Page-Depth * Page-Width cannot exceed this value. Reduce the Page-Depth or Page-Width.


Cannot generate line printer output for this report because position qualifier(s) may be out of range. If you are running this report, specify PRINTER:{HP,EH,HT ,PS,WP} for graphical printer output.

The report output cannot be generated for a Line Printer. If your report was designed for a graphics printer, specify - PRINTER:{HP,EH,HT,PS,WP} for graphical printer output.


Missing end of placement (...) in SHOW.

The placement parameter is ill-formed. Correct the source line.


Bad (...) location in SHOW.

Screen positions must be valid numbers. Correct the source line.


Missing literal or variable name to EDIT in SHOW.

A literal or variable name must immediately precede the EDIT, NUMBER, MONEY, or DATE keywords.


Missing edit mask in SHOW.

The word EDIT must be followed by a valid edit mask. Correct the source line.


Only string variable allowed for dynamic edit mask.

Dynamic edit masks may only be stored in $variables. Correct the line.


Unknown option for SHOW.

Correct the syntax.


Program too large; use -Mfile to increase PROGLINES.

The SQR program contains too many SQR command lines. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of param storage; use -Mfile to increase PROGLINEPARS.

The SQR program contains too many SQR command line parameters. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of string storage; use -Mfile to increase STRINGSPACE.

The space allocated to hold the static string variables ('...') has been used. Use the - Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of variables; use - Mfile to increase VARIABLES.

There are too many variables (string, numeric), literals and database columns. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of forward &column or $variable references; use -Mfile to increase FORWARDREFS.

A forward referenced variable is a variable that is referenced before it is defined. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Number `01 not allowed.

Use a different value.

`01 = Internal number


Referenced variables not defined:

References were made to column variables (&var) that are not defined in the program. The list of variable names follows this message.


Out of Print positions; use -Mfile to increase POSITIONS.

A print position is the "(Row,Col,Len)" parameter. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Use '+' and negate variable for reverse relative placement.

The use of "-#variable" is not legal here. Negate the #variable value and use "+#variable".


Fixed line placement #variable must be > 0. Use relative positioning, (+#line,10,0).

Correct the source line as indicated.


Fixed column placement #variable must be > 0. Use relative positioning, (5,+#col,0).

Correct the source line as indicated.


Length placement #variable must be >= 0.

The length field cannot be a negative value. Correct the source line.


CODE not appropriate for numeric data.

The CODE qualifier to the PRINT command may only be used for text fields. Move the “#Variable” to a “$Variable” first and then print the “$Variable”.


Unknown option for GRAPHIC command: BOX, HORZ-LINE, VERT-LINE or FONT

Correct the syntax.


GRAPHIC BOX out of bounds. Row: `01, Column: `02, Width: `03, Depth: `04

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Width

`04 = Depth


GRAPHIC VERT- LINE out of bounds. Row: `01, Column: `02, Length: `03

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Length


GRAPHIC HORZ- LINE out of bounds. Row: `01, Column: `02, Length: `03

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Length


Cannot open the program file: '`01' (`02): `03

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = Name of the program file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot logon to the database.

The connectivity information is either incorrect or the database server is unavailable. Verify the connectivity information and the server availability.


Line found outside paragraph.

All commands must be within BEGIN-... END-statements. Correct the source code.


Cannot close the program file. (`01): `02

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


#ENDIF not found for #IF.

Missing an #ENDIF to complete conditional compilation. Correct the source code.


Program line too long; maximum is `01.

Break the program line into smaller lines.

`01 = Maximum line length supported by this version of SQR


Substitution variable {`01} would cause this line to exceed the maximum line length of `02 characters.

The substitution variable value would cause this line to exceed the maximum line size. Break the program line into smaller lines.

`01 = Name of the substitution variable

`02 = Maximum line length supported by this version of SQR


No value found for substitution variable: {`01}

An empty value was found for the substitution variable. Verify the spelling of the substitution variable.

`01 = Name of the substitution variable


#ELSE without preceding #IF.

Missing an #IF or #IFDEF or #IFNDEF to begin conditional compilation. Correct the source code.


#ENDIF without preceding #IF.

Missing an #IF or #IFDEF or #IFNDEF to begin conditional compilation. Correct the source code.


#IF's nested too deeply; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of nested #IF directives.

`01 = The maximum depth supported by this version of SQR


#INCLUDE files nested too deeply; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of nested #INCLUDE directives.

`01 = The maximum depth supported by this version of SQR


Include file name too long; Modify -I flag.

The combined -I directory name with the #INCLUDE file name exceeds the maximum length permitted for a complete path name. Verify the spelling of both the -I command flag and the #INCLUDE filename.


Cannot open the #INCLUDE file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Include file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot close the #INCLUDE file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Include file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


'BEGIN-REPORT' command not found in program.

This section is required for all reports. Correct the source code.


Cannot open the report output file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Output file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot logoff the database.

The database server returned an error while trying to log off from the database. SQR ends the program run.


Cannot open the run-time file: '`01'. (`02): `03

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Run-Time file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot close the run-time file. (`01): `02

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error reading the run-time file. (`01): `02

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Run time file must be recreated for this version of SQR.

The runtime file was created by a earlier version of SQR and is incompatible with the current version. Recreate the .sqt (runtime) file.


The -XL option cannot be specified with this run-time file because access to the database is required.

Do not use the -XL option.


Cannot open cursor.

The database server returned an error indicating that a new database cursor or logon could not be completed. See the error message from the database server.


Error writing the runtime file. (`01): `02

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


You must specify a Partitioned Data Set name and member to build a .sqt(member) run-time file. Could not create the run-time file.

(MVS) Use the proper format to specify the name of the .sqt file.


Cannot find inactive database cursor. Program too large.

(Oracle, DB2) The program has too many concurrent database cursors. Reduce the complexity of the program.


Run-time saved in file: `01

This is an informational message.

`01 = Name of the .sqt file created


Unknown variable type encountered in run-time file: `01

SQR ends loading the runtime file.

`01 = Variable type


Unexpected End-Of-File while processing the run-time file.

SQR ends loading the runtime file.


Cannot load the run- time file because it was built for the `01database and `02 is built for the `03 database.

SQR ends loading the runtime file.

`01 = Database name from runtime file

`02 = SQR image name

`03 = Database that SQR is built for


'END-REPORT' not paired with 'BEGIN- REPORT'.

Correct the source code.


'END-PROGRAM' not paired with 'BEGIN- PROGRAM'.

Correct the source code.


#INCLUDE filename must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Correct the syntax.


#INCLUDE command format is: #Include 'filename'.

Correct the syntax.


Array field (`01.`02) specification exceeds the PC 64K limit.

Reduce the size of the field requirements.

`01 = Array name

`02 = Field name


Layout '`01' specifications exceeds the PC 64K limit.

The layout is too large for the 32–bit version of SQR to handle.

`01 = Layout name


The SQT file is corrupted and cannot be processed.

SQR ends loading the runtime file.


The user function '`01' needs to be defined as entry `02 in the user function table. It requires a definition of: Return Type = '`03' Arg Count = `04 Arg Types = "`05"

The SQT file requires that the specified user function be defined.

`01 = User function name

`02 = Entry in the user function table

`03 = Return type

`04 = Argument count

`05 = Argument types


An attempt was made to move `01 characters into '`02'. The maximum allowed is `03 characters.

An attempt was made to move too much data into an SQR string variable.

`01 = Number of characters to be moved

`02 = Variable name

`03 = Maximum characters allowed



Correct the syntax.


Both BEFORE-BOLD and AFTER-BOLD must be specified.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown DECLARE qualifier.

Correct the syntax.


Out of dynamic SQL arguments [$...];

use -Mfile to increase DYNAMICARGS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Date variables (`01) cannot be used in BEGIN-SQL or BEGIN-SELECT paragraphs.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Variable name


Report '`01' heading section size exceeds the page depth.

Reduce the size of the heading or increase the page depth.


Report '`01' footing location must be less than the page depth.

Reduce the size of the footing or increase the page depth.


Check 'BEGIN- HEADING' commands: Discovered 2nd page- initialization while heading in progress.

The BEGIN-HEADING procedure either caused an overflow of the current page or it issued a command that caused a page eject to occur. Review any procedure invoked by the BEGIN-HEADING section to ensure that the commands do not overflow the page or cause a page eject.


Check 'BEGIN-FOOTING' commands; perhaps number of footing lines is too small. Discovered 2nd page- write while footing in progress.

The BEGIN-FOOTING procedure either caused an overflow of the current page or it issued a command that caused a page eject to occur. Review any procedure invoked by the BEGIN-FOOTING section to ensure that the commands do not overflow the page or cause a page eject.


Attempt to execute the `01 command while processing the `02 section.

Change the SQR program logic to prevent the command from executing while the specified section is active.

`01 = Command name

`02 = Section name


Report '`01' already has been assigned a `02 section.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Report name

`02 = Duplicated section name


You cannot define more than one default '`01' section.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Duplicated section name


Report '`01' has overlapping heading and footing sections.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Report name


TOC '`01' already has been assigned a `02 section.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Table of Contents name

`02 = Duplicated section name


'IF', 'WHILE', 'EVALUATE' commands nested too deeply; maximum is `01.

Reduce the nested commands.

`01 = Maximum depth allowed by this version of SQR


'BREAK' found outside 'WHILE' or 'EVALUATE' statement.

The BREAK command is valid only in the context of a WHILE or EVALUATE statement. Correct the source code.


Out of Break commands; Use -Mfile to increase BREAKS.

This is the number of BREAK commands allowed per EVALUATE command. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


END-WHILE found without matching 'WHILE'.

Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'EVALUATE' command not completed before 'END-WHILE'.

Correct the syntax.


'ELSE' found without matching 'IF'.

ELSE can be used only within the context of an IF command. Correct the source code.


Single 'ELSE' found inside 'WHILE' or 'EVALUATE' statement.

ELSE can be used only within the context of an IF command. Correct the source code.


Only one 'ELSE' allowed per 'IF'.

Rewrite the source code to use nested IF statements.


Found 'END-IF' without matching 'IF'.

Each IF command must have a matching END-IF command. Correct the source code.


'WHILE' or 'EVALUATE' command not completed before 'END-IF'.

You are missing a closing END-WHILE or END-EVALUATE command before END- IF. IF, WHILE, and EVALUATE statements can be nested, but they cannot cross each other's boundaries. Each inner statement must be complete before a closing statement is ended. Correct the source code.


EVALUATE statements nested too deep; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of nested statements.

`01 = Maximum depth supported by this version of SQR


'WHEN' found outside 'EVALUATE' clause.

WHEN may be used only in the context of an EVALUATE clause. Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'WHILE' not completed before 'WHEN' statement.

Correct the syntax.


Out of When commands; Use -Mfile to increase WHENS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Incorrect types for comparison. Both must be of the same type (string, numeric or date).

Correct the source line.


'When-other' found outside 'Evaluate' statement.

WHEN can be used only in the context of an EVALUATE statement. Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'WHILE' not ended before 'WHEN- OTHER' command.

Correct the syntax.


Only one 'WHEN- OTHER' allowed per 'EVALUATE'.

Correct the syntax.


Found 'END-EVALUATE' without matching 'EVALUATE'.

Each EVALUATE command must have a matching END-EVALUATE command. Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'WHILE' command not completed before 'END- EVALUATE'.

Correct the syntax.


'WHEN-OTHER' must be after all 'WHEN's.

Correct the syntax.


No 'WHEN's found inside 'EVALUATE' statement.

Correct the syntax.


'IF', 'EVALUATE' and 'WHILE' statements cannot cross sections or paragraphs.

These commands must be contained within a single section or paragraph. Correct the source code.


Did not find '>' after <....

A leading left angled bracket (<) indicates that you are beginning an decimal value representing a character, which must be ended by a right angled bracket (>). Correct the source line.


Bad character in <...>.

Numbers in angled brackets (<>) must be between 1 and 255. Correct the source line.


Bad number in <...>.

Numbers in angled brackets (<>) must be between 1 and 255. Correct the source line.


<...> string is too long; maximum is `01 characters.

Reduce the length of the string. If this is not possible, use a PRINT-DIRECT command in a BEGIN-REPORT or END-REPORT procedure. `01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR


Did not find '=' after qualifier: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a numeric value.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Incorrect value for qualifier '`01'. Valid values are:

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Invalid qualifier '`01'. Valid qualifiers are:

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a numeric literal, variable, or column.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' references a numeric variable that has not been defined.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a string literal, variable, or column.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


List not terminated.

Correct the syntax.


Missing comma in list.

Correct the syntax.


Required argument '`01' was not specified.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' has already been specified.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a string literal.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a list of values: (val [,val]...).

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a integer value.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Invalid character in variable name '`01'.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Invalid character


Qualifier '`01' references a string variable that has not been defined.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' uses an invalid Unit-Of-Measure suffix. Valid suffixes are: dp pt mm cm in

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Second page write attempted while writing current page. Check BEFORE- PAGE, AFTER-PAGE procedures.

Review any procedure invoked by the BEFORE-PAGE or AFTER-PAGE procedures to ensure that the commands do not overflow the page or cause a page eject.


String cannot be placed on page: `01 -- placement specified is out of range. (`02,`03,`04)

Ensure the values are within the page limits.

`01 = Text value

`02 = Row

`03 = Column

`04 = Length


Error writing the output file. (`01): `02

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Cannot open the Postscript startup file: `01 (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


SQR trial copy exiting after `01 pages.

`01 = Number of pages.


Exiting after requested number of test pages (`01).

`01 = Number of pages.


Program stopped by user request.

This is an informational message.


Missing default database name for USE.

(ODBC) Could not connect to the specified datasource.


Undefined variable referenced in -DB flag: `01

(ODBC) Verify that there are no misspellings. `01 = Variable name


Database commit failed.

The database command to perform a commit returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


Cannot close database cursor.

The database command to close the database cursor returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


DB2 SQL `01 error `02 in cursor `03:

(DB2) `01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = SQR cursor number


ODBC SQL `01 error `02 in cursor `03: `04


`01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = SQR cursor number

`04 = Error message from database


ORACLE `01 error `02 in cursor `03: `04


`01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = SQR cursor number

`04 = Error message from database


SQL too long for PREPARE/DECLARE; maximum `01 characters.

(DB2) The SQL statement is too large.

`01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR


Unknown error message number: `01.


`01 = Error message number


Empty error message returned from system for error number: `01.


`01 = Error message number


Could not connect to datasource specified in -db variable: '`01'.

(ODBC) Could not connect to the specified datasource.


Not connected to a database, database access is not allowed.

The SQR program is no longer connected to a database. Commands that access the database can no longer be used. This situation can occur if the CONNECT fails and the ON-ERROR option was used.


Specify the Oracle DLL name in the pssqr.ini file in [Environment:Oracle] section for ORACLE_DLL entry, such as ORACLE_DLL=orant 71.dll

(Oracle) SQR was unable to load the Oracle DLL. By default, SQR looks first for ociw32.dll or the DLL specified by the ORACLE_DLL entry in the [Environment:Oracle] section of the pssqr.ini file. If that DLL could not be loaded, then SQR attempts to load orant71.dll.


GETWRD: Word too long; maximum is `01.

Reduce the length of the "word".

`01 = Maximum size of a "word" supported by this version of SQR


Cannot call SQR recursively.

SQR cannot be called recursively. This error can only occur if a User Function from either UFUNC.C or UCALL.C calls the sqr() routine. Do not call sqr() from a UFUNC.C or UCALL.C routine.


Too many SQR command line arguments; maximum is `01

To pass more than this number of arguments, use a @file argument file containing one argument per line.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR.


Log file name specified is too long.

Reduce the length of the log file name.


Error opening the SQR log file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Missing program name.

The name of the program file was not found on the command line. The program name must be the first parameter on the command line.


Program file name specified is too long.

Reduce the length of the program file name.


Error opening the -E error file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot find `01 in SQRDIR, PATH or \SQR.

The specified file cannot be located in any of the directories pointed to by the mentioned environment variables or default directories. Make sure the "file" is present in one of the locations searched.

`01 = File name


`01 environment variable is not defined.

As of version 2.5, the environment variable SQRDIR must be defined.

`01 = Name of the environment variable


`01 path too long.

The length of the directory path plus the length of the file name to be opened is too long for SQR to handle. Reduce the length of the directory path.

`01 = Environment variable name


Bad number in -T test flag.

The number specified must be > zero. Correct the value.


Unknown flag on command line: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Unknown command line flag


Error opening tty. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error with 'ioctl()'. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error reading tty. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error closing tty. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Bad number in -B flag.

(Oracle) The number specified must be greater than zero. Correct the value.


No program name given.

The report name must be the first command line argument.


Unknown printer type specified with - PRINTER: switch.

The printer type can be EH, HT, LP, HP, PS, or WP. WP is valid only with PC/Windows.


Database name needs to be included with - DB switch.

(ODBC) Could not connect to the specified datasource.


Too many -F switches; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of -F switches.

`01 = Maximum number allowed


-F and outfile name are required with DDN or DD style SQR {program} name.

(MVS) Correct the JCL stream.


Attempting to use SQR {program} file for outfile.

(MVS) Correct the JCL stream.


Attempt to invoke viewer (using WinExec) failed; error code = `01.


`01 = System error code


Unknown numeric type specified with - DNT: switch.

Correct the command line.


-DNT:Decimal precision (`01) is out of range (`02 - `03).

Correct the command line.

`01 = Specified precision

`02 = Minimum allowed

`03 = Maximum allowed


The specified default numeric type '`01 = `02' is invalid.

Correct the pssqr.ini file entry.

`01 = Entry

`02 = Value


The decimal precision '`01 = `02' is out of range (`03 - `04).

Correct the pssqr.ini file entry.

`01 = Entry

`02 = Value

`03 = Minimum allowed

`04 = Maximum allowed


The following error(s) occurred while processing the [`01] section from the pssqr.ini file.

See the error message(s) that follow.

`01 = Name of the section


The -Burst switch is not properly formatted.

