Environment Sections

The Environment sections { Common | Oracle | ODBC | DB2 | RDB ] } define the environment variables used by SQR. You can define an environment variable in multiple environment sections; however, a definition in a database-specific environment section takes precedence over an assignment in the Environment:Common section.

You can set these environment variables: SQRDIR, SQRFLAGS, and DSQUERY. In Microsoft Windows systems, SQRDIR is required and is automatically defined in the appropriate database-specific environment section during the SQR installation. The other environment variables are optional. SQRFLAGS specifies the default command-line flags for all invocations of SQR.

In Microsoft Windows systems only, the SQR Extension section defines DLLs containing new user functions (UFUNC) and user calls (UCALL). UFUNC and UCALL reside inside SQREXT.DLL and other DLLs, or in one or the other.

When SQRW.DLL and SQRWT.DLL are being loaded, they look for SQREXT.DLL in the same directory and for any DLLs specified in the SQR Extension section in pssqr.ini, such as:

[SQR Extension]

Any new extension DLLs containing new user functions must be listed in the SQR Extension section in pssqr.ini.

For Oracle on Windows, SQR uses dynamic binding of Oracle routines. When SQR attempts to access an Oracle database, it searches for the Oracle DLL as follows:

  • The file described by the value of ORACLE_DLL entry in the Environment:Oracle section of the pssqr.ini file.

  • OCIW32.DLL (Oracle supplied).

  • ORANT71.DLL (Oracle supplied).

This table describes SQRParseSQLEnable:






The default setting is FALSE. If SQRParseSQLEnable=TRUE is added to the PSPSPSPSSQR.INI file (in the Common or Oracle stanza), SQR performs SQL parsing.

Note: The function required to perform this parsing is not supported by Oracle 8.X, but it does appear to function. If a customer wants to assume the risk of using a feature that might not be fixed if a problem is found, then they can turn on this parameter. Oracle 9.X customers can use this feature without any problem, although it has a performance hit of between 2–10 percent.