Using an Array

Often, the program must process all of the records before it can begin to print the data. During processing, the program must keep the data in a buffer where it can accumulate the numbers. This can be done in an SQR array.

An array is a unit of storage that contains rows and columns. An array is similar to a database table, but it exists only in memory.

The sample program specifies an array called order_qty to hold the sum of the quantity of orders in a given month. You could program this specific example without an array, but using one can be beneficial. Data that you retrieve once and store in an array can be presented in many ways without additional database queries. The data can even be presented in a chart.

The sample program also demonstrates an SQR feature called a three-dimensional array. This type of array has fields (columns) and rows, and it also has repeating fields (the third dimension). In the order_qty array, the first field is the product description. The second field is the order quantity of each month. The example includes three months; therefore, this field repeats three times.

SQR references arrays in expressions such as array_name.field(sub1[,sub2]). The first subscript, sub1, is the row number. The row count starts with zero. The second subscript, sub2, is specified when the field repeats. Repeating fields are also numbered starting with zero. The subscript can be a literal or an SQR numeric variable.

program ex8a.sqr

#define max_products 100
     name=order_qty       size={max_products}
     field=product:char   field=month_qty:number:3
  do select_data
  do print_array
begin-procedure print_array
  let #entry_cnt = #i
  let #i = 0
  while #i <= #entry_cnt
      let $product  = order_qty.product(#i)
      let #jan      = order_qty.month_qty(#i,0)
      let #feb      = order_qty.month_qty(#i,1)
      let #mar      = order_qty.month_qty(#i,2)
      let #prod_tot = #jan + #feb + #mar
      print $product  (,1,30)
      print #jan      (,32,9) edit 9,999,999
      print #feb      (,42,9) edit 9,999,999
      print #mar      (,52,9) edit 9,999,999
      print #prod_tot (,62,9) edit 9,999,999
      position (+1)
      let #jan_total = #jan_total + #jan
      let #feb_total = #feb_total + #feb
      let #mar_total = #mar_total + #mar
      let #i = #i + 1
  let #grand_total = #jan_total + #feb_total + #mar_total
  print 'Totals'     (+2,1)
  print #jan_total   (,32,9) edit 9,999,999
  print #feb_total   (,42,9) edit 9,999,999
  print #mar_total   (,52,9) edit 9,999,999
  print #grand_total (,62,9) edit 9,999,999
end-procedure print_array
begin-procedure select_data
! The quantity for this order
! the product for this order
  if #i = 0 and order_qty.product(#i) = ''
      let order_qty.product(#i) = &description
  if order_qty.product(#i) != &description
      let #i = #i + 1
      if #i >= {max_products}
         display 'Error: There are more than {max_products} products'
      let order_qty.product(#i) = &description
  let #j = to_number(datetostr(&order_date,'MM')) - 1 
  if #j < 3
      let order_qty.month_qty(#i,#j) = 
               order_qty.month_qty(#i,#j) + &quantity
from  orders a, ordlines b, products c
where a.order_num = b.order_num
and   b.product_code = c.product_code
order by description
end-procedure ! select_data
begin-heading 4
  print $current-date (1,1)
  print 'Order Quantity by Product by Month' (1,18)
  page-number (1,64) 'Page '
  print 'Product'   (3,1)
  print '  January' (,32)
  print ' February' (,42)
  print '    March' (,52)
  print '    Total' (,62)
  print '-'         (4,1,70) Fill

The following output is for program ex8a.sqr:

11-JUN-04      Order Quantity by Product by Month           Page 1

Product                     January   February     March     Total
Canisters                          3         0         0         3
Curtain rods                       2         8        18        28
Ginger snaps                       1        10         0        11
Hanging plants                     1        20         0        21
Hookup wire                       16        15         0        31
Hop scotch kits                    2         0         0         2
Modeling clay                      5         0         0         5
New car                            1         9         0        10
Thimble                            7        20         0        27
Thingamajigs                      17         0       120       137
Widgets                            4         0        12        16
Wire rings                         1         0         0         1
Totals                            60        82       150       292

See Understanding Business Charts.