The “Burst” command line flag is not properly formatted.


The -Burst switch cannot be used with the -NOLIS switch.

The “Burst” command line flag cannot be specified when the -NOLIS command line flag is also specified.


The -Burst switch requires either the - Printer:HT or - Printer:EH switch to be specified.

The “Burst” command line flag is applicable only when HTML code is produced. You must specify either the -PRINTER:HT or - PRINTER:EH switch.


The -Burst:S and - Burst:T switches can only be used against an SPF file which was generated with SQR v4.1 and above.

The “Burst” command line flag can only be specified when processing a SPF file that was generated by SQR v4.1 and above. Older SPF files do not contain the proper information that permits bursting.


The -Burst switch caused no output to be generated.

The “Burst” command line flag was specified with a set of page ranges that prevented any output to be created. Change the page ranges.


Bad number in -`01

(Windows) Specify a valid number.

`01 = Command line option


Bad filename in -`01

(Windows) Specify a valid file name.

`01 = Command line option


Bad directory in -`01

(Windows) Specify a valid directory path.

`01 = Command line option


Cannot access the @ parameter file (`01): `02

(Windows) Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


The argument list is too long; maximum is `01.

(Windows) To pass more than this number of arguments, use a @file argument file containing one argument per line.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR.


Cannot open the report file (`01): `02

(Windows) Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Invalid filename entered.

(Windows) Re-enter with a valid file name.


Error writing the printer file. (`01): `02

This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error reading the printer file. (`01): `02

This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Cannot open the printer file: `01 (`02): `03

This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Unexpected End-Of- File while processing the printer file.

The file might be corrupted. Try to recreate the .spf file. If the error persists, contact technical support.


Encountered unknown SPF code (`01) while reading the printer file.

The file might be corrupted. Try to recreate the .spf file. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Unknown SPF code


Duplicate chart (`01).

Each chart must be given a unique name.

`01 = Chart name


Unknown chart (`01).

Chart could not be found.

`01 = Chart name


Number of chart data- array columns specified (`01) exceeds the number of array columns (`02).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Number of data-array columns

`02 = Number of array columns


Number of chart data- array rows specified (`01) exceeds the number of array rows (`02).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Number of data-array rows

`02 = Number of array rows


Too many pie segments (`01). Max is `02.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Number of segments

`02 = Maximum allowed segments


Chart module is not initialized.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


XY charts may have only numeric columns.

Correct the syntax.


The 3rd column in the data array must be a character column to specify USE-3RD- DATA-COLUMN.

Correct the syntax.


Invalid chart size or placement.

Correct the source code.


INTERNAL: Bad chart index from stack (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Chart index


INTERNAL: Unknown SQR BG Interface message (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Message code


INTERNAL: Unsupported Grafsman chart type (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Chart type


INTERNAL: Unsupported pie-explode setting (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Setting value


INTERNAL: Unsupported tick-mark placement (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Placement value


Grafsman interface message (`01) not supported.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Message code


Unrecognized return code (`01) from Grafsman command message (`02).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Return code

`02 = Message code


Cannot fit Chart/Image into the current page. Position: (`01, `02) Size: (`03, `04)

Correct the source code. SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Width

`04 = Depth


Check coordinate values.

Correct the syntax.


Duplicate image (`01).

Images must be given unique names.

`01 = Image name


Unknown image (`01).

Image name could not be found.

`01 = Image name


Cannot open image file (`01). (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


INTERNAL: Bad image index from stack (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Image name


This report has already been defined.

Each report must be given a unique name.


This layout has already been defined.

Each layout must be given a unique name.


This printer has already been defined.

Each printer must be given a unique name.


The values for '01' must be > 0.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifiers '01' and '02' are mutually exclusive.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '01' is not applicable with a 'default' printer.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


The list must contain report names or ALL.

Correct the syntax.


'ALL' must be specified by itself.

Correct the syntax.


No report name was specified.

Correct the syntax.


No layout name was specified.

Correct the syntax.


No printer name was specified.

Correct the syntax.


The name cannot be 'ALL'.

Correct the syntax.


The name can only contain characters [0-9 A-Z _ -].

Correct the syntax.


Report '01' is referenced by multiple '`02' printers.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Report name

`02 = Printer type


Qualifier '01' is not allowed with a '02' printer.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Printer type


The value for '01' must be ‘02 0.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Relation to zero (<,<=,=,>=,>)


Report '01' does not exist.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Report name


The report name can be a string literal, variable, or column.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Report name


Referenced layouts not defined:

A list of undefined layouts follows this message.


Referenced reports not defined:

A list of undefined reports follows this message.


Referenced printers not defined:

A list of undefined printers follows this message.


The following SQR commands (listed below) cannot be used when any of the following NEW SQR commands are also used in the same report:

Correct the syntax.


No printer type was specified.

Correct the syntax.


Incorrect value for printer type. Valid values are:

Correct the syntax. A list of valid printer types follows this message.


Attempt to execute the `01 command while processing the `02 procedure.

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = SQR command

`02 = Procedure name


Incorrect value for 'paper-size'. Specify the actual dimensions or one of the following names:

Correct the syntax. A list of valid predefined paper-size names follows this message.


Referenced TOC (Table Of Contents) not defined:

A list of undefined Table of Contents follows this message.


This TOC (Table Of Contents) has already been defined.

Each Table of Contents must be given a unique name.


The list must contain TOC (Table of Contents) names or ALL.

Correct the syntax.


The TOC (Table Of Contents) entry cannot be positioned given the LEVEL (`01) and INDENTATION (`02) values.

The Table of Contents entry will not fit given the specified level and current indentation values.

`01 = Specified LEVEL= value

`02 = Current INDENTATION= value


`01 command not allowed while generating the Table of Contents.

The specified command cannot be used while the Table of Contents is being generated.

`01 = SQR command


The TOC (Table of Contents) entry "A" cannot be processed because the existing entry "B" is positioned below it.

A: Line = `01, Level = `02, Text = '`03'

B: Line = `04, Level = `05, Text = '`06'

Correct the program logic to eliminate the conflict between the two TOC (Table of Contents) entries.

`01 = A: Line number

`02 = A: Level value

`03 = A: Text value

`04 = B: Line number

`05 = B: Level value

`06 = B: Text value


Unknown parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Value not valid for parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Invalid option (`02) for parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name

`02 = Option


Parameter (`01) is required, but has not been specified.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) already specified.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not support &columns.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires equal sign.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) has an unquoted string.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Missing part of specification for parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires literal.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires valid numeric value.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires integer value.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not support type supplied.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires valid string. Perhaps quote or $ is missing.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not accept 'NONE' in this context.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires proper object name.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires array name.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not accept 'AUTOSCALE' in this context.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) has improper value list.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not support relative values.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Conversion [ (`01) to (`02) ] is not supported.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = From type

`02 = To type


INTERNAL: Unsupported option/request (`01) in (`02).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Option/request code

`02 = Function name


INTERNAL: Unknown data type, (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Data type


INTERNAL: Unable to retrieve parameter value, (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Parameter name


INTERNAL: Data type (`02) not valid for parameter (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Parameter name

`02 = Data type


INTERNAL: Data location (`02) not valid for data type (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Data location

`02 = Data type


INTERNAL: Cannot decode string (`01) to index.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = String to decode


INTERNAL: Cannot set bit value (`02) for parameter (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Parameter name

`02 = Value


INTERNAL: Unknown program state (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = State


Unsupported background color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported border color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Border width out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


X position out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Y position out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


X size out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Y size out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font style.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported horizontal text justification value.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported vertical text justification value.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font path.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font rotation.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Font size out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Text line id# out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported chart type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported chart sub-type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported chart orientation (not H or V).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported perspective (not 2D or 3D).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis (not X or Y).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis label data type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Dataset id# out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset line style.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset fill pattern.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset marker.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Chart type does not support Y-axis datasets.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie-chart segment id# is out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-segment color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-segment border color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-segment pattern.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment explode setting.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Command only valid for charts of type 'pie'.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie-chart radius out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie-chart starting angle out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-chart fill direction. Must be clockwise or counter- clockwise.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment label position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment quantity display position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment per-cent display position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported legend style.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported legend horizontal position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported legend vertical position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Text charts do not support legend.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Number of datasets specified does not match data.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis label position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis type (not LINEAR or LOG).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie and text charts do not support axis control.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

006449, 006450

Unsupported axis min scaling.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis max scaling.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Beginning of tickmarks is after end.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported tickmark type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported grid type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported grid color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Grid line width out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unable to open grafcap file.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported grafcap device.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Error in grafcap entry specification.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unable to open chart output destination.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Internal error during ggDraw.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Improper parameters passed to gscale.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


The shared library specified in the grafcap file could not be found.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


A function called from the shared library specified in the grafcap file could not be found.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


The bar code could not be positioned on the page. Row: `01, Column: `02, Height: `03

Correct the source code.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Height


Unknown BCL error (`01) encountered.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = BCL error code


Invalid bar code type (`01): Valid values are from 1 to 15.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code type.


The length of the bar code text ‘01' must be between 1 and 30 characters.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code text


The length of the caption text '01' must be between 1 and 30 characters.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Caption text


Invalid printer type (`01): Valid values are from 0 to 13.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Printer type


Invalid offset: Valid values are from 0 to 250.

Correct the source code.


Invalid height (`01): Valid values are from 0.1 to 2.0 inches.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Height


Invalid checksum: Valid values are from 0 to 2.

Correct the source code.


Invalid pass: Valid values are from 1 to 6.

Correct the source code.


The bar code text '01' is not valid for the type of bar code (`02) selected.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code text

`02 = Bar code type


Internal error: Could not generate the bar code.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Internal error: Bar code buffer required too large (>32K).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Cannot allocate the device context for the default printer.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to start printing the document.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


New-page (start) failed on page `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Page number


New-page (end) failed on page `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Page number


End document failed.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Error reading font information from the [Fonts] section in pssqr.ini. Using the default font.

(Windows) Correct the [Fonts] section in the pssqr.ini file.


Failed to create a brush for shading.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to select font `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Font name


Failed to modify font `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Font name


Failed to create a pen that was required to draw a box.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to create a pen that was required to draw a horizontal line.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to create a pen that was required to draw a vertical line.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to open the image bitmap file (`01). (`02): `03

(Windows) This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (file locking, permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator. `01 = Name of the file `02 = System error code `03 = System error message


The file (`01) does not contain a valid bitmap.

(Windows) Specify a valid bitmap file. `01 = Name of the file


Failed to create the palette for image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or an invalid bitmap. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator. `01 = Name of the file


Failed to load RLE into memory for image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file


Failed to convert DIB to DDB for image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file


Failed to draw the bitmap image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file


Cannot access the default printer's driver.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot select the charting clip area onto the printers DC.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot select create a metafile required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot create a region required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot create a DC required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot create a bitmap required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Business graphics failed while setting up the device (ggWinDevice).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot draw business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or due to a damaged LIBSTI.INI file. The LIBSTI.INI file resides in the Windows main directory. Make sure that the GPATH= and IPT= entries point to a valid SQR BINW directory. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


SQRDIR is not defined.

(Windows) The variable SQRDIR must be defined in the pssqr.ini file.


Could not allocate memory while attempting to register the .spf filename extension.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Could not allocate memory for the page cache.

(Windows) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Cannot open or read file (`01) (`02): `03

(Windows) This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


File (`01) is not in SPF packet format.

(Windows) The file was not produced by SQR or has been corrupted.

`01 = Name of the file


Failed to identify the start of the report (`01).

(Windows) The file was not produced by SQR or has been corrupted.

`01 = Name of the file


An invalid seek was made for page `01.

(Windows) This is an internal error which should not occur under normal operations. Contact technical support.

`01 = Page number


Too many errors were encountered while processing the file. Processing has been stopped.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to open the image bitmap file (`01). (`02): `03 This message is displayed only once per SPF file.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


`01: Detected internal program error.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operation. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine


`01: Null Operand Passed as input.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operation. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal Exponent Under/Overflow.

Exponent Under/Overflow: Exponent of decimal number has exceeded the valid boundaries established for the decimal type. Review the documentation for the current upper and lower bounds of a decimal object.

`01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal to Integer Conversion Under/Overflow.

Integer Under/Overflow: Cannot convert input decimal object into a valid integer number. Decimal object exceeds the established integer boundaries for this machine architecture. Review the magnitude and sign of the decimal object to ensure that it falls within the upper and lower bounds of an integer number. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal to Float Conversion Under/Overflow.

Floating Point Under/Overflow: Cannot convert input decimal object into a valid floating point number. The decimal object exceeds the established floating point boundaries for this machine architecture. Review the magnitude and sign of the decimal object to ensure that it falls within the upper and lower bounds of a floating point number. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal Precision Under/Overflow.

Decimal Precision Under/Overflow: Attempt made to initialize decimal object with an invalid precision. Verify the input precision value against the documented upper and lower boundaries for a decimal object. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: String to Decimal Object Conversion Error.

String To Decimal Conversion Error: The length of input string is greater than the precision of underlying decimal object. Either increase the precision of the decimal object or reduce the size of the input mantissa to match the decimal object precision. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Truncation/Rounding Error - Outside Valid Range for Decimal Object.

Truncation/Rounding Error: Input truncation or round value is outside the valid range for this decimal object. Ensure that the truncation/round value is greater than or equal to zero and less than the precision of the underlying decimal object. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal Error: Cannot Divide by Zero.

Decimal Math Divide by Zero Error: Attempt made to divide a decimal object by zero. Ensure that the divisor does not equal zero before attempting to divide. `01 = Name of the routine


There is no default printer set up on your system. Use the Control Panel "Printers" applet to define it.

(Windows) SQR Print requires that a default printer be defined. Use the "Printers" applet in the Control Panel to define one.


The locale '`01' is not defined in the pssqr.ini file.

Verify the spelling of the locale name or the pssqr.ini file.

`01 = Locale name


At least one qualifier must be specified.

Correct the source code.


The value for '01' must be a list of 02 string literals, variables or columns.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Number of entities in list


The values for '01' and '02' cannot be the same.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Qualifier


The value for '01' (`02) must be a single character which is not in the list: "03".

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value

`03 = List of invalid characters


The value for '`01' (`02) is invalid. Valid values are:

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value


The last character of the '`01' value (`02) cannot be a digit or the minus sign or the same as either of the separators.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Invalid character


The first character of the '`01' value (`02) cannot be a digit or the minus sign or the same as either of the separators.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Invalid character


The following errors occurred while processing the (`01) locale from the pssqr.ini file.

This message precedes error messages encountered while processing the pssqr.ini file.

`01 = Locale name


The value for '`01' cannot be 'DEFAULT' or 'SYSTEM'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier


The value for '`01' (`02) is not properly formatted: Did not find the '>' for the '<nnn>' construct.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value


The value for '`01' (`02) is not properly formatted: The value of an '<nnn>' construct must be from 1 to 255.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value


The default locale (`01) specified in the [`02] section of the pssqr.ini file has not been defined.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Locale name

`02 = Section name


The value for '`01' (`02) must be a list of `03 quoted string literals.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value

`03 = Number of entities in list


The entry (`01 = `02) is not valid.

Correct the pssqr.ini entry.

`01 = Qualifier from the pssqr.ini file

`02 = Qualifier's value


The use of an edit mask or the keywords NUMBER, MONEY or DATE is not legal when storing numeric variables.

Correct the source code.


The last keyword is not '`01'.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Keyword


Incompatible source and destination variable types.

Correct the source code.


The keyword (`01) is not compatible with the variable (`02).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Keyword

`02 = Variable name


The use of an edit mask or the keyword DATE is not legal if both variables are date variables.

Correct the source code.


The specified precision (`01) is out of range (`02 - `03).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Specified precision

`02 = Minimum precision

`03 = Maximum precision


The precision is specified by a value from `01 to `02 surrounded by parentheses.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Minimum precision

`02 = Maximum precision


Variable (`01) is not a decimal variable and cannot have a precision associated with it.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Variable name


A string variable name is required here.

Correct the source code.


A numeric variable name is required here.

Correct the source code.


The variable (`01) has already been defined as '`02' and may not be redefined.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Variable name

`02 = Variable type


The variable type has not been specified.

Correct the source code.


This command is only allowed within local procedures.

Correct the source code.


This command must be before all other commands in the procedure.

Correct the source code.


Only string ($) and numeric (#) variables may be declared.

Correct the source code.


Invalid variable name specified.

Correct the source code.


You cannot declare a global variable from within a procedure.

Correct the source code.


The specified character is invalid in the current character set.

Correct the program logic.


'`01' is not a valid value for the ENCODING environment variable.

The specified encoding scheme is not known by SQR.

`01 = ENCODING environment variable setting.


The Double-Byte LET function '`01' is not supported in this version of SQR.

The SQT file contains a reference to a LET function, which is not supported by this version of SQR.

`01 = LET function name


The Double-Byte SQR command '`01' is not supported in this version of SQR.

The SQT file contains a reference to an SQR command, which is not supported by this version of SQR.

`01 = SQR command name


Double-Byte .sqt files are not supported by this version of SQR.

The runtime file was created by the double-byte version of SQR and is incompatible with the current version.


The barcode text '`01' cannot contain double- byte characters.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code text


Using `01 edit mask from (`02) against (`03)

A date edit mask element, which could cause date data to be incorrectly interpreted, was detected. This warning message can be turned off by setting the “OutputTwoDigitYearWarningMsg” entry in the [Default- Settings] section of the pssqr.ini file to FALSE.

`01 = Edit mask element

`02 = Edit mask being used

`03 = Value being applied to the edit mask


Cannot access the Java file (`01) (`02): `03

SQR cannot access the required file.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


-EH_Scale: value (`01) is out of range (`02 - `03).

Correct the command line.

`01 = Specified scale

`02 = Minimum allowed

`03 = Maximum allowed


-Printer:EH functionality is not available on this platform.

Enhanced HTML functionality is not available on this platform.


