Setting Up Oracle Wallet Using ORAPKI
To set up Oracle Wallet using ORAPKI command line in Oracle database, complete the following steps:
Create a server wallet for Application server domain.
Create server wallet.
orapki wallet create -wallet <wallet_name> -pwd <password> #For example: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\BIN\orapki wallet create -wallet wallet.psft -pwd Passw0rd
Add self-signed certificate to the wallet.
orapki wallet add -wallet <wallet_name> -dn "user_dn" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -pwd <password> #For example: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\BIN\orapki wallet add -wallet wallet.psft -dn "CN=psft,C=CN" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -pwd Passw0rd
Create client wallet for Workstation clients.
Create Workstation wallet.
orapki wallet create -wallet <client_wallet_name> -pwd <password> #For example: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\BIN\orapki wallet create -wallet wallet.wscpsft -pwd Passw0rd
Add self-signed certificate to the wallet.
orapki wallet add -wallet <client_wallet_name> -dn "user_dn" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -pwd <password> #For example: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\BIN\orapki wallet add -wallet wallet.wscpsft -dn "CN=not_used,C=CN" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650 -pwd Passw0rd
Export public key from server certificate.
orapki wallet export -wallet <server_wallet> -dn "user_dn" -cert <server_wallet>/<certificate> -pwd <password> #For example: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\BIN\orapki wallet export -wallet wallet.psft -dn "CN=psft,C=CN" -cert wallet.psft/psft.cer -pwd Passw0rd
Add public key from server certificate to client certificate.
orapki wallet add -wallet <client_wallet_name> -trusted_cert -cert <server_wallet>/<certificate> -pwd <password> #For example: C:\oracle\product\12.1.0\dbhome_2\BIN\orapki wallet add -wallet wallet.wscpsft -trusted_cert -cert $PWD/wallet.psft/psft.cer -pwd Passw0rd
You can remove client wallet password using the following steps:
cd wallet.wscpsft
cd wallet.wscpsft
xcopy ewallet.p12 oldwallet.p12
openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in oldwallet.p12 -out certificate.crt -password pass:Passw0rd -passin pass:Passw0rd
openssl pkcs12 -cacerts -nokeys -in oldwallet.p12 -out -password pass:Passw0rd -passin pass:Passw0rd
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in oldwallet.p12 -out private.key -password pass:Passw0rd -passin pass:Passw0rd -passout pass:temp
openssl rsa -in private.key -out NewKeyFile.key -passin pass:temp
cat certificate.crt >PEM.pem
type certificate.crt >PEM.pemtype certificate.crt >PEM.pem
openssl pkcs12 -export -nodes -in PEM.pem -inkey NewKeyFile.key -out ewallet.p12 -passout pass:TrustedCertsOnlyNoPWNeeded
Add the server's certificate to the PIA's truststore.
Export public key from server certificate.
orapki wallet export -wallet <server_wallet> -dn "CN=psft,C=CN" -cert <server_wallet>/<certificate> -pwd <password> #For example: orapki wallet export -wallet wallet.psft -dn "CN=psft,C=CN" -cert wallet.psft/psft.cer -pwd Passw0rd
Add the server's certificate to the client's truststore.
cd %ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\bin keytool -import -file <server_wallet>/<certificate> -alias srv_cert -keystore <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN_NAME>\piaconfig\keystore\pskey -storepass password -noprompt #For example: keytool -import -file wallet.psft\psft.cer -alias srv_cert -keystore <PIA_HOME>\webserv\<DOMAIN_NAME>\piaconfig\keystore\pskey -storepass password -noprompt