Setting Up the PeopleTools Development Environment

This section provides overviews of the PeopleTools development environment and the client setup process.

Most user workstations are equipped with supported web browsers, but with no special PeopleSoft software installed. The traditional Microsoft Windows client is supported for application developer and administrator use. The PeopleTools development environment runs on a supported version of Windows.

This topic describes how to configure these Windows-based clients using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. As before, such clients can connect to the PeopleSoft database directly using client connectivity software (a two-tier connection), or through a PeopleSoft application server (a three-tier connection).

Before running the Client Setup process, create all the profiles you need.

The Client Setup process installs a PeopleSoft program group on the workstation.

If the Install Workstation check box on the Client Setup tab is selected, these Client Setup functions are performed when you clickOK orApply from PeopleSoft Configuration Manager.

See Configuring Developer Workstations.

Note: Any files installed by the Client Setup process on the workstation from the file server use the paths specified in the default profile.

To use the PeopleTools development environment, each workstation must have access to the file server PS_HOME directory (the high-level directory where PeopleSoft executables were installed) and have a drive mapped to the directory. Workstation users must have read access to thePS_HOME directory.

Database connectivity is required on all Microsoft Windows-based clients that make two-tier connections to the database. A two-tier connection is required if any of the following is true:

  • You sign in to the Application Designer in two-tier.

  • You run PeopleSoft Data Mover scripts.

  • You run COBOL and SQR batch processes on the client.

Note: PeopleSoft Windows-based development tools, such as Application Designer, are 64–bit applications in the current release and require 64–bit connectivity software.

Supporting applications must be installed on any Microsoft Windows-based client on which batch processes are run locally.


On Microsoft Windows-based clients, you can install SQR locally, or you can map to a copy installed on the file server. Because SQR does not require local registry settings, you can execute SQR from any Windows-based client once SQR has been installed to a shared directory. Installing SQR locally results in improved performance; over a slow network connection, the improvement is significant.

Microsoft Office

Install Microsoft Office on any two-tier client that runs PS/nVision or Microsoft Word batch processes. Microsoft Office must be installed locally, because it requires registry settings.

PeopleSoft Configuration Manager enables you to manage registry settings on a Windows workstation that control a variety of interface options, such as signon defaults, display settings, and environment profiles.

To run the Client Setup process:

  1. In Configuration Manager, select the Client Setup tab.

  2. In the Group Title text box, enter the name of the program group for the icons you want on the client workstation.

  3. Select check boxes to create shortcut links for PeopleSoft applications that you want to access from the workstation.

    When you run the Client Setup process, it removes existing shortcuts in the PeopleSoft 8 program group and installs shortcuts for the applications that you have selected. If you later want to install or uninstall shortcuts, you can always run Client Setup again.

  4. Select the Install Workstation check box.

    Client Setup runs when you click Apply orOK in PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. If this check box is not selected, the Client Setup process creates or updates settings in the registry, but it doesn't set up the PeopleSoft 8 program group or install local DLLs.

  5. Click Apply to run the Client Setup process and apply other PeopleSoft Configuration Manager settings.

  6. To view a list of the files installed and actions taken by the Client Setup process, open the psinstal.log file in your Temp directory.