-Printer:PD functionality is not available on this platform.

PDF functionality is not available on this platform.


Did not find end of paragraph: `01 (No 'end-execute' clause found.)

Correct the source code.

`01 = BEGIN-command in question.


Invalid entry for keyword, '`01=`02'

Correct the source code.


May only specify either PROCEDURE=, or COMMAND=, or GETDATA=, exclusive.

Correct the source code.


Must specify a SCHEMA.

Correct the source code.


Must specify either a PROCEDURE, COMMAND, or GETDATA.

Correct the source code.


CONNECTION '`01' not found. No such connection.

Correct the source code.


The returned set of Procedure parameters (INOUT and OUT) (length = `01 items) did not include one or more of the specified items.

Stored procedure error.


Encountered a parameter of type '`01'. Valid types are either IN, OUT, or INOUT. If no type is entered, the type defaults to IN.

Stored procedure error.


The datasource failed to provide the expected return status value. Verify the query metadata.

Datasource error.


The datasource failed to provide the expected number of elements in the return status list.

Datasource error.


Failed to login to the requested datasource (Connection='`01', username='`02'). DETAILS: `03

Logon failed.


The requested rowset (`01) was not available. Verify the query metadata.

Not enough row sets.


Missing or invalid file. Verify that the CLASSPATH includes SQRDIR, that SQRDIR contains the folder with the file, and that the file is valid.

Incorrect environment setup.


The datasource ('`01') does not support the requested capability ('`02'). Check the capabilities list for the datasource, located in the Properties folder.

Invalid query for datasource.


Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Possible causes are: missing or invalid jdk files, incorrect CLASSPATH, or insufficient resources.

Incorrect environment setup.


The current rowset (`01) contained no rows. Check the return status and/or metadata for the requested service to determine the cause.

No data.


The query failed. DETAILS: `01

Query failed.


Failure setting property '`01'. DETAILS: `02

Property-set failed.


The value for keyword '`01' exceeds the maximum length of '02 characters.

Keyword value too long.


A fatal error occurred while fetching against the current rowset: DETAILS: `01

A failure occurred during row fetch.


Parameter `01 (`02) was passed to the PROCEDURE as data type `03; expected (`04) type `05. Verify the query metadata.

A failure occurred during row fetch.


Invalid query parameter: Reason: `01

Bad procedure parameter.


Too many parameters (= `01) were supplied to the query. Verify the query metadata.

Bad procedure parameter.


Parameter `01 (`02) was passed to the PROCEDURE as type `03; expected type `04. Verify the query metadata.

Bad procedure parameter.


Parameter `01 ('`02', JDO-type `03), specified 'NULL', is a required-parameter. Specify a value or variable name.

Bad procedure parameter.


The list-variable parameter to the query is too long. Maximum number of elements is 30.

List too long.


Unable to retrieve metadata for Procedure=`01, Schema=`02. DETAILS: `03

Metadata check failed.


Parameter list type mismatch (#`01, SQR type = `02). The datasource expected a parameter of type `03. Verify the query metadata.

Parameter list mismatch.


List size mismatch detected while fetching data of type ROW, `01 items, into SQR list- variable, `02 items. Fetching will proceed to the smaller size.

List size mismatch.


Incorrect syntax for BEGIN-SELECT ... FROM. Options are: FROM ROWSETS=... FROM PARAMETER= $strvar | strlit

Bad BEGIN-SELECT syntax.


Attempted to pass as INOUT or OUT a parameter which was of type ROWSET (`01). Use of such parameters is supported as IN only, after which they may be used in a BEGIN- SELECT construct.

Bad parameter keyword.


Attempt to use a scalar SQR variable ('01') to reference a ROWSET procedure parameter ('02'). Use either the keyword 'NULL', or an SQR LIST variable (%var). Verify the query metadata.

Bad proc parameter.


The list of keywords entered to the PARAMETERS keyword must be terminated with a semi­colon.

Bad proc parameter. Correct the source code.


Datasource '01' not found. The Connection being used by this query specifies a data­source which is not listed in the DDO Registry ('02'). DETAILS: `03.



Missing one or more DDO {fname} .jar files. Verify the location of the original- installation files, and that they are accessible. Error code: `01. Classpath: `02.



Unable to open Connection ('01') to data­source ('02'). Possible causes: (a) the Declare-Connection specification is invalid, or (b) the datasource is no longer available. DETAILS: `03.

Bad environment.


Unable to locate one or more entry points in an SQR {fname}.jar file. Verify that the original-installation files have not become corrupted.

Bad environment.


At least one JNI method pointer was lost. This should never occur: record the steps leading up to this failure, and contact Technical Support. DETAILS: Schema='`01', Proc='`02'.

Bad environment.


Unable to locate query object '`01' in the specified schema (`02). DETAILS: `03.

Bad environment.


Invalid &pseudonym or 'TYPE=' data-type specified for a begin- select column-variable. Valid types are: CHAR, TEXT, DATE, NUMBER.

Correct the syntax.


Illegal attempt to fetch a non-scalar field into a column variable. Correct the query.

Correct the syntax.


The output parameter specified in 'Begin- Select ... From Parameter = `01' is not available. Available parameters: `02.

Bad command.


The output parameter specified in 'Begin- Select ... From Parameter = `01' is not of type ROWSET. Verify the query metadata.

Bad command.


Illegal attempt to assign an SQR variable ('01') of type '02' the value from a DDO object ('03') of type '04'. Verify the query metadata.



Illegal attempt to assign an SQR column variable ('01') of type '02' the value from a DDO object of type '03'. Verify the query metadata.



Failed to locate the requested Rowset (`01) while processing the query. The last available Rowset number is `02. Verify the query metadata.

Not enough row sets.


The query raised a DDO exception. DETAILS: `01.



A BEGIN-SELECT paragraph was coded, but the query returned no Rows.

No data warning.


Invalid syntax for PARAMETERS=(...) statement. Use: PARAMETERS=( %v | $v | #v | &v | NULL | SKIP | numlit | datelit | textlit [IN | INOUT], ...) All parameters must be specified. Optional parameters which are to be ignored may be specified by the keyword 'NULL' or 'SKIP'. Correct the syntax.

Incorrect syntax.


FATAL: Failure creating Java object.

General failure.


Attempt to create a List variable of size greater than the maximum size of `01 items.

General failure.


Parameter-list item '`01' is not a member of the parameter list for this Query. Verify the query metadata.

No such input/inout parameter.


Attempt to access List- row (`01) beyond the List size (`02 rows).

Bad list assignment/setup.


Attempt to assign/modify a List row is not compatible with the List definition.

Bad list assignment/setup.


Attempt to assign a row to a non-existent List variable. Define the List first, using the syntax: let %lname[ size ] = list( NUMBER | DATE | TEXT #var | $var [, ...] )

Bad list assignment/setup.


Incorrect syntax for List-variable reference. Use: let [$ | #]var = %listname[nlit | #var].colname

Bad list assignment/setup.


Alter-connection statement missing 'DSN=...'.

Improper alter-conn.


List-definition size specifier must be literal.

Improper alter-conn.


Attempt to access a non-existent List- column ('01').

No such list column name.


Must specify one of the keywords, FROM- ROWSETS or FROM_PARAMETER .

Incorrect syntax for LOAD_LOOKUP.


Incorrect syntax to Load-lookup 'PARAMETERS=' keyword. Use: PARAMETERS=(slit | nlit | $var | #var | %var | &var, ...) No line wrapping is allowed for this usage.

Incorrect syntax for LOAD_LOOKUP.


Too many parameters ( `02) entered to Load- Lookup command. Max parameters is `01.

Incorrect syntax for LOAD_LOOKUP.


Problem executing the cursor for LOAD- LOOKUP table '`01'. DETAILS: `02.

The database server returned an error while trying to execute the SQL statement needed to process the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Bad return fetching row from database in LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'. DETAILS: `02

The database server returned an error while fetching the data.

`01 = Load lookup table name


DC, DI sort options not supported with this SQR version. To sort, use SORT=SC or SORT=SI.

Database sort not supported for LOAD_LOOKUP with DDO. <obsolete>


Must specify a query keyword; PROCEDURE=, COMMAND= or GETDATA=.

Incorrect syntax for Load-lookup. Specify a keyword representing the query.


Unknown column variable type.

Unknown data type returned by the server.


The property `01` was not found in the property sheet for the specified datasource (`02). Available property names are: `03.The datasource property sheet does not include the named property.

Verify the metadata and correct the syntax.


The specified CONNECTION ('01') references a datasource whose property sheet does not show support for the Get-Data query method.The datasource property sheet does not show support for Get-Data.

Verify the metadata and property sheet and correct the syntax.


Attempt to create a Selector (or MDSelector) object failed. This event should not occur. Contact your system administrator.

Failed to create the requested object. Contact your system administrator.


Error reading the font information from the [`01] section in pssqr.ini. Font name `02 is too long. The maximum length allowed for a font name is `03.

Use a shorter font name in pssqr.ini.

`01 = Printing device specific font configuration section.

`02 = Font name.

`03 = Internal limit for font name.


Error reading the font information from the [`01] section in pssqr.ini. Font file path `02 is too long. The maximum length allowed for a font file path is `03.

Use a shorter font file path in pssqr.ini. Relocate font file if necessary.

`01 = Font configuration section name.

`02 = Font file path.

`03 = Internal limit for file path.


Font `01 is not valid for `02 output. Please correct the font configuration in the [`02 Fonts] section of the pssqr.ini file.

Use a valid font. Refer to the documentation for supported fonts. If you are using disk based fonts like TrueType, also ensure that the font type specific configuration section (like [TrueType Fonts]) is correctly configured.

`01 = Font name.

`02 = Selected output type.


File name for `01 font `02 is not specified correctly. Please correct the configuration in the [`01 Fonts] section of pssqr.ini file.

The font file path is not specified correctly. Correct the pssqr.ini file.

`01 = Font type.

`02 = Font name.


`01 font file `02 cannot be opened. Please check if the file exists, or correct the font configuration in the [`01 Fonts] section of the pssqr.ini file.

Either the font file does not exist in the location specified in pssqr.ini file, or the path specified in pssqr.ini file is not correct. Correct the error and try again.

`01 = Font type.

`02 = Font file path.


The directory ID specified for `01 in the [TrueType Fonts] section of the pssqr.ini file exceeds the actual number of fonts included in the TrueType collection font file. `02 includes `03 fonts. Please specify a valid directory ID.

Correct the configuration in pssqr.ini so that the directory ID is set correctly for the font. Note that the directory ID starts from 0.

`01 = Font name.

`02 = Font file path.

`03 = Actual number of fonts included in TrueType collection.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font.

Currently, SQR does not support CFF based OpenType font. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font. The '`02' table is missing from the font file.

This TrueType/OpenType font does not have the table SQR needs for processing. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.

`01 = Font name.

`02 = Table name.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font. This font does not allow embedding in a document.

SQR requires TrueType/OpenType font with embedding feature allowed to include the subset of the font in the print output. This TrueType/OpenType font does not allow embedding. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font. This font does not have a supported type of character to glyph mapping (CMAP) table.

SQR requires a TrueType/OpenType font with CMAP table with Platform ID 3 (Microsoft), Encoding ID 0 (Symbol), 4 (UCS-2), or 10 (UCS-4) and table format 4 or 12. Other CMAP table types and encodings are currently not supported. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.

`01 = Font name


Error in the [`01:Exclusion Ranges] section in theINI file. Start character code must be greater than the end character code.

In the exclusion range section, the start character code must be smaller than the end character code. Review the section in INI file and correct error. You can specify the range in a decimal or hexadecimal number. If you use a hexadecimal number, you must prefix the number with '0x' or the number is recognized as a decimal.

Error Number

Error Message



Error while opening the message file: '`01' (`02): `03

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Error while reading the message file. (`01): `02

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Error while closing the message file. (`01): `02

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Error while seeking the message file. (`01): `02

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the error message file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Corrupt message file: Invalid header information.

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.


Corrupt message file: Invalid count (Got `01, Should be `02).

The header contains an invalid entry count.

  1. Make sure SQRDIR points to the correct directory.

  2. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

    `01 = The value read from the header.

    `02 = The correct value.


Cannot handle message file version `01.

This message occurs when the release of SQR does not support the header version.

  1. Make sure SQRDIR points to the correct directory.

  2. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

    `01 = Unsupported version read from the header.


Invalid SEMCode encountered: `01.

An invalid code was passed to the error message handler. Try reloading the files from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Invalid code.


Unknown conversion type (`01) for code `02.

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Invalid type.

`02 = Internal error code.


Message `01 must be either Preload or BuiltIn.

The type error code is not correct. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Error code.


Cannot point to message `01.

The error handler cannot position to the desired error code. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Error code.


The required environment variable `01 has not been defined.

Define the named environment variable and restart SQR.

`01 = Environment variable name.


The Meta ESC characters do not match (Got '`01', Should be '`02').

The meta escape character defined in the header does not match what the error message handler expects. Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = What was found in the header.

`02 = What was expected to be found


`01() called to process (`02) and the message file is not open.

The specified error routine was called but the error message file was not open. Try reloading the files from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine

`02 = Error code


Message `01 must be ReportParameters or CopyrightNotice.

Try reloading the sqrerr.dat file from the release media. If the error persists, contact technical support. `01 = Error code


Allocation header does not point to a valid heap.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Allocation header has an invalid size.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLOBAL header has an invalid size.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error, and contact technical support.


Cannot free GLOBAL allocation.

(Microsoft Windows) This message is the result of a memory overwrite. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Cannot access the initialization file: `01 (`02): `03

The initialization file specified by the -ZIF command line flag cannot be accessed.

`01 = Name of the file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


DPUT: Bad field number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DARRAY: Unknown command number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


`01: Cannot find `02 command.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = Name of the command.


DDO: DO arguments do not match procedure's.



SDO: Bad params for DO command.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SDO: Bad params for BEGIN-PROCEDURE command.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Bad command numbers.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Bad goto function parameters.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Could not find beginning of section or paragraph.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SGOTO: Bad label: from parameters.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


COMPAR: Unknown relational (numeric) operator.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


COMPAR: Unknown relational (string) operator.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DONBRK: Unknown case for putlin.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


`01: Bad length case for numeric `02.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = name of the variable.


GARRAY: Unknown command number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GCMDS: No Gfunc found.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GDOC: Unknown document type.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLET: Bad operator.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLET: Stack incorrect for expression - arg `01.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Number of the argument.


GLET: Unknown operator type.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GLET: Unknown operator in expression.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPARS: Column not SCOL, TCOL or NCOL type.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPARS: Bad parameter format: `01 =`02=

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.

`02 = Bad format field found.


GPARS: No end of required word in parfmt: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Bad parfmt entry: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Bad parameter string.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPARS: Repeat count bad: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Only a,b,8,9 allowed for repeats: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Missing required x: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal command format string.


GPARS: Bad type in 'ckvrpr()'.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GPROC: No Gfunc found.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GRDWRT: Unknown command number.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


GSHOW: Unknown SHOW option.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


PGMPARS: 'addvar()' passed maxlen but not column.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


PGMPARS: '`01' passed invalid parameter number: `02.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Routine name.

`02 = Invalid parameter number.


PGMPARS: 'fxclrf()' encountered bad column reference type: `01.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal variable type code.


PLCMNT: 'getplc()' passed invalid element number: `01.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Invalid element number.


RDPGM: Command array size exceeded (change COMDMAX to at least `01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Maximum internal command number supported.


RDPGM: Bad match adding internal variable: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Internal variable name.


RDPGM: No cmdget function found for BEGIN_S.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Function `01 not included in run-time package.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the SQR routine.


SETSQL: Could not find variable '`01', in Run Time.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Variable name.


SIFWHL: Command number incorrect.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SPINIT: Bad parameters.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DBFFIX: DBDATLEN returned out of range status.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DPRPST: Error converting Sybase type for EXECUTE.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


SETSQL: Could not find variable entry in list.

(Oracle) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DBDESC: SQLD not = number of select columns.

(DB2, Informix) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


DBFETCH: Unknown variable dbtype encountered: `01 (`02)

(DB2, Informix) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Variable name.

`02 = Unknown database type.


WRITE_SPF: Unknown code encountered: `01

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Unknown SPF code.


`01: Cannot find LOAD-LOOKUP table: `02

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = Name of the table.


PGMPARS: '`01' called with wrong variable '`02'

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine.

`02 = Name of the variable.


SQTMGT: Could not find 'vars' entry with 'nvars' index of '`01'.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Index into nvars table.


MODIFYVAR: Attempt to change variable which is not xVAR (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = name of the variable.


MODIFYVAR: Incompatible variable types (`01) and (`02).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Variable type (from).

`02 = Variable type (to).


Out of query arguments; use -Mfile to increase QUERYARGS.

This is the total number of variable references ($Var, #Var, &Col) allowed in the context of a BEGIN-SQL or BEGIN- SELECT command. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Cannot open the argument file: '`01'. (`02): `03

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = Name of the file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Cannot close the argument file. (`01): `02

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code.

`02 = System error message.


Cannot open the - Mfile: '`01'. (`02): `03

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = Name of the file.

`02 = System error code.

`03 = System error message.


Minimum value for '`01' in the -Mfile is `02.

Correct the -Mfile entry.

`01 = Keyword in question.

`02 = Minimum value allowed.


Maximum value for '`01' in the -Mfile is `02.

Correct the -Mfile entry.

`01 = Keyword in question.

`02 = Maximum value allowed.


Invalid -Mfile entry: '`01'.

Correct the -Mfile entry.

`01 = The line from the -Mfile.


Cannot close the - Mfile. (`01): `02

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code.

`02 = System error message.


The minimum value for '`01' (`02) is `03.

Value out of range.

`01 = Entry name.

`02 = Specified value.

`03 = Minimum value.


The maximum value for '`01' (`02) is `03.

Value out of range.

`01 = Entry name.

`02 = Specified value.

`03 = Maximum value.


The value for '`01' (`02) is not an integer number.

Value must be a integer value.

