Starting and Stopping WebSphere Application Servers

By default, all of the servers of a WebSphere instance are stopped when you install PIA. You need to start the server in order to access the PeopleSoft components.

To start and stop WebSphere servers, use the delivered .BAT and .SH files located in:


Note: During the server startup, the Dynamic runtime provisioning option is enabled by default. This option is used to enable only the necessary containers (servlet container, EJB container, and so on) when a server starts.

To start the WebSphere server, enter the following command:

Operating System



startServer.bat server_name -profileNameprofilename

UNIX server_name -profileNameprofilename

To start the WebSphere server, enter the following command:

Operating System



stopServer.bat server_name -profileNameprofilename

UNIX server_name -profileNameprofilename

You can also start and stop PIA domains running on IBM WebSphere using the PIA menus in PSADMIN.

See Using the Web (PIA) Server Menu.