Replicating Configuration Home (PS_CFG_HOME)

The application server, Process Scheduler, and web (PIA) server domains exist within PS_CFG_HOME directory structure. You replicate these server elements by using the Replicate Config Home option in PSADMIN. The Replicate Config Home option enables you to clone a PS_CFG_HOME to a second location using PSADMIN internal functions to ensure that the environment is correct and cloned domains are readily bootable. The destination PS_CFG_HOME can reside on the same or a separate host. PSADMIN accounts for and modifies any host-specific settings and omits files that do not require cloning, such as log files.

This feature enables you to create a PS_CFG_HOME containing all the required domains that is reliable, tuned, and configured correctly for your site and deploy it to multiple locations across the enterprise. Replicating PS_CFG_HOME can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as creating:

  • backup environments.

  • testing environments.

  • scaling environments.

  • failover environments.

Note: When replicating a source PS_CFG_HOME, PSADMIN overwrites the destination PS_CFG_HOME and any domains currently existing within it. If the destination PS_CFG_HOME contains domains, PSADMIN alerts you before proceeding.

Note: PS_CFG_HOME/data is also copied from the source PS_CFG_HOME to the destination PS_CFG_HOME.

Note: File cache is also replicated in the destination PS_CFG_HOME. Consider that replicating a PS_CFG_HOME with 30 domains with file cache will take longer to copy over a network to a remote host than replicating a PS_CFG_HOME with two domains and no cache.

Important! Using the PSADMIN replication feature is not designed to support replication from one operating system to another. For example, you cannot configure a domain on UNIX and then replicate that domain on a Windows server. You can replicate between environments on the same operating system platform only.

To replicate a PS_CFG_HOME:

  1. Set PS_CFG_HOME to reflect the destination PS_CFG_HOME location.

  2. Launch PSADMIN.

  3. Select 6) Replicate Config Home from the PeopleSoft Server Administration menu.

    PeopleSoft Server Administration
      1) Application Server
      2) Process Scheduler
      3) Web (PIA) Server
      4) Switch Config Home
      5) Service Setup
      6) Replicate Config Home
      7) Refresh Config Home
      q) Quit
    Command to execute (1-7, q): 6
  4. When prompted, enter the location of the destination PS_CFG_HOME and press ENTER.

  5. When the process completes, verify the contents of the destination PS_CFG_HOME.

  6. Use PSADMIN to make any adjustments to the replicated domain environment information as needed.

    For example, consider the following items for the new host:

    • database connectivity software location.

    • port availability

    • cache location

    • file system settings

    • (if replicating to the same machine) JSL and WSL port conflicts