`01 = Entry name.

`02 = Specified value.


Bind list does not match query (do not use '@__p' string).

SQR reserves the variable names that start with "@__p" for internal use. Edit the source code and use different variable names.


Forward references not permitted in select list bind variables.

Within the body of BEGIN-SQL paragraphs, forward references to &column names are not permitted. Move the BEGIN-SQL paragraph after the &column definition.


SQL buffer too small; use -Mfile to increase SQLSIZE.

The SQL statement exceeds the size of the internal SQL buffer. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Error in SQL (perhaps missing &name after expression):

The database server has determined that the SQL statement is in error. The actual error text from the server follows this message. Correct the SQL statement.


Check SELECT columns, expressions and 'where' clause for syntax.

The database server has determined that the SQL statement is in error. The actual error text from the server follows this message. Correct the SQL statement.


CMPSQL: Unknown data type in database: `01.

Contact technical support with the version of the database you are connected to.

`01 = Datatype in question.


Bind value too large (IMAGE, TEXT not allowed).

IMAGE and TEXT data types cannot be used as bind variables. Modify your SQL statement to use other columns to perform the same selection logic.



(Oracle, ODBC, Informix) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


`01: Could not bind column `02.

(Oracle, ODBC, Informix) This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the SQR routine.

`02 = Name of the column.


The type for '&`01' (`02) does not match the type from the database (`03).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Name of the column/expression pseudonym.

`02 = User specified type.

`03 = Database type.


Only numerics allowed for arithmetic.

Only #numeric variables, &columns, and literals are permitted in the arithmetic commands. Correct the source code.


Optional qualifier is ROUND=n (0-`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Maximum value for ROUND.


Optional qualifiers for DIVIDE are ON- ERROR={HIGH|ZER O} and ROUND=n.

Correct the syntax.


Attempting division by zero.

Use the ON-ERROR = HIGH | ZERO option to prevent this error from halting the program.


Bad number of digits to ROUND or TRUNC (0-15).

Correct the syntax.


WARNING: The ROUND or TRUNC qualifier is greater than the number's precision.

Correct the syntax.


Array element out of range (`01) for array '`02' on line `03.

Correct the source logic.

`01 = Element number passed.

`02 = Name of the array.

`03 = Program line number.


Field element out of range (`01) for array '`02', field '`03', on line `04.

Correct the source logic.

`01 = Element number passed.

`02 = Name of the array.

`03 = Name of the field.

`04 = Program line number.


WARNING: Attempting division by zero on line `01. Array field '`02' unchanged. Run continuing...

The ARRAY-DIVIDE command has attempted division by zero. The division has been ignored; the result field is unchanged. Add logic to account for this possibility.

`01 = Program line number.

`02 = Name of field.


'FILL' not appropriate for numeric data.

The FILL argument to the PRINT command may be used only for text fields. Move the #numeric variable to a $string variable, and then print the string variable.


Report '`01': Columns must be between 1 and the page width (`02).

The specified value is wider than the width of the page. Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report.

`02 = Page width.


Report '`01': GOTO- TOP=`02 must be between 0 and the page depth (`03).

The value specified on the GOTO-TOP argument of the NEXT-COLUMN command was either less than 1 or greater than the page depth. Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report.

`02 = Goto-Top value.

`03 = Page width.


Report '`01': ERASE- PAGE=`02 must be between 0 and the page depth (`03).

The line number specified on the ERASE- PAGE argument of the NEXT-COLUMN command is greater than the page depth. Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report.

`02 = Erase-Page value.

`03 = Page width.


Report '`01': The NEXT-COLUMN command is not legal in the `02 section with the qualifier AT- END=NEWPAGE.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the current report

`02 = Name of the section


Report '`01': Column number `02 is not defined.

The column number specified with the USE- COLUMN command is greater than the highest column defined in the COLUMNS command. Correct the source line. `01 = Name of the current report `02 = Column number


Format for CONNECT: username/password [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)] ]

Correct the syntax.


Cannot use CONNECT while SQL statements are active.

Correct the program logic to ensure that all BEGIN-SELECT paragraphs have completed before executing the CONNECT command.


Logoff failed prior to CONNECT.

The database server returned an error while trying to log off from the database. SQR ends the program run since it cannot continue.


CONNECT failed. Perhaps user name/password incorrect.

The specified connectivity information is incorrect or there might have been a network failure. Use the ON-ERROR flag to trap any errors during the program run; otherwise SQR ends the program run.


Sybase extensions SET and SETUSER not permitted in SQR.

Remove SET and SETUSER from the source.


USE allowed once in SETUP section only, not in BEGIN-SQL. Elsewhere, specify db.[user].table...

Correct the source.


Out of query space. Use -Mfile to increase QUERIES.

The number of SQL statements has been exceeded. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line specify a file that contains an entry that increases a greater value than is currently defined.


The requested database connection (`01) is already active.

The -Cnn value specified is being used by another BEGIN-SELECT paragraph that is currently selecting data. Use another connection number.

`01 = Connection number


Cannot find inactive database cursor. Program too large.

Too many BEGIN-SELECT and BEGIN-SQL paragraphs are active at the same time. Reduce the complexity of the program.


Database commit failed.

(Oracle, DB2, ODBC) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Database rollback failed.

(Oracle, DB2, ODBC) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot open database cursor.

(Oracle, ODBC) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Variable for date-time must begin with '&'.

Correct the syntax.


Format code must be SYYYY when specifying signed year.

Correct the edit mask.


Bad input data (`01) for edit mask: '`02'.

Correct the input.

`01 = Data being converted `02 = Edit mask


Year cannot be zero.

Correct the date.


Year must be between -4713 and 9999 inclusive.

Correct the date.


Ambiguous date-time.

Correct the date.


'`01' is not a valid date part.

Correct the date part.

`01 = Date part.


Invalid day of week.

Correct the date.


Format code cannot appear in date input format: '`01'.

Correct the edit mask.

`01 = Improper format characters.


Bad date mask starting at: '`01'.

Correct the edit mask.

`01 = Improper format characters.


Seconds past midnight must be between 0 and 86399.

Correct the date.


Seconds must be between 0 and 59.

Correct the date.


Minutes must be between 0 and 59.

Correct the date.


Month must be between 1 and 12.

Correct the date.


Day must be between 1 and `01.

Correct the date.


Hour must be between 1 and 12.

Correct the date.


Hour must be between 0 to 23.

Correct the date.


HH24 precludes the use of meridian indicator.

Correct the edit mask.


HH12 requires meridian indicator.

Correct the edit mask.


Day of year must be between 1 and 365 (366 for leap year).

Correct the date.


Date string too long.

Correct the date.


The month (`01) is not valid for the current locale or database.

Correct the date.

`01 = Name of the month.


The format mask must be a literal when the date-time is not loaded into a variable.

Correct the format mask. The format mask must be a literal when the date-time is not loaded into a variable.


Date-time format too long.

Correct the format mask.


Bad date-time format.

Correct the format mask.


Bad SQL for default date-time. (Table DUAL required for syntax.)

(Oracle) The format mask needs to be corrected or there is a problem with the database server.


Bad SQL for default date-time. (Table DUAL required for syntax.)

(DB2) The format mask needs to be corrected or there is a problem with the database server.


Cannot recompile sql.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Problem executing cursor.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Error fetching row.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot redefine variable addresses.

A fatal error relating to the SQL statement used to retrieve the date-time was encountered. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


The date '`01' is not in the format SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[N NNNNN]]]].

When specifying an SQR date, at a minimum, the date must be specified. The time is optional.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in one of the accepted formats listed below: MM/DD/YYYY [BC | AD] [HH:MI[:SS[.NNNNN N]] [AM | PM]]


The date specified with the INPUT command was not in one the default formats. Reenter the date in a valid format.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:


(Oracle) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:

Mon DD YYYY [HH:MI[:SS[.NNN]][ AM | PM]]

Mon DD YYYY [HH:MI[:SS[:NNN]][ AM | PM]]




(Sybase) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FO RMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:

Mon DD YYYY [HH:MI[:SS[.NNN]][ AM | PM]]

Mon DD YYYY [HH:MI[:SS[:NNN]][ AM | PM]]




(ODBC) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FO RMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:



(Informix) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


The date '`01' is not in the format specified by SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT or in one of the accepted formats listed below:




(DB2) The date was not in one of the expected formats for this database.

`01 = The invalid date.


SQR does not support dates before '`01'.

SQR does not support dates before the one specified in the message.

`01 = Smallest date


The date variables are incompatible with each other.

The SQR function references two date variables that cannot logically be used together, for example, DateDiff of 'date- only' and 'time-only' dates.


Procedure name used more than once: '`01'.

Specify a unique name for the procedure.

`01 = Procedure name


Could not find procedure: '`01'.

Verify the spelling of the procedure name.

`01 = Procedure name


DO arguments do not match procedure's.

The argument lists for the DO and BEGIN- PROCEDURE commands must match in both type and count. Correct the source line.


DO argument must be $string or #number to accept returned value.

Correct the syntax.


Edit string too long.

The edit mask must be less than 255 characters. Reduce the length of the edit mask.


Bad numeric 'edit' format: `01

The numeric edit mask contains an invalid character. See the PRINT command for the valid numeric edit mask characters.

`01 = Invalid character


DOLLAR-SYMBOL must be a single alphanumeric character or its decimal value enclosed in brackets: <nnn>.

Correct the syntax.


DOLLAR-SYMBOL cannot be any of the following characters: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = List of invalid characters


MONEY-SYMBOL must be a single alphanumeric character or its decimal value enclosed in brackets: <nnn>.

Correct the syntax.


MONEY-SYMBOL cannot be any of the following characters: `01

Correct the syntax.


ENCODE string too large; maximum is `01.

Break up the ENCODE command.

`01 = Maximum length of an ENCODE string supported by this version of SQR for PeopleSoft.



The database command to cancel the query returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


EXIT-SELECT valid only within SELECT paragraph.

Remove the EXIT-SELECT command.


Duplicate label's - do not know which one to GOTO.

Labels must be unique within the section or paragraph where they are defined. Give each label a unique name.


(Labels must be in same section or paragraph as GOTO.) Cannot find a matching label for GOTO command.

Check the source code.


Error getting INPUT.

The C routine "fgets()" returned an error and SQR ends the program run.


Unknown INPUT datatype: type={char|number|integer|date}

Correct the syntax.


INPUT STATUS= must reference #variable.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown qualifier for INPUT.

Correct the syntax.


Too long. Maximum `01 characters.

The response to the INPUT statement was too long. Re-enter the data.

`01 = Maximum characters allowed


Incorrect. Format for floating point number: [+|-]99.99[E99]

Invalid number was entered for an INPUT request. Re-enter the data.


Incorrect. Format for integer: [+|-]999999

Invalid integer was entered for an INPUT request. Re-enter the data.


A format mask can only be specified when TYPE=DATE is used.

Correct the syntax.


The format mask cannot be stored in a date variable.

Correct the syntax.


The input variable type does not match the TYPE qualifier.

Correct the syntax.


Number too large for INTEGER. Valid range is -2147483648 to 2147483647.

The number was too large to be stored as an integer. Values are from -2147483648 to 2147483647. Re-enter the data.


Enter a date in one of the following formats:





The date cannot be blank. Enter a date in one of the specified formats.


`01 required user interaction but user interaction was disabled by the -XI command line flag.

The specified command required user interaction, but user interaction was disabled by the -XI command line flag. `01 = Name of the command


LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01' has not been defined.

Add a LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Missing value for `01= in LOAD-LOOKUP.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Name of missing required parameter


Bad value for `01= in LOAD-LOOKUP.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= cannot reference a variable in the Setup section.

Either move the LOAD-LOOKUP command from the Setup section or remove the variable reference.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP names must be unique.

Give each LOAD-LOOKUP array a unique name.


Cannot compile SQL for LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while trying to compile the SQL statement needed to process the LOAD-LOOKUP command. Check the column and table names. Also check the WHERE= clause for errors.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Could not set up cursor for LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while trying to compile the SQL statement needed to set up the LOAD-LOOKUP command. Verify the column and table names. Review the WHERE= clause for errors.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Problem executing the cursor for LOAD- LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while trying to execute the SQL statement needed to process the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Integers only allowed in numeric lookup keys.

Correct the source line.


Numeric lookup keys must be <= `01 digits.

Correct the source line.

`01 = maximum length supported


Bad return fetching row from database in LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'.

The database server returned an error while fetching the data.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Loading '`01' lookup table ...

This message can be inhibited by using the QUIET argument on the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Name of the load lookup table

`02 = Number of rows loaded


Warning: `01 duplicate keys found in '`02' lookup table.

This message can be inhibited by using the QUIET argument on the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Number of duplicate keys

`02 = Name of the load lookup table


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= must reference a numeric variable or literal.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= must reference a string variable or literal.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the parameter


LOAD-LOOKUP `01= variable '`02' has not been defined.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Name of the parameter

`02 = Name of the undefined variable


LOAD-LOOKUP cannot support `01 rows; maximum is `02.

Reduce the ROWS= value.

`01 = ROWS= value

`02 = Maximum value allowed


`01 command not allowed with -XL option in effect.

Either use the #IF command to conditionally compile the program when -XL is being used or do not execute this SQR report with the -XL option.

`01 = SQR command


Line to stop erasing for 'NEW-PAGE' is larger than the page depth.

Correct the source line.


'ON-BREAK' not appropriate for numeric data.

The ON-BREAK argument to the PRINT command may be used only for text fields. Move the #numeric variable to a $string variable, and then print the $string variable.


SET= and LEVEL= must be >= zero when indicated.

Correct the source line.


Cannot use old style PROCEDURE= with BEFORE= or AFTER=.

Correct the syntax.



use -Mfile to increase ONBREAKS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


SET= must be same for all ON-BREAKs in Select.

All the ON-BREAKS in a query must belong to the same SET. Use SET= to differentiate between ON-BREAKs in different queries. Correct the source line.


ON-BREAK with BEFORE or AFTER must be inside Select.

Correct the source line.


SAVE= must be a $string variable.

Correct the syntax.


Record :types are FIXED, VARY or FIXED_NOLF (default is VARY).

Correct the syntax.


STATUS variable for `01 must be #Numeric.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = SQR command affected


OPEN missing required qualifiers: RECORD={rec_len} FOR-READING|FOR- WRITING|FOR- APPEND

Correct the syntax.


Too many external files opened; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of open external files needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number of open external files supported by this version of SQR


File number already opened.

Verify the program logic.


Cannot open file '`01' AS `02.(`03): `04

SQR stops.

`01 = Filename

`02 = File number

`03 = System error code

`04 = System error message


Cannot close file `01. (`02): `03

SQR stops.

`01 = File number

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Problem closing user file(s) at the end of run.

This message may indicate system problems.


Warning: Cannot CLOSE file `01 -- file not opened.

While not an error, this message indicates a problem with your SQR code.

`01 = File number


PAGE-NUMBER strings too long.

The pre-and post-PAGE-NUMBER strings must be less than 74 characters. Correct the source line.


Cannot find document marker referenced in POSITION command.

Defines the specified @ marker in a BEGIN- DOCUMENT paragraph. Verify that the @ marker names are spelled correctly.


Only 'COLUMNS nn...' allowed after document marker in POSITION command.

Correct the syntax.


Specified file number not opened for reading.

Files must be opened for reading in order to use the READ command with them. Correct the program logic.


Line `01: Error reading the file. (`02): `03

`01 = Program line number

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Specified file number not opened for writing.

Files must be opened for writing in order to use the WRITE command with them. Correct the program logic.


Line `01: Error writing the file. (`02): `03

`01 = Program line number

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Length of variables exceeds record length.

The total of the lengths indicated in the command must be less than the RECORD= argument used on the OPEN command. Search for a typographical error or recalculate the RECORD= value.


Numeric binary transfer allowed with FIXED or FIXED_NOLF records only.

By default, all files are opened in VARY (variable length) mode, thus prohibiting the transfer of numeric binary data. Add the:FIXED or FIXED_NOLF option to the RECORD= argument on the appropriate OPEN command.


Command not complete.

Correct the syntax.


File number must be a numeric literal, variable, or column.

Correct the syntax.


Missing required length in READ command.

Correct the syntax.


Bad length for READ or WRITE command.

Correct the syntax.


$String or #numeric variables required for READ.

Correct the syntax.


#Numeric variables and literals must have :length of 1, 2 or 4 bytes.

Correct the syntax.


#Numeric variables and literals on CDC may only have :length of 1 or 3 bytes.

Correct the syntax.


:Length not allowed for $date variables, length of 18 is assumed.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown qualifier for STOP.

Correct the syntax.


Program stopped by user request.

This is an informational message.


Wrap not appropriate for numeric data.

The WRAP argument to the PRINT command may be used only for text fields. Move the #numeric variable to a $string variable first, and then print the $string variable.


Max `01 chars/line for reverse WRAP.

Reduce the number of characters specified.

`01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR.


Max `01 chars/line for WRAP with ON= or STRIP=

Reduce the number of characters specified.

`01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR


Bad <number> in WRAP qualifier.

The number inside the angled brackets must be a valid number (1 - 255). Correct the source line.


Missing '>' in WRAP qualifier.

A leading "<" in the ON= or STRIP= qualifier indicates that a numeric value is following, which must be ended by a closing ">". Correct the source line.


The value for '`01' (`02) must be `03 0.

The value specified for the specified qualifier is invalid. Correct the program logic.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Value encountered

`03 = Relation to zero (<,<=,=,>=,>)


PUT, GET or ARRAY- xxxx command incomplete. Required word missing.

Correct the syntax.


Did not find end of literal.

The ending quote character (') was not found at the end of the literal. Add the ending quote character.


Literal too long.

Literal strings can be up to 256 characters long. Break up the literal into smaller pieces and combine using the LET command.


Unknown variable type.

Variable names must begin with $, #, or &. Correct the source line.


Cannot find 'array_name (#element)'.

The element number was not specified. Correct the source line.


'(#Element)' variable not found for array.

Each GET or PUT command must indicate the element or row number to access in the array. Correct the source line.


Array specified not defined with CREATE-ARRAY.

Use the CREATE-ARRAY command to define each array before referencing that array in other commands. Verify that the array names are spelled correctly.


Bad element reference for array (#variable|123).

The element number is larger than the number of rows defined in the CREATE-ARRAY command. Review the program logic to make sure that the element number was not inadvertently changed.


Did not find ending ')' for field.

The "occurs" number for an array field is missing a right parenthesis. Correct the source line.


Field not defined in array: `01

Verify that there are no misspelled field names in the CREATE-ARRAY command.

`01 = Undefined field name


More variables than fields specified in array command.

The ARRAY command must not have more variables listed to the left of the array name than there are matching fields defined for the array. Check against the CREATE-ARRAY command.


More variables in command than fields in array.

The ARRAY command must not have more variables listed to the left of the array name than there are matching fields defined for the array. Check against the CREATE-ARRAY command.


Only numeric variables and fields allowed with array arithmetic commands.

The ARRAY-ADD, ARRAY-SUBTRACT, ARRAY-MULTIPLY, and ARRAY-DIVIDE commands may have only numeric variables or literals as the source fields. Move the string data into a #numeric variable and then reference the #numeric variable.


GET can only be used with $string or #numeric variables.

You can move array fields only into $string variables or #numeric variables. Correct the source line.


PUT and GET variables must match array field types.

When moving data into or out of arrays, the source or destination variables must match the array fields in type. CHAR fields can be stored into/from strings, NUMBER fields into/from numeric variables. Check the CREATE-ARRAY command.


More fields than variables found in array command.

The ARRAY command must not have more variables listed to the left of the array name than there are matching fields defined for the array. Check against the CREATE-ARRAY command.


Too many arrays defined; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of arrays needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number of arrays supported by this version of SQR


Missing '=specifier' in qualifier: `01

Correct the syntax.

01 = Name of missing required parameter


Duplicate array name: `01

Change the name of the array.

`01 = Array name in question


Too many fields defined; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of fields.

`01 = Maximum number of fields allowed per array


Missing ':type' in CREATE-ARRAY FIELD= `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = The name of the field


Duplicate FIELD name: `01

Change the name of one of the fields.

`01 = The name of the field


Optional :nn for FIELD must be between 1 and 64K.

Correct the source line.


CREATE-ARRAY FIELDS :type must be one of the following: `01

Correct the syntax.



Correct the syntax.


Missing or incorrect SIZE= in CREATE-ARRAY.

Correct the syntax.


Missing FIELD= statements in CREATE-ARRAY.

Correct the syntax.


Array dimensioned too large for PC in CREATE-ARRAY.

On 32-bit systems, the maximum allocation that can be made is 65520 characters. The array as specified would exceed this limit. Reduce the number of entries.


Missing or invalid initialization value for field `01.

Correct the syntax.

01 = Name of the field


Missing 'ask' variable name.

Correct the syntax.


Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


WARNING: Substitution variables do not vary when saved with run-time.

This is an informational message.


No substitution variable entered.

The C routine "fgets()" returned an error and SQR ends the program run.


Did not find end of paragraph: `01

The END-paragraph command to match the specified paragraph is missing. Correct the source file. `01 - BEGIN-paragraph in question


Invalid command.

Verify the spelling of the command.


Command not allowed in this section: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Offending command name


Paragraph not allowed inside procedure.

The BEGIN-paragraph command is not allowed here. Review your SQR code for a misplaced paragraph.


Missing procedure name.

Correct the syntax.


Extra argument found.

Correct the syntax.


Missing Comma.

Correct the syntax.


Bad Argument List.

The DO or BEGIN-PROCEDURE command has an error in its argument list, possibly extra characters after the final right parentheses. Correct the source line.


Empty Argument.

The DO or BEGIN-PROCEDURE command has an error in its argument list, possibly two commas in a row inside the parentheses. Correct the source line.


Only $string and #number variables allowed for BEGIN-PROCEDURE parameters.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown argument type.

An argument in a DO or BEGIN-PROCEDURE command is incorrect. Verify the spelling of the variable types.


Indicate :$string or :#number returned values in BEGIN- PROCEDURE only.

Correct the syntax.


Missing ).

Correct the syntax.


`01 paragraph not allowed with -XL option in effect.

Either use the #IF command to conditionally compile the program when -XL is being used or do not execute this SQR report with the -XL option. `01 = Name of the BEGIN-paragraph


Bad database connection number.

The -Cnn value must be a non-zero value. Correct the source line.


Did not find end of paragraph: `01 (No 'from...' clause found.)

Correct the source code.

`01 = BEGIN-command in question


Error in SQL statement.

The database server has determined that the SQL statement is in error. The actual error text from the server follows this message. Correct the SQL statement.


Extra characters after expression continuation.

Remove the extra characters after the dash.


Did not find end of expression.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


Columns names and expressions must be unique or be given unique pseudonyms (&name).

You are trying to select the same &column name more than once. Change the assigned &column name by using an alias after the name. Columns retrieved from the database are assigned names by prepending an "&" to the beginning of the name.


Bad number specified for 'LOOPS=' on 'BEGIN-SELECT; Maximum is 32767'.

If your program logic requires that you stop processing after more than 32767 rows have been retrieved, you could count the rows manually and use the EXIT-SELECT command to break out of the SELECT loop.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [- Bnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(DB2) Correct the syntax.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Informix) Correct the syntax.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [-DB=database]

(ODBC) Correct the syntax.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [- Bnn] [LOOPS=nn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Oracle) Correct the syntax.


Bad param found on 'BEGIN-SELECT' line; Format is: BEGIN-SELECT [DISTINCT] [-Cnn] [- XP] [LOOPS=nnn] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Sybase) Correct the syntax.


Could not set up cursor.

An error occurred while trying to compile the SQL statement. Review any $string variable references. Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Problem executing cursor.

An error occurred while trying to execute the SQL statement. Review the $string variable references. Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Could not exit query loop.

The database command to cancel the query returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


Bad return fetching row from database.

The database returned an error status for the last row that was fetched. This is commonly due to the buffer not being large enough. If selecting expressions, make sure that the length of the first expression is adequate for all rows selected.


Literal in SQL expression missing closing quote.

Literals must be surrounded by single quotes ('). To embed a quote within a literal use two single quotes in sequence (''). Correct the source line.


SQL expression not ended, perhaps parentheses not balanced.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


SQL expression not ended, perhaps missing &name.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


SQL expression is missing &name or has unbalanced parentheses.

An expression in a SELECT list must end with either a &column variable or a position parameter "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [ON- ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(DB2) Correct the syntax.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [ON- ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Informix) Correct the syntax.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [-NR] [ON- ERROR=procedure(arg1[,argi]...)]] [-DB=]

(ODBC) Correct the syntax.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [ON- ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Oracle) Correct the syntax.


Incorrect arguments for BEGIN-SQL: [-Cnn] [-XP] [ON- ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]]

(Sybase) Correct the syntax.


Did not find 'END- SQL' after 'BEGIN- SQL'.

Correct the source file.


ON-ERROR= for 'BEGIN-SQL' in SETUP section must be STOP, WARN or SKIP.

Correct the syntax.


Could not create procedure for SQL.

(Sybase) SQR could not create a stored procedure for the SQL statement. The most likely cause for failure is that the user name you are using to run the report under does not have the proper privileges. Either grant the user CREATE PROCEDURE privilege or use the -XP command line option to inhibit SQR from creating temporary stored procedures for SQL statements.


Could not compile SQL.

Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Could not execute SQL.

An error occurred while trying to compile the SQL statement. Correct the SQL statement or use the ON-ERROR= option to trap the error during the program run.


Please use BEGIN-SELECT - END-SELECT section for SELECT statements.

(Oracle, Informix, ODBC) Correct the source code.


Bad fetch buffer count.

(Oracle, Sybase) The -B flag specifies an illegal value. Correct the source code.


Report interrupted by request.

This is an informational message.


Dynamic column must be $string variable.

Correct the syntax.


Dynamic column missing '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Missing character


Dynamic columns must have a &pseudonym.

Correct the syntax.


&pseudonym =type must be 'char', 'number', or 'date'.

Correct the syntax.


Only a variable name may be between the '`01' and '`02' characters.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Leading character

`02 = Trailing character


When dynamic columns are used all non-dynamic columns and expressions must be defined with &name=type.

Add &name=type to all expressions and non-dynamic columns.


When the table name is dynamic each column and expression must be defined with &name=type.

Add &name=type to all expressions and non-dynamic columns.


Too many document paragraphs; maximum is `01.

There are too many BEGIN-DOCUMENT paragraphs. Reduce the number of DOCUMENT paragraphs needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Too many document markers; maximum is `01.

There are too many BEGIN-DOCUMENT paragraphs. Reduce the number of DOCUMENT paragraphs needed by the program.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Duplicate document marker.

Specify a unique name for the the document marker.


Did not find 'END- DOCUMENT' after 'BEGIN-DOCUMENT'.

The BEGIN-DOCUMENT paragraph must end with END-DOCUMENT. Correct the source code.


EXECUTE command is incomplete.

Correct the syntax.


Bad -Cnn connection number for EXECUTE.

The -Cnn value must be a nonzero value. Correct the source line.


@#Return_status must be #numeric (missing #).

Correct the source line.


Missing '=' after `01.

Correct the source line.

`01 = The parameter in question


Unknown variable type.

Variable names must begin with $, #, or &. Correct the source line.


OUT[PUT] variables for EXECUTE may only be $variable or #variable.

Correct the syntax.


The only EXECUTE option is WITH RECOMPILE.

Correct the syntax.


You must EXECUTE ... INTO &columns.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown datatype for EXECUTE...INTO &columns.

Verify the spelling of the data type. If the data type is correct, then contact customer technical support so SQR can be updated.


EXECUTE...INTO &columns must be unique.

The &column name assigned to the column must be unique throughout the report. Specify a unique name for the column.


Missing (length) for datatype in EXECUTE.

Correct the source line.


Datatype should not have (length) in EXECUTE.

Correct the source line.


DO= in EXECUTE requires INTO... variables.

Correct the syntax.


Could not EXECUTE stored procedure.

Record the database error message displayed with this message. If needed, contact your system administrator.


Bad return fetching row from database.

Record the database error message displayed with this message. If necessary, contact your system administrator.


Could not set up EXECUTE cursor.

The database server returned an error while trying to compile the SQL statement needed to set up the EXECUTE command.


Result #variable or $variable or '=' missing in expression.

The LET command is not properly formatted. Correct the source line.


Expression too complex.

The expression is either too long or is too deeply nested. Break the expression into smaller expressions.


Parentheses unbalanced in expression.

A left or right parenthesis is missing. Correct the source line.


Too many variables; maximum is `01.

Break the expression into smaller expressions.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Empty expression.

The expression is invalid. Correct the source line.


Extra comma in expression.

An argument is missing after a comma in the expression. Correct the source line.


Unknown operator '`01'. Do you mean `02 ?

The concatenation operator is ||. Correct the source line.


Too many &column forward references in expression; maximum is `01.

The expression contains too many forward references. Break the expression into smaller expressions.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR


Unknown function or variable in expression: `01

The specified function is not an SQR built-in function nor does it exist in the user-modifiable file UFUNC.C. Verify that the function names are spelled correctly.

`01 = Function name


Function '`01' missing parentheses.

All functions in an expression must be followed by their arguments enclosed in parentheses. Correct the source line.


Empty parentheses or expression.

A pair of parentheses were found with nothing inside them. Remove the () in question from the source line.


User function '`01' has incorrect number of arguments.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


Function '`01' has incorrect number of arguments.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = SQR function name


Missing operator in expression.

Correct the source line.


Operator '`01' missing argument.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = Operator


Function '`01' missing argument.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = SQR function name


Function or operator '`01' missing arguments.

Correct the syntax of the function. Functions are described under the LET command.

`01 = SQR function name


User function '`01' requires character argument.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' requires numeric argument.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' requires $string variable.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' requires #numeric variable.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' has incorrect argument type list. Must be of: c,n,C,N

The UFUNC.C file has a bad definition for the specified function. Correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable.

`01 = User function name


User function '`01' missing arguments.

Look at the file UFUNC.C to determine the correct number and type of arguments required for the specified function. `01 = User function name


User function '`01' has incorrect return type. Must be c or n.

The UFUNC.C file has a bad definition for the specified function. Correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable. `01 = User function name


'isnull' requires a &column, $string or $date argument.

#numeric variables cannot be NULL. Correct the source line.


'nvl' requires a &column, $string or $date as its first argument.

#numeric variables cannot be NULL. Correct the source line.


Function or operator '`01' requires character argument.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Function or operator


Function or operator '`01' requires numeric argument.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Function or operator


IF or WHILE expression must return logical result.

The expression used must evaluate a statement that will be TRUE or FALSE. Correct the source line.


Attempting division by zero in expression.

The expression tried to divide a number by zero. Use the COND() function to determine whether the divisor is zero; then divide by something else (for example, 1).


Attempting division by zero with '%'.

An attempt was made to divide a number using the " %" operator. Use the COND() function to determine whether the divisor is zero; then divide by something else (for example, 1).


The number used with '%' (`01) is out of range.

The "%" operator works only with integers. Correct the program logic.

`01 = Maximum value allowed


User function has unknown return type -- expecting n or c -- need to recompile Run-Time file?

SQR detected an error while processing a user defined function. If you are running an .sqt file, it probably needs to be recompiled because the user function has changed its definition. If you are running an .sqr file, you need to correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable.


In user function use C type with allocated string to change $variable.

SQR detected an error while processing a user defined function. Correct the UFUNC.C program file, recompile UFUNC.C, and recreate the SQR executable.


Could not find array '`01' in ARRAY function.

Verify the spelling of the array name.

`01 = Array name


Could not find array field '`01' in ARRAY function.

Verify the spelling of the array field name.

`01 = Array field name


Math error in expression (usually over- or under-flow).

Most of the SQR mathematical built-in functions have a corresponding C library routine. One returned an error. Break the expression into discrete expressions in order to identify the function that caused the error.


Error executing expression.

Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Out of space while processing expression;

Use -Mfile to increase EXPRESSIONSPACE.

The expression requires more temporary string storage than is currently allocated. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file that contains an entry that increases by a greater value than is currently defined.


'`01' assumed to be a variable name, not an expression.

Warning message.

`01 = Expression in question


The array '`01' has not been defined.

Define the array using the CREATE-ARRAY command. `01 = Array name


The field '`01' is not valid for array '`02'.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Field name

`02 = Array name


The array reference '`01' has an incorrect number of parameters specified.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Array name


The array reference '`01' requires numeric parameters for the element and occurs arguments.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Array name.


Function or operator '`01' requires date argument.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Array name


Incompatible types between expression and variable.

Correct the source code.


The field '`01' is must be 'char' or 'float'.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Field name


Function or operator '`01' must be a string or date argument.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Function or operator


Use 'print' command to format data outside SELECT query.

You must precede PRINT command arguments (WRAP, ON-BREAK.) with an explicit PRINT command when outside of a BEGIN-SELECT paragraph. Correct the source line.


Cannot find required parameter.

Correct the syntax.


Bad number found.

A command expecting a numeric literal or :#numeric variable reference found an illegal number definition or a reference to a string variable or column. Correct the source line.


Cannot find required numeric parameter.

Correct the syntax.


Cannot find placement parameters.

The position qualifier "(Row,Col,Len)" was not found. Search for a missing parentheses.


Placement parameter incorrect.

The "Row", "Column" or "Length" fields are invalid or ill-formed. Correct the source line.


Invalid second function on line.

An SQR command used as a qualifier for a primary command (for example, PRINT) is incorrect. Correct the source line.


Second function must be FORMAT type.

The PRINT command may have format command qualifiers such as WRAP, CENTER, or FILL. Other qualifier commands are not permitted.


Missing operator =, <, >, ...

Correct the source line.


Invalid operator.

Correct the source line.


Missing variable.

Correct the syntax.


Please give this expression a &pseudonym.

Expressions selected in a BEGIN-SELECT paragraph should be given an &Name or be followed by a print position "(Row,Col,Len)". Correct the source line.


Wrong variable type.

Correct the syntax.


Command incomplete, expected '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = What was expected


Expecting '`01', found '`02'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = What was expected

`02 = What was encountered


Unknown command or extra parameters found (missing quotes?).

Correct the syntax.


Duplicate references to parameter '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Duplicated parameter


Unexpected equal sign found with '`01'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Qualifier '`01' cannot be used with the following qualifiers:

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Expecting numeric column, found string column.

Correct the syntax.


Date variables (`01) cannot be used with this command.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Page width and depth must be > 0 and < 32767.

The values specified with the PAGE-SIZE command are out of specified range. Specify legal values.


Page buffer must be < 65536 on PC SQR.

The maximum page buffer allocation on a PC is 65536. The Page-Depth * Page-Width cannot exceed this value. Reduce the Page-Depth or Page-Width.


Cannot generate line printer output for this report because position qualifier(s) may be out of range. If you are running this report, specify PRINTER:{HP,EH,HT ,PS,WP} for graphical printer output.

The report output cannot be generated for a Line Printer. If your report was designed for a graphics printer, specify - PRINTER:{HP,EH,HT,PS,WP} for graphical printer output.


Missing end of placement (...) in SHOW.

The placement parameter is ill-formed. Correct the source line.


Bad (...) location in SHOW.

Screen positions must be valid numbers. Correct the source line.


Missing literal or variable name to EDIT in SHOW.

A literal or variable name must immediately precede the EDIT, NUMBER, MONEY, or DATE keywords.


Missing edit mask in SHOW.

The word EDIT must be followed by a valid edit mask. Correct the source line.


Only string variable allowed for dynamic edit mask.

Dynamic edit masks may only be stored in $variables. Correct the line.


Unknown option for SHOW.

Correct the syntax.


Program too large; use -Mfile to increase PROGLINES.

The SQR program contains too many SQR command lines. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of param storage; use -Mfile to increase PROGLINEPARS.

The SQR program contains too many SQR command line parameters. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of string storage; use -Mfile to increase STRINGSPACE.

The space allocated to hold the static string variables ('...') has been used. Use the - Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of variables; use - Mfile to increase VARIABLES.

There are too many variables (string, numeric), literals and database columns. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Out of forward &column or $variable references; use -Mfile to increase FORWARDREFS.

A forward referenced variable is a variable that is referenced before it is defined. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Number `01 not allowed.

Use a different value.

`01 = Internal number


Referenced variables not defined:

References were made to column variables (&var) that are not defined in the program. The list of variable names follows this message.


Out of Print positions; use -Mfile to increase POSITIONS.

A print position is the "(Row,Col,Len)" parameter. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Use '+' and negate variable for reverse relative placement.

The use of "-#variable" is not legal here. Negate the #variable value and use "+#variable".


Fixed line placement #variable must be > 0. Use relative positioning, (+#line,10,0).

Correct the source line as indicated.


Fixed column placement #variable must be > 0. Use relative positioning, (5,+#col,0).

Correct the source line as indicated.


Length placement #variable must be >= 0.

The length field cannot be a negative value. Correct the source line.


CODE not appropriate for numeric data.

The CODE qualifier to the PRINT command may only be used for text fields. Move the “#Variable” to a “$Variable” first and then print the “$Variable”.


Unknown option for GRAPHIC command: BOX, HORZ-LINE, VERT-LINE or FONT

Correct the syntax.


GRAPHIC BOX out of bounds. Row: `01, Column: `02, Width: `03, Depth: `04

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Width

`04 = Depth


GRAPHIC VERT- LINE out of bounds. Row: `01, Column: `02, Length: `03

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Length


GRAPHIC HORZ- LINE out of bounds. Row: `01, Column: `02, Length: `03

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Length


Cannot open the program file: '`01' (`02): `03

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = Name of the program file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot logon to the database.

The connectivity information is either incorrect or the database server is unavailable. Verify the connectivity information and the server availability.


Line found outside paragraph.

All commands must be within BEGIN-... END-statements. Correct the source code.


Cannot close the program file. (`01): `02

Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


#ENDIF not found for #IF.

Missing an #ENDIF to complete conditional compilation. Correct the source code.


Program line too long; maximum is `01.

Break the program line into smaller lines.

`01 = Maximum line length supported by this version of SQR


Substitution variable {`01} would cause this line to exceed the maximum line length of `02 characters.

The substitution variable value would cause this line to exceed the maximum line size. Break the program line into smaller lines.

`01 = Name of the substitution variable

`02 = Maximum line length supported by this version of SQR


No value found for substitution variable: {`01}

An empty value was found for the substitution variable. Verify the spelling of the substitution variable.

`01 = Name of the substitution variable


#ELSE without preceding #IF.

Missing an #IF or #IFDEF or #IFNDEF to begin conditional compilation. Correct the source code.


#ENDIF without preceding #IF.

Missing an #IF or #IFDEF or #IFNDEF to begin conditional compilation. Correct the source code.


#IF's nested too deeply; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of nested #IF directives.

`01 = The maximum depth supported by this version of SQR


#INCLUDE files nested too deeply; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of nested #INCLUDE directives.

`01 = The maximum depth supported by this version of SQR


Include file name too long; Modify -I flag.

The combined -I directory name with the #INCLUDE file name exceeds the maximum length permitted for a complete path name. Verify the spelling of both the -I command flag and the #INCLUDE filename.


Cannot open the #INCLUDE file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Include file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot close the #INCLUDE file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Include file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


'BEGIN-REPORT' command not found in program.

This section is required for all reports. Correct the source code.


Cannot open the report output file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Output file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot logoff the database.

The database server returned an error while trying to log off from the database. SQR ends the program run.


Cannot open the run-time file: '`01'. (`02): `03

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Run-Time file name

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot close the run-time file. (`01): `02

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error reading the run-time file. (`01): `02

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Run time file must be recreated for this version of SQR.

The runtime file was created by a earlier version of SQR and is incompatible with the current version. Recreate the .sqt (runtime) file.


The -XL option cannot be specified with this run-time file because access to the database is required.

Do not use the -XL option.


Cannot open cursor.

The database server returned an error indicating that a new database cursor or logon could not be completed. See the error message from the database server.


Cannot create procedure for SQL statement.

(Sybase) SQR could not create a stored procedure for the SQL statement. The most likely cause for failure is that the user name you are running the report under does not have the proper privileges. Either grant the user CREATE PROCEDURE privilege or use the -XP command line option to inhibit SQR from creating temporary stored procedures for SQL statements.


Error writing the runtime file. (`01): `02

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


You must specify a Partitioned Data Set name and member to build a .sqt(member) run-time file. Could not create the run-time file.

(MVS) Use the proper format to specify the name of the .sqt file.


Cannot find inactive database cursor. Program too large.

(Oracle, DB2) The program has too many concurrent database cursors. Reduce the complexity of the program.


Run-time saved in file: `01

This is an informational message.

`01 = Name of the .sqt file created


Unknown variable type encountered in run-time file: `01

SQR ends loading the runtime file.

`01 = Variable type


Unexpected End-Of-File while processing the run-time file.

SQR ends loading the runtime file.


Cannot load the run- time file because it was built for the `01database and `02 is built for the `03 database.

SQR ends loading the runtime file.

`01 = Database name from runtime file

`02 = SQR image name

`03 = Database that SQR is built for


'END-REPORT' not paired with 'BEGIN- REPORT'.

Correct the source code.


'END-PROGRAM' not paired with 'BEGIN- PROGRAM'.

Correct the source code.


#INCLUDE filename must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Correct the syntax.


#INCLUDE command format is: #Include 'filename'.

Correct the syntax.


Array field (`01.`02) specification exceeds the PC 64K limit.

Reduce the size of the field requirements.

`01 = Array name

`02 = Field name


Layout '`01' specifications exceeds the PC 64K limit.

The layout is too large for the 32–bit version of SQR to handle.

`01 = Layout name


The SQT file is corrupted and cannot be processed.

SQR ends loading the runtime file.


The user function '`01' needs to be defined as entry `02 in the user function table. It requires a definition of: Return Type = '`03' Arg Count = `04 Arg Types = "`05"

The SQT file requires that the specified user function be defined.

`01 = User function name

`02 = Entry in the user function table

`03 = Return type

`04 = Argument count

`05 = Argument types


An attempt was made to move `01 characters into '`02'. The maximum allowed is `03 characters.

An attempt was made to move too much data into an SQR string variable.

`01 = Number of characters to be moved

`02 = Variable name

`03 = Maximum characters allowed



Correct the syntax.


Both BEFORE-BOLD and AFTER-BOLD must be specified.

Correct the syntax.


Unknown DECLARE qualifier.

Correct the syntax.


Out of dynamic SQL arguments [$...];

use -Mfile to increase DYNAMICARGS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Date variables (`01) cannot be used in BEGIN-SQL or BEGIN-SELECT paragraphs.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Variable name


Report '`01' heading section size exceeds the page depth.

Reduce the size of the heading or increase the page depth.


Report '`01' footing location must be less than the page depth.

Reduce the size of the footing or increase the page depth.


Check 'BEGIN- HEADING' commands: Discovered 2nd page- initialization while heading in progress.

The BEGIN-HEADING procedure either caused an overflow of the current page or it issued a command that caused a page eject to occur. Review any procedure invoked by the BEGIN-HEADING section to ensure that the commands do not overflow the page or cause a page eject.


Check 'BEGIN-FOOTING' commands; perhaps number of footing lines is too small. Discovered 2nd page- write while footing in progress.

The BEGIN-FOOTING procedure either caused an overflow of the current page or it issued a command that caused a page eject to occur. Review any procedure invoked by the BEGIN-FOOTING section to ensure that the commands do not overflow the page or cause a page eject.


Attempt to execute the `01 command while processing the `02 section.

Change the SQR program logic to prevent the command from executing while the specified section is active.

`01 = Command name

`02 = Section name


Report '`01' already has been assigned a `02 section.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Report name

`02 = Duplicated section name


You cannot define more than one default '`01' section.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Duplicated section name


Report '`01' has overlapping heading and footing sections.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Report name


TOC '`01' already has been assigned a `02 section.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Table of Contents name

`02 = Duplicated section name


'IF', 'WHILE', 'EVALUATE' commands nested too deeply; maximum is `01.

Reduce the nested commands.

`01 = Maximum depth allowed by this version of SQR


'BREAK' found outside 'WHILE' or 'EVALUATE' statement.

The BREAK command is valid only in the context of a WHILE or EVALUATE statement. Correct the source code.


Out of Break commands; Use -Mfile to increase BREAKS.

This is the number of BREAK commands allowed per EVALUATE command. Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


END-WHILE found without matching 'WHILE'.

Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'EVALUATE' command not completed before 'END-WHILE'.

Correct the syntax.


'ELSE' found without matching 'IF'.

ELSE can be used only within the context of an IF command. Correct the source code.


Single 'ELSE' found inside 'WHILE' or 'EVALUATE' statement.

ELSE can be used only within the context of an IF command. Correct the source code.


Only one 'ELSE' allowed per 'IF'.

Rewrite the source code to use nested IF statements.


Found 'END-IF' without matching 'IF'.

Each IF command must have a matching END-IF command. Correct the source code.


'WHILE' or 'EVALUATE' command not completed before 'END-IF'.

You are missing a closing END-WHILE or END-EVALUATE command before END- IF. IF, WHILE, and EVALUATE statements can be nested, but they cannot cross each other's boundaries. Each inner statement must be complete before a closing statement is ended. Correct the source code.


EVALUATE statements nested too deep; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of nested statements.

`01 = Maximum depth supported by this version of SQR


'WHEN' found outside 'EVALUATE' clause.

WHEN may be used only in the context of an EVALUATE clause. Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'WHILE' not completed before 'WHEN' statement.

Correct the syntax.


Out of When commands; Use -Mfile to increase WHENS.

Use the -Mfile flag on the command line to specify a file containing an entry that increases the currently defined value.


Incorrect types for comparison. Both must be of the same type (string, numeric or date).

Correct the source line.


'When-other' found outside 'Evaluate' statement.

WHEN can be used only in the context of an EVALUATE statement. Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'WHILE' not ended before 'WHEN- OTHER' command.

Correct the syntax.


Only one 'WHEN- OTHER' allowed per 'EVALUATE'.

Correct the syntax.


Found 'END-EVALUATE' without matching 'EVALUATE'.

Each EVALUATE command must have a matching END-EVALUATE command. Correct the source code.


'IF' or 'WHILE' command not completed before 'END- EVALUATE'.

Correct the syntax.


'WHEN-OTHER' must be after all 'WHEN's.

Correct the syntax.


No 'WHEN's found inside 'EVALUATE' statement.

Correct the syntax.


'IF', 'EVALUATE' and 'WHILE' statements cannot cross sections or paragraphs.

These commands must be contained within a single section or paragraph. Correct the source code.


Did not find '>' after <....

A leading left angled bracket (<) indicates that you are beginning an decimal value representing a character, which must be ended by a right angled bracket (>). Correct the source line.


Bad character in <...>.

Numbers in angled brackets (<>) must be between 1 and 255. Correct the source line.


Bad number in <...>.

Numbers in angled brackets (<>) must be between 1 and 255. Correct the source line.


<...> string is too long; maximum is `01 characters.

Reduce the length of the string. If this is not possible, use a PRINT-DIRECT command in a BEGIN-REPORT or END-REPORT procedure. `01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR


Did not find '=' after qualifier: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a numeric value.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Incorrect value for qualifier '`01'. Valid values are:

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Invalid qualifier '`01'. Valid qualifiers are:

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a numeric literal, variable, or column.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' references a numeric variable that has not been defined.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a string literal, variable, or column.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


List not terminated.

Correct the syntax.


Missing comma in list.

Correct the syntax.


Required argument '`01' was not specified.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' has already been specified.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a string literal.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a list of values: (val [,val]...).

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' requires a integer value.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Invalid character in variable name '`01'.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Invalid character


Qualifier '`01' references a string variable that has not been defined.

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '`01' uses an invalid Unit-Of-Measure suffix. Valid suffixes are: dp pt mm cm in

Correct the source line.

`01 = Qualifier name


Second page write attempted while writing current page. Check BEFORE- PAGE, AFTER-PAGE procedures.

Review any procedure invoked by the BEFORE-PAGE or AFTER-PAGE procedures to ensure that the commands do not overflow the page or cause a page eject.


String cannot be placed on page: `01 -- placement specified is out of range. (`02,`03,`04)

Ensure the values are within the page limits.

`01 = Text value

`02 = Row

`03 = Column

`04 = Length


Error writing the output file. (`01): `02

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Cannot open the Postscript startup file: `01 (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


SQR trial copy exiting after `01 pages.

`01 = Number of pages.


Exiting after requested number of test pages (`01).

`01 = Number of pages.


Program stopped by user request.

This is an informational message.


Cannot set parse_only option.

(Sybase) The DB-Library routine dbsetopt() returned an error. This error should never occur. Contact technical support.


Cannot reset parse_only option.

(Sybase) The DB-Library routine dbclropt() returned an error. This error should never occur. Contact technical support.


Cannot drop SQR generated stored procedure: `01.

(Sybase) See the database server error message that was also output. This error should never occur. Contact technical support.

`01 = Stored procedure name


Cannot use `01 datatype as bind variable.

(Sybase) Use another database column.

`01 = The database datatype.


Unknown datatype for bind variable: `01 Cannot create stored procedure.

(Sybase) Contact technical support.

`01 = Unknown database datatype


SQL too large to create stored procedure.

(Sybase) The size of the SQL text needed to create the stored procedure is too large for SQR to process. Add the -XP option to the BEGIN-SQL or BEGIN-SELECT command.


SQR's EXECUTE command not available for this version of Sybase.

(Sybase) Some early versions of Sybase SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server do not support Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs). Update your database server.


Could not add param to remote procedure call.

(Sybase) A DB-Library routine returned an unexpected error. See the error message from the database.


The number of EXECUTE...INTO &columns does not match the procedure.

(Sybase) Verify the definition for the stored procedure you are referencing.


Incorrect number of INTO &columns defined in EXECUTE.

(Sybase) Verify the definition for the stored procedure you are referencing.


Error converting OUTPUT Sybase type for EXECUTE.

(Sybase) The DB-Library routine dbconvert() failed to convert the data from the stored procedure. Contact technical support.


Number of OUTPUT parameters from EXECUTE is incorrect.

(Sybase) Verify the definition for the stored procedure you are referencing.


Missing default database name for USE.

(Sybase) Correct the syntax.


Missing default database name for USE.

(ODBC) Could not connect to the specified datasource.


You may only specify 'USE db' once, before any SQL statements are executed.

(Sybase) Only one USE command is allowed in a report. Place the SETUP section at the beginning of the SQR report.


Undefined variable referenced in -DB flag: `01

(ODBC) Verify that there are no misspellings. `01 = Variable name


Database commit failed.

The database command to perform a commit returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


Cannot close database cursor.

The database command to close the database cursor returned an error. Try running the SQR program again. The error could be related to a network or server problem. If the error persists, contact your system administrator.


DB2 SQL `01 error `02 in cursor `03:

(DB2) `01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = SQR cursor number


INFORMIX SQL `01 error `02 (ISAM: `03) in cursor `04: `05


`01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = ISAM code

`04 = SQR cursor number

`05 = Error message from database


ODBC SQL `01 error `02 in cursor `03: `04


`01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = SQR cursor number

`04 = Error message from database


ORACLE `01 error `02 in cursor `03: `04


`01 = Routine name

`02 = Error code

`03 = SQR cursor number

`04 = Error message from database


Sybase `01 error in cursor `02: `03


`01 = Routine name

`02 = SQR cursor number

`03 = Error message from database


System 10 files are missing.

(Sybase) Contact your system administrator.


Not a System 10 SQL Server.

(Sybase) The CT-Library version of SQR can only connect to a System 10 server. Use the DB-Library version of SQR to connect to a version earlier than System 10 server.


SQL too long for PREPARE/DECLARE; maximum `01 characters.

(DB2) The SQL statement is too large.

`01 = Maximum number of characters supported by this version of SQR


Unknown error message number: `01.


`01 = Error message number


Empty error message returned from system for error number: `01.


`01 = Error message number


Invalid SELECT statement; COMPUTE clauses are not supported.

(Sybase) The select statement contains a COMPUTE clause that is not supported.


Could not connect to datasource specified in -db variable: '`01'.

(ODBC) Could not connect to the specified datasource.


Not connected to a database, database access is not allowed.

The SQR program is no longer connected to a database. Commands that access the database can no longer be used. This situation can occur if the CONNECT fails and the ON-ERROR option was used.


Specify the Oracle DLL name in the pssqr.ini file in [Environment:Oracle] section for ORACLE_DLL entry, such as ORACLE_DLL=orant 71.dll

(Oracle) SQR was unable to load the Oracle DLL. By default, SQR looks first for ociw32.dll or the DLL specified by the ORACLE_DLL entry in the [Environment:Oracle] section of the pssqr.ini file. If that DLL could not be loaded, then SQR attempts to load orant71.dll.


GETWRD: Word too long; maximum is `01.

Reduce the length of the "word".

`01 = Maximum size of a "word" supported by this version of SQR


Cannot call SQR recursively.

SQR cannot be called recursively. This error can only occur if a User Function from either UFUNC.C or UCALL.C calls the sqr() routine. Do not call sqr() from a UFUNC.C or UCALL.C routine.


Too many SQR command line arguments; maximum is `01

To pass more than this number of arguments, use a @file argument file containing one argument per line.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR.


Log file name specified is too long.

Reduce the length of the log file name.


Error opening the SQR log file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Missing program name.

The name of the program file was not found on the command line. The program name must be the first parameter on the command line.


Program file name specified is too long.

Reduce the length of the program file name.


Error opening the -E error file: '`01' (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Cannot find `01 in SQRDIR, PATH or \SQR.

The specified file cannot be located in any of the directories pointed to by the mentioned environment variables or default directories. Make sure the "file" is present in one of the locations searched.

`01 = File name


`01 environment variable is not defined.

As of version 2.5, the environment variable SQRDIR must be defined.

`01 = Name of the environment variable


`01 path too long.

The length of the directory path plus the length of the file name to be opened is too long for SQR to handle. Reduce the length of the directory path.

`01 = Environment variable name


Bad number in -T test flag.

The number specified must be > zero. Correct the value.


Unknown flag on command line: `01

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Unknown command line flag


Error opening tty. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error with 'ioctl()'. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error reading tty. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error closing tty. (`01): `02

(Tru64, UNIX/Linux) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Bad number in -B flag.

(Oracle, Sybase) The number specified must be greater than zero. Correct the value.


No program name given.

The report name must be the first command line argument.


Unknown printer type specified with - PRINTER: switch.

The printer type can be EH, HT, LP, HP, PS, or WP. WP is valid only with PC/Windows.


Database name needs to be included with - DB switch.

(ODBC) Could not connect to the specified datasource.


Database name needs to be included with - DB switch.

(Sybase) Supply the database name.


Too many -F switches; maximum is `01.

Reduce the number of -F switches.

`01 = Maximum number allowed


-F and outfile name are required with DDN or DD style SQR {program} name.

(MVS) Correct the JCL stream.


Attempting to use SQR {program} file for outfile.

(MVS) Correct the JCL stream.


Attempt to invoke viewer (using WinExec) failed; error code = `01.


`01 = System error code


Unknown numeric type specified with - DNT: switch.

Correct the command line.


-DNT:Decimal precision (`01) is out of range (`02 - `03).

Correct the command line.

`01 = Specified precision

`02 = Minimum allowed

`03 = Maximum allowed


The specified default numeric type '`01 = `02' is invalid.

Correct the pssqr.ini file entry.

`01 = Entry

`02 = Value


The decimal precision '`01 = `02' is out of range (`03 - `04).

Correct the pssqr.ini file entry.

`01 = Entry

`02 = Value

`03 = Minimum allowed

`04 = Maximum allowed


The following error(s) occurred while processing the [`01] section from the pssqr.ini file.

See the error message(s) that follow.

`01 = Name of the section


The -Burst switch is not properly formatted.

The “Burst” command line flag is not properly formatted.


The -Burst switch cannot be used with the -NOLIS switch.

The “Burst” command line flag cannot be specified when the -NOLIS command line flag is also specified.


The -Burst switch requires either the - Printer:HT or - Printer:EH switch to be specified.

The “Burst” command line flag is applicable only when HTML code is produced. You must specify either the -PRINTER:HT or - PRINTER:EH switch.


The -Burst:S and - Burst:T switches can only be used against an SPF file which was generated with SQR v4.1 and above.

The “Burst” command line flag can only be specified when processing a SPF file that was generated by SQR v4.1 and above. Older SPF files do not contain the proper information that permits bursting.


The -Burst switch caused no output to be generated.

The “Burst” command line flag was specified with a set of page ranges that prevented any output to be created. Change the page ranges.


Bad number in -`01

(Windows) Specify a valid number.

`01 = Command line option


Bad filename in -`01

(Windows) Specify a valid file name.

`01 = Command line option


Bad directory in -`01

(Windows) Specify a valid directory path.

`01 = Command line option


Cannot access the @ parameter file (`01): `02

(Windows) Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


The argument list is too long; maximum is `01.

(Windows) To pass more than this number of arguments, use a @file argument file containing one argument per line.

`01 = Maximum number supported by this version of SQR.


Cannot open the report file (`01): `02

(Windows) Depends on the system error message.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Invalid filename entered.

(Windows) Re-enter with a valid file name.


Error writing the printer file. (`01): `02

This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Error reading the printer file. (`01): `02

This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = System error code

`02 = System error message


Cannot open the printer file: `01 (`02): `03

This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


Unexpected End-Of- File while processing the printer file.

The file might be corrupted. Try to recreate the .spf file. If the error persists, contact technical support.


Encountered unknown SPF code (`01) while reading the printer file.

The file might be corrupted. Try to recreate the .spf file. If the error persists, contact technical support.

`01 = Unknown SPF code


Duplicate chart (`01).

Each chart must be given a unique name.

`01 = Chart name


Unknown chart (`01).

Chart could not be found.

`01 = Chart name


Number of chart data- array columns specified (`01) exceeds the number of array columns (`02).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Number of data-array columns

`02 = Number of array columns


Number of chart data- array rows specified (`01) exceeds the number of array rows (`02).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Number of data-array rows

`02 = Number of array rows


Too many pie segments (`01). Max is `02.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Number of segments

`02 = Maximum allowed segments


Chart module is not initialized.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


XY charts may have only numeric columns.

Correct the syntax.


The 3rd column in the data array must be a character column to specify USE-3RD- DATA-COLUMN.

Correct the syntax.


Invalid chart size or placement.

Correct the source code.


INTERNAL: Bad chart index from stack (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Chart index


INTERNAL: Unknown SQR BG Interface message (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Message code


INTERNAL: Unsupported Grafsman chart type (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Chart type


INTERNAL: Unsupported pie-explode setting (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Setting value


INTERNAL: Unsupported tick-mark placement (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Placement value


Grafsman interface message (`01) not supported.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Message code


Unrecognized return code (`01) from Grafsman command message (`02).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Return code

`02 = Message code


Cannot fit Chart/Image into the current page. Position: (`01, `02) Size: (`03, `04)

Correct the source code. SQR ends the program run.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Width

`04 = Depth


Check coordinate values.

Correct the syntax.


Duplicate image (`01).

Images must be given unique names.

`01 = Image name


Unknown image (`01).

Image name could not be found.

`01 = Image name


Cannot open image file (`01). (`02): `03

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


INTERNAL: Bad image index from stack (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Image name


This report has already been defined.

Each report must be given a unique name.


This layout has already been defined.

Each layout must be given a unique name.


This printer has already been defined.

Each printer must be given a unique name.


The values for '01' must be > 0.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


Qualifiers '01' and '02' are mutually exclusive.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Qualifier name


Qualifier '01' is not applicable with a 'default' printer.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name


The list must contain report names or ALL.

Correct the syntax.


'ALL' must be specified by itself.

Correct the syntax.


No report name was specified.

Correct the syntax.


No layout name was specified.

Correct the syntax.


No printer name was specified.

Correct the syntax.


The name cannot be 'ALL'.

Correct the syntax.


The name can only contain characters [0-9 A-Z _ -].

Correct the syntax.


Report '01' is referenced by multiple '`02' printers.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Report name

`02 = Printer type


Qualifier '01' is not allowed with a '02' printer.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Printer type


The value for '01' must be ‘02 0.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier name

`02 = Relation to zero (<,<=,=,>=,>)


Report '01' does not exist.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Report name


The report name can be a string literal, variable, or column.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Report name


Referenced layouts not defined:

A list of undefined layouts follows this message.


Referenced reports not defined:

A list of undefined reports follows this message.


Referenced printers not defined:

A list of undefined printers follows this message.


The following SQR commands (listed below) cannot be used when any of the following NEW SQR commands are also used in the same report:

Correct the syntax.


No printer type was specified.

Correct the syntax.


Incorrect value for printer type. Valid values are:

Correct the syntax. A list of valid printer types follows this message.


Attempt to execute the `01 command while processing the `02 procedure.

SQR ends the program run.

`01 = SQR command

`02 = Procedure name


Incorrect value for 'paper-size'. Specify the actual dimensions or one of the following names:

Correct the syntax. A list of valid predefined paper-size names follows this message.


Referenced TOC (Table Of Contents) not defined:

A list of undefined Table of Contents follows this message.


This TOC (Table Of Contents) has already been defined.

Each Table of Contents must be given a unique name.


The list must contain TOC (Table of Contents) names or ALL.

Correct the syntax.


The TOC (Table Of Contents) entry cannot be positioned given the LEVEL (`01) and INDENTATION (`02) values.

The Table of Contents entry will not fit given the specified level and current indentation values.

`01 = Specified LEVEL= value

`02 = Current INDENTATION= value


`01 command not allowed while generating the Table of Contents.

The specified command cannot be used while the Table of Contents is being generated.

`01 = SQR command


The TOC (Table of Contents) entry "A" cannot be processed because the existing entry "B" is positioned below it.

A: Line = `01, Level = `02, Text = '`03'

B: Line = `04, Level = `05, Text = '`06'

Correct the program logic to eliminate the conflict between the two TOC (Table of Contents) entries.

`01 = A: Line number

`02 = A: Level value

`03 = A: Text value

`04 = B: Line number

`05 = B: Level value

`06 = B: Text value


Unknown parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Value not valid for parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Invalid option (`02) for parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name

`02 = Option


Parameter (`01) is required, but has not been specified.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) already specified.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not support &columns.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires equal sign.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) has an unquoted string.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Missing part of specification for parameter (`01).

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires literal.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires valid numeric value.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires integer value.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not support type supplied.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires valid string. Perhaps quote or $ is missing.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not accept 'NONE' in this context.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires proper object name.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) requires array name.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not accept 'AUTOSCALE' in this context.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) has improper value list.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Parameter (`01) does not support relative values.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Parameter name


Conversion [ (`01) to (`02) ] is not supported.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = From type

`02 = To type


INTERNAL: Unsupported option/request (`01) in (`02).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Option/request code

`02 = Function name


INTERNAL: Unknown data type, (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Data type


INTERNAL: Unable to retrieve parameter value, (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Parameter name


INTERNAL: Data type (`02) not valid for parameter (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Parameter name

`02 = Data type


INTERNAL: Data location (`02) not valid for data type (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Data location

`02 = Data type


INTERNAL: Cannot decode string (`01) to index.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = String to decode


INTERNAL: Cannot set bit value (`02) for parameter (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Parameter name

`02 = Value


INTERNAL: Unknown program state (`01).

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = State


Unsupported background color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported border color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Border width out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


X position out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Y position out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


X size out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Y size out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font style.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported horizontal text justification value.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported vertical text justification value.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font path.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported font rotation.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Font size out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Text line id# out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported chart type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported chart sub-type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported chart orientation (not H or V).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported perspective (not 2D or 3D).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis (not X or Y).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis label data type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Dataset id# out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset line style.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset fill pattern.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported dataset marker.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Chart type does not support Y-axis datasets.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie-chart segment id# is out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-segment color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-segment border color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-segment pattern.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment explode setting.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Command only valid for charts of type 'pie'.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie-chart radius out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie-chart starting angle out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie-chart fill direction. Must be clockwise or counter- clockwise.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment label position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment quantity display position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported pie- segment per-cent display position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported legend style.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported legend horizontal position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported legend vertical position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Text charts do not support legend.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Number of datasets specified does not match data.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis label position.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis type (not LINEAR or LOG).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Pie and text charts do not support axis control.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

006449, 006450

Unsupported axis min scaling.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported axis max scaling.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Beginning of tickmarks is after end.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported tickmark type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported grid type.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported grid color.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Grid line width out of range.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unable to open grafcap file.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unsupported grafcap device.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Error in grafcap entry specification.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Unable to open chart output destination.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Internal error during ggDraw.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Improper parameters passed to gscale.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


The shared library specified in the grafcap file could not be found.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


A function called from the shared library specified in the grafcap file could not be found.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


The bar code could not be positioned on the page. Row: `01, Column: `02, Height: `03

Correct the source code.

`01 = Row

`02 = Column

`03 = Height


Unknown BCL error (`01) encountered.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = BCL error code


Invalid bar code type (`01): Valid values are from 1 to 15.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code type.


The length of the bar code text ‘01' must be between 1 and 30 characters.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code text


The length of the caption text '01' must be between 1 and 30 characters.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Caption text


Invalid printer type (`01): Valid values are from 0 to 13.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Printer type


Invalid offset: Valid values are from 0 to 250.

Correct the source code.


Invalid height (`01): Valid values are from 0.1 to 2.0 inches.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Height


Invalid checksum: Valid values are from 0 to 2.

Correct the source code.


Invalid pass: Valid values are from 1 to 6.

Correct the source code.


The bar code text '01' is not valid for the type of bar code (`02) selected.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code text

`02 = Bar code type


Internal error: Could not generate the bar code.

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Internal error: Bar code buffer required too large (>32K).

This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Cannot allocate the device context for the default printer.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to start printing the document.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


New-page (start) failed on page `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Page number


New-page (end) failed on page `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Page number


End document failed.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Error reading font information from the [Fonts] section in pssqr.ini. Using the default font.

(Windows) Correct the [Fonts] section in the pssqr.ini file.


Failed to create a brush for shading.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to select font `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Font name


Failed to modify font `01.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Font name


Failed to create a pen that was required to draw a box.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to create a pen that was required to draw a horizontal line.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to create a pen that was required to draw a vertical line.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to open the image bitmap file (`01). (`02): `03

(Windows) This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (file locking, permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator. `01 = Name of the file `02 = System error code `03 = System error message


The file (`01) does not contain a valid bitmap.

(Windows) Specify a valid bitmap file. `01 = Name of the file


Failed to create the palette for image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or an invalid bitmap. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator. `01 = Name of the file


Failed to load RLE into memory for image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file


Failed to convert DIB to DDB for image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file


Failed to draw the bitmap image (`01).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file


Cannot access the default printer's driver.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot select the charting clip area onto the printers DC.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or a problem with the printer. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot select create a metafile required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot create a region required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot create a DC required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot create a bitmap required for business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Business graphics failed while setting up the device (ggWinDevice).

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Cannot draw business graphics.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources or due to a damaged LIBSTI.INI file. The LIBSTI.INI file resides in the Windows main directory. Make sure that the GPATH= and IPT= entries point to a valid SQR BINW directory. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


SQRDIR is not defined.

(Windows) The variable SQRDIR must be defined in the pssqr.ini file.


Could not allocate memory while attempting to register the .spf filename extension.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Could not allocate memory for the page cache.

(Windows) This is an error that should never occur during normal operations. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.


Cannot open or read file (`01) (`02): `03

(Windows) This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


File (`01) is not in SPF packet format.

(Windows) The file was not produced by SQR or has been corrupted.

`01 = Name of the file


Failed to identify the start of the report (`01).

(Windows) The file was not produced by SQR or has been corrupted.

`01 = Name of the file


An invalid seek was made for page `01.

(Windows) This is an internal error which should not occur under normal operations. Contact technical support.

`01 = Page number


Too many errors were encountered while processing the file. Processing has been stopped.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur due to lack of system resources. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.


Failed to open the image bitmap file (`01). (`02): `03 This message is displayed only once per SPF file.

(Windows) This is an error that can occur during normal operations due to the system environment (for example, file locking and permissions). Record the steps leading up to the error and contact your system administrator.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


`01: Detected internal program error.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operation. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine


`01: Null Operand Passed as input.

This is an internal error that should never occur during normal operation. Record the steps leading up to the error and contact technical support.

`01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal Exponent Under/Overflow.

Exponent Under/Overflow: Exponent of decimal number has exceeded the valid boundaries established for the decimal type. Review the documentation for the current upper and lower bounds of a decimal object.

`01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal to Integer Conversion Under/Overflow.

Integer Under/Overflow: Cannot convert input decimal object into a valid integer number. Decimal object exceeds the established integer boundaries for this machine architecture. Review the magnitude and sign of the decimal object to ensure that it falls within the upper and lower bounds of an integer number. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal to Float Conversion Under/Overflow.

Floating Point Under/Overflow: Cannot convert input decimal object into a valid floating point number. The decimal object exceeds the established floating point boundaries for this machine architecture. Review the magnitude and sign of the decimal object to ensure that it falls within the upper and lower bounds of a floating point number. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal Precision Under/Overflow.

Decimal Precision Under/Overflow: Attempt made to initialize decimal object with an invalid precision. Verify the input precision value against the documented upper and lower boundaries for a decimal object. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: String to Decimal Object Conversion Error.

String To Decimal Conversion Error: The length of input string is greater than the precision of underlying decimal object. Either increase the precision of the decimal object or reduce the size of the input mantissa to match the decimal object precision. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Truncation/Rounding Error - Outside Valid Range for Decimal Object.

Truncation/Rounding Error: Input truncation or round value is outside the valid range for this decimal object. Ensure that the truncation/round value is greater than or equal to zero and less than the precision of the underlying decimal object. `01 = Name of the routine


`01: Decimal Error: Cannot Divide by Zero.

Decimal Math Divide by Zero Error: Attempt made to divide a decimal object by zero. Ensure that the divisor does not equal zero before attempting to divide. `01 = Name of the routine


There is no default printer set up on your system. Use the Control Panel "Printers" applet to define it.

(Windows) SQR Print requires that a default printer be defined. Use the "Printers" applet in the Control Panel to define one.


The locale '`01' is not defined in the pssqr.ini file.

Verify the spelling of the locale name or the pssqr.ini file.

`01 = Locale name


At least one qualifier must be specified.

Correct the source code.


The value for '01' must be a list of 02 string literals, variables or columns.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Number of entities in list


The values for '01' and '02' cannot be the same.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Qualifier


The value for '01' (`02) must be a single character which is not in the list: "03".

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value

`03 = List of invalid characters


The value for '`01' (`02) is invalid. Valid values are:

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value


The last character of the '`01' value (`02) cannot be a digit or the minus sign or the same as either of the separators.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Invalid character


The first character of the '`01' value (`02) cannot be a digit or the minus sign or the same as either of the separators.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Invalid character


The following errors occurred while processing the (`01) locale from the pssqr.ini file.

This message precedes error messages encountered while processing the pssqr.ini file.

`01 = Locale name


The value for '`01' cannot be 'DEFAULT' or 'SYSTEM'.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier


The value for '`01' (`02) is not properly formatted: Did not find the '>' for the '<nnn>' construct.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value


The value for '`01' (`02) is not properly formatted: The value of an '<nnn>' construct must be from 1 to 255.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value


The default locale (`01) specified in the [`02] section of the pssqr.ini file has not been defined.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Locale name

`02 = Section name


The value for '`01' (`02) must be a list of `03 quoted string literals.

Correct the syntax.

`01 = Qualifier

`02 = Value

`03 = Number of entities in list


The entry (`01 = `02) is not valid.

Correct the pssqr.ini entry.

`01 = Qualifier from the pssqr.ini file

`02 = Qualifier's value


The use of an edit mask or the keywords NUMBER, MONEY or DATE is not legal when storing numeric variables.

Correct the source code.


The last keyword is not '`01'.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Keyword


Incompatible source and destination variable types.

Correct the source code.


The keyword (`01) is not compatible with the variable (`02).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Keyword

`02 = Variable name


The use of an edit mask or the keyword DATE is not legal if both variables are date variables.

Correct the source code.


The specified precision (`01) is out of range (`02 - `03).

Correct the source code.

`01 = Specified precision

`02 = Minimum precision

`03 = Maximum precision


The precision is specified by a value from `01 to `02 surrounded by parentheses.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Minimum precision

`02 = Maximum precision


Variable (`01) is not a decimal variable and cannot have a precision associated with it.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Variable name


A string variable name is required here.

Correct the source code.


A numeric variable name is required here.

Correct the source code.


The variable (`01) has already been defined as '`02' and may not be redefined.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Variable name

`02 = Variable type


The variable type has not been specified.

Correct the source code.


This command is only allowed within local procedures.

Correct the source code.


This command must be before all other commands in the procedure.

Correct the source code.


Only string ($) and numeric (#) variables may be declared.

Correct the source code.


Invalid variable name specified.

Correct the source code.


You cannot declare a global variable from within a procedure.

Correct the source code.


The specified character is invalid in the current character set.

Correct the program logic.


'`01' is not a valid value for the ENCODING environment variable.

The specified encoding scheme is not known by SQR.

`01 = ENCODING environment variable setting.


The Double-Byte LET function '`01' is not supported in this version of SQR.

The SQT file contains a reference to a LET function, which is not supported by this version of SQR.

`01 = LET function name


The Double-Byte SQR command '`01' is not supported in this version of SQR.

The SQT file contains a reference to an SQR command, which is not supported by this version of SQR.

`01 = SQR command name


Double-Byte .sqt files are not supported by this version of SQR.

The runtime file was created by the double-byte version of SQR and is incompatible with the current version.


The barcode text '`01' cannot contain double- byte characters.

Correct the source code.

`01 = Bar code text


Using `01 edit mask from (`02) against (`03)

A date edit mask element, which could cause date data to be incorrectly interpreted, was detected. This warning message can be turned off by setting the “OutputTwoDigitYearWarningMsg” entry in the [Default- Settings] section of the pssqr.ini file to FALSE.

`01 = Edit mask element

`02 = Edit mask being used

`03 = Value being applied to the edit mask


Cannot access the Java file (`01) (`02): `03

SQR cannot access the required file.

`01 = Name of the file

`02 = System error code

`03 = System error message


-EH_Scale: value (`01) is out of range (`02 - `03).

Correct the command line.

`01 = Specified scale

`02 = Minimum allowed

`03 = Maximum allowed


-Printer:EH functionality is not available on this platform.

Enhanced HTML functionality is not available on this platform.


-Printer:PD functionality is not available on this platform.

PDF functionality is not available on this platform.


Did not find end of paragraph: `01 (No 'end-execute' clause found.)

Correct the source code.

`01 = BEGIN-command in question.


Invalid entry for keyword, '`01=`02'

Correct the source code.


May only specify either PROCEDURE=, or COMMAND=, or GETDATA=, exclusive.

Correct the source code.


Must specify a SCHEMA.

Correct the source code.


Must specify either a PROCEDURE, COMMAND, or GETDATA.

Correct the source code.


CONNECTION '`01' not found. No such connection.

Correct the source code.


The returned set of Procedure parameters (INOUT and OUT) (length = `01 items) did not include one or more of the specified items.

Stored procedure error.


Encountered a parameter of type '`01'. Valid types are either IN, OUT, or INOUT. If no type is entered, the type defaults to IN.

Stored procedure error.


The datasource failed to provide the expected return status value. Verify the query metadata.

Datasource error.


The datasource failed to provide the expected number of elements in the return status list.

Datasource error.


Failed to login to the requested datasource (Connection='`01', username='`02'). DETAILS: `03

Logon failed.


The requested rowset (`01) was not available. Verify the query metadata.

Not enough row sets.


Missing or invalid file. Verify that the CLASSPATH includes SQRDIR, that SQRDIR contains the folder with the file, and that the file is valid.

Incorrect environment setup.


The datasource ('`01') does not support the requested capability ('`02'). Check the capabilities list for the datasource, located in the Properties folder.

Invalid query for datasource.


Failed to start the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Possible causes are: missing or invalid jdk files, incorrect CLASSPATH, or insufficient resources.

Incorrect environment setup.


The current rowset (`01) contained no rows. Check the return status and/or metadata for the requested service to determine the cause.

No data.


The query failed. DETAILS: `01

Query failed.


Failure setting property '`01'. DETAILS: `02

Property-set failed.


The value for keyword '`01' exceeds the maximum length of '02 characters.

Keyword value too long.


A fatal error occurred while fetching against the current rowset: DETAILS: `01

A failure occurred during row fetch.


Parameter `01 (`02) was passed to the PROCEDURE as data type `03; expected (`04) type `05. Verify the query metadata.

A failure occurred during row fetch.


Invalid query parameter: Reason: `01

Bad procedure parameter.


Too many parameters (= `01) were supplied to the query. Verify the query metadata.

Bad procedure parameter.


Parameter `01 (`02) was passed to the PROCEDURE as type `03; expected type `04. Verify the query metadata.

Bad procedure parameter.


Parameter `01 ('`02', JDO-type `03), specified 'NULL', is a required-parameter. Specify a value or variable name.

Bad procedure parameter.


The list-variable parameter to the query is too long. Maximum number of elements is 30.

List too long.


Unable to retrieve metadata for Procedure=`01, Schema=`02. DETAILS: `03

Metadata check failed.


Parameter list type mismatch (#`01, SQR type = `02). The datasource expected a parameter of type `03. Verify the query metadata.

Parameter list mismatch.


List size mismatch detected while fetching data of type ROW, `01 items, into SQR list- variable, `02 items. Fetching will proceed to the smaller size.

List size mismatch.


Incorrect syntax for BEGIN-SELECT ... FROM. Options are: FROM ROWSETS=... FROM PARAMETER= $strvar | strlit

Bad BEGIN-SELECT syntax.


Attempted to pass as INOUT or OUT a parameter which was of type ROWSET (`01). Use of such parameters is supported as IN only, after which they may be used in a BEGIN- SELECT construct.

Bad parameter keyword.


Attempt to use a scalar SQR variable ('01') to reference a ROWSET procedure parameter ('02'). Use either the keyword 'NULL', or an SQR LIST variable (%var). Verify the query metadata.

Bad proc parameter.


The list of keywords entered to the PARAMETERS keyword must be terminated with a semi­colon.

Bad proc parameter. Correct the source code.


Datasource '01' not found. The Connection being used by this query specifies a data­source which is not listed in the DDO Registry ('02'). DETAILS: `03.



Missing one or more DDO {fname} .jar files. Verify the location of the original- installation files, and that they are accessible. Error code: `01. Classpath: `02.



Unable to open Connection ('01') to data­source ('02'). Possible causes: (a) the Declare-Connection specification is invalid, or (b) the datasource is no longer available. DETAILS: `03.

Bad environment.


Unable to locate one or more entry points in an SQR {fname}.jar file. Verify that the original-installation files have not become corrupted.

Bad environment.


At least one JNI method pointer was lost. This should never occur: record the steps leading up to this failure, and contact Technical Support. DETAILS: Schema='`01', Proc='`02'.

Bad environment.


Unable to locate query object '`01' in the specified schema (`02). DETAILS: `03.

Bad environment.


Invalid &pseudonym or 'TYPE=' data-type specified for a begin- select column-variable. Valid types are: CHAR, TEXT, DATE, NUMBER.

Correct the syntax.


Illegal attempt to fetch a non-scalar field into a column variable. Correct the query.

Correct the syntax.


The output parameter specified in 'Begin- Select ... From Parameter = `01' is not available. Available parameters: `02.

Bad command.


The output parameter specified in 'Begin- Select ... From Parameter = `01' is not of type ROWSET. Verify the query metadata.

Bad command.


Illegal attempt to assign an SQR variable ('01') of type '02' the value from a DDO object ('03') of type '04'. Verify the query metadata.



Illegal attempt to assign an SQR column variable ('01') of type '02' the value from a DDO object of type '03'. Verify the query metadata.



Failed to locate the requested Rowset (`01) while processing the query. The last available Rowset number is `02. Verify the query metadata.

Not enough row sets.


The query raised a DDO exception. DETAILS: `01.



A BEGIN-SELECT paragraph was coded, but the query returned no Rows.

No data warning.


Invalid syntax for PARAMETERS=(...) statement. Use: PARAMETERS=( %v | $v | #v | &v | NULL | SKIP | numlit | datelit | textlit [IN | INOUT], ...) All parameters must be specified. Optional parameters which are to be ignored may be specified by the keyword 'NULL' or 'SKIP'. Correct the syntax.

Incorrect syntax.


FATAL: Failure creating Java object.

General failure.


Attempt to create a List variable of size greater than the maximum size of `01 items.

General failure.


Parameter-list item '`01' is not a member of the parameter list for this Query. Verify the query metadata.

No such input/inout parameter.


Attempt to access List- row (`01) beyond the List size (`02 rows).

Bad list assignment/setup.


Attempt to assign/modify a List row is not compatible with the List definition.

Bad list assignment/setup.


Attempt to assign a row to a non-existent List variable. Define the List first, using the syntax: let %lname[ size ] = list( NUMBER | DATE | TEXT #var | $var [, ...] )

Bad list assignment/setup.


Incorrect syntax for List-variable reference. Use: let [$ | #]var = %listname[nlit | #var].colname

Bad list assignment/setup.


Alter-connection statement missing 'DSN=...'.

Improper alter-conn.


List-definition size specifier must be literal.

Improper alter-conn.


Attempt to access a non-existent List- column ('01').

No such list column name.


Must specify one of the keywords, FROM- ROWSETS or FROM_PARAMETER .

Incorrect syntax for LOAD_LOOKUP.


Incorrect syntax to Load-lookup 'PARAMETERS=' keyword. Use: PARAMETERS=(slit | nlit | $var | #var | %var | &var, ...) No line wrapping is allowed for this usage.

Incorrect syntax for LOAD_LOOKUP.


Too many parameters ( `02) entered to Load- Lookup command. Max parameters is `01.

Incorrect syntax for LOAD_LOOKUP.


Problem executing the cursor for LOAD- LOOKUP table '`01'. DETAILS: `02.

The database server returned an error while trying to execute the SQL statement needed to process the LOAD-LOOKUP command.

`01 = Load lookup table name


Bad return fetching row from database in LOAD-LOOKUP table '`01'. DETAILS: `02

The database server returned an error while fetching the data.

`01 = Load lookup table name


DC, DI sort options not supported with this SQR version. To sort, use SORT=SC or SORT=SI.

Database sort not supported for LOAD_LOOKUP with DDO. <obsolete>


Must specify a query keyword; PROCEDURE=, COMMAND= or GETDATA=.

Incorrect syntax for Load-lookup. Specify a keyword representing the query.


Unknown column variable type.

Unknown data type returned by the server.


The property `01` was not found in the property sheet for the specified datasource (`02). Available property names are: `03.The datasource property sheet does not include the named property.

Verify the metadata and correct the syntax.


The specified CONNECTION ('01') references a datasource whose property sheet does not show support for the Get-Data query method.The datasource property sheet does not show support for Get-Data.

Verify the metadata and property sheet and correct the syntax.


Attempt to create a Selector (or MDSelector) object failed. This event should not occur. Contact your system administrator.

Failed to create the requested object. Contact your system administrator.


Error reading the font information from the [`01] section in pssqr.ini. Font name `02 is too long. The maximum length allowed for a font name is `03.

Use a shorter font name in pssqr.ini.

`01 = Printing device specific font configuration section.

`02 = Font name.

`03 = Internal limit for font name.


Error reading the font information from the [`01] section in pssqr.ini. Font file path `02 is too long. The maximum length allowed for a font file path is `03.

Use a shorter font file path in pssqr.ini. Relocate font file if necessary.

`01 = Font configuration section name.

`02 = Font file path.

`03 = Internal limit for file path.


Font `01 is not valid for `02 output. Please correct the font configuration in the [`02 Fonts] section of the pssqr.ini file.

Use a valid font. Refer to the documentation for supported fonts. If you are using disk based fonts like TrueType, also ensure that the font type specific configuration section (like [TrueType Fonts]) is correctly configured.

`01 = Font name.

`02 = Selected output type.


File name for `01 font `02 is not specified correctly. Please correct the configuration in the [`01 Fonts] section of pssqr.ini file.

The font file path is not specified correctly. Correct the pssqr.ini file.

`01 = Font type.

`02 = Font name.


`01 font file `02 cannot be opened. Please check if the file exists, or correct the font configuration in the [`01 Fonts] section of the pssqr.ini file.

Either the font file does not exist in the location specified in pssqr.ini file, or the path specified in pssqr.ini file is not correct. Correct the error and try again.

`01 = Font type.

`02 = Font file path.


The directory ID specified for `01 in the [TrueType Fonts] section of the pssqr.ini file exceeds the actual number of fonts included in the TrueType collection font file. `02 includes `03 fonts. Please specify a valid directory ID.

Correct the configuration in pssqr.ini so that the directory ID is set correctly for the font. Note that the directory ID starts from 0.

`01 = Font name.

`02 = Font file path.

`03 = Actual number of fonts included in TrueType collection.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font.

Currently, SQR does not support CFF based OpenType font. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font. The '`02' table is missing from the font file.

This TrueType/OpenType font does not have the table SQR needs for processing. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.

`01 = Font name.

`02 = Table name.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font. This font does not allow embedding in a document.

SQR requires TrueType/OpenType font with embedding feature allowed to include the subset of the font in the print output. This TrueType/OpenType font does not allow embedding. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.


Font `01 is not a supported type of TrueType/OpenType font. This font does not have a supported type of character to glyph mapping (CMAP) table.

SQR requires a TrueType/OpenType font with CMAP table with Platform ID 3 (Microsoft), Encoding ID 0 (Symbol), 4 (UCS-2), or 10 (UCS-4) and table format 4 or 12. Other CMAP table types and encodings are currently not supported. Remove the font from the configuration and try again.

`01 = Font name


Error in the [`01:Exclusion Ranges] section in theINI file. Start character code must be greater than the end character code.

In the exclusion range section, the start character code must be smaller than the end character code. Review the section in INI file and correct error. You can specify the range in a decimal or hexadecimal number. If you use a hexadecimal number, you must prefix the number with '0x' or the number is recognized as a decimal.


Error in CLEAR_XML_RECORD, found unsupported data type.

The command only takes String values, check if you have used correct variable .


Error in CLEAR_XML_RECORD, template not found.

Trying to clear a nonexistent template , check if you have declared the template.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_RECORD, unsupported parameter type.

Check the type of parameter used.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_RECORD, parameter error.

Check if you have passed a valid attribute value.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_RECORD, unable to resolve column name.

Check if you have the column defined in namespace.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_RECORD, template name not valid.

Check if template name have proper namespace prefix.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_RECORD, Column Not found.

Cloud not find column to add attribute.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_.ECORD, No record found for template.

Define template before you add attribute to member.


Error in ADD_ATTRIBUTE_TO_XML_RECORD, No data in column inside template.

Load data before you add attribute.


Error in WRITE_TO_XML_FILE, unsupported parameter type.

Check data type of parameter, only string supported.


Error in WRITE_TO_XML_FILE, failed file write.

Writing to file failed, check if the template passed exists.


Error in ADD_DATA_TO_XML_RECORD, found unsupported data type.

Check the data type of the variable passed.


Error in ADD_DATA_TO_XML, template not found.

Check if the template passed exists.


Error in ADD_DATA_TO_XML, Failed .

Check template location and prefix if used.


Error in EDIT_XML_ROOT, unsupported column type.

Check data type of parameter, only string supported.


Error in in EDIT_XML_ROOT command.

Can't set root, you can't set it twice. Have you set that earlier ?


Error in ADD_COMMENT_TO_XML_FILE, found unsupported data type.

Check data type of parameter, only string supported.


Error in ADD_COMMENT_TO_XML_FILE, found unsupported content.

Can't have XML comments special strings inside comment. Check the content.


Error in WRITE_CDATA_TO_XML_FILE, found unsupported data type.

Check data type of parameter, only string supported.


Error in WRITE_CDATA_TO_XML_FILE, found unsupported content.

Can't have XML CDATA special strings in the parameter. Check the content.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, use only string variable or literal.

Check data type of parameter, only string supported.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, Found more than required parameters.

Found more than required parameters.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, insufficient parameters.

Insufficient parameters.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, can't use uninitialized variable.

Can't use uninitialized variable.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, Unknown keyword.

Unknown keyword found, check command.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, source template not found.

Check if source template exists.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, source template same as current template.

Source and current template name can't be same.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, Adding Child.

Check if the templates used are valid.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, Inherit from template.

Check if no duplicate columns are present in inherited template.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, adding column.

Check if no duplicate columns are present.


Error in DEFINE_XML_TEMPLATE command, found more parameters than required.

Found more than required parameters.



Check data type of parameter, only string supported.


Error in ADD_CHILD_TO_XML_RECORD, template(s) error out.

Check if Child template exists.


Error in ADD_CHILD_TO_XML_RECORD, Failed addition of Child.

Check command for namespace usage.