Working with Logging and Tracing Options

In addition to the logging and tracing options PeopleTools provides, WebSphere also offers a variety of tracing options.

See your IBM WebSphere Application Server and Administrative Console documentation.

To enable HTTP access and error logging:

  1. In the Administrative Console, select Servers, Server Types, WebSphere application servers, server1, and click the NCSA access and HTTP error logging link.

  2. Enable HTTP access logging by selecting the options Enable logging service at server start-up and Enable access logging.

    The HTTP access logs will be written to PIA_HOME/webserv/profileName/logs/server1/http_access.log.

  3. Enable HTTP error logging by selecting Enable error logging.

    The HTTP error logs will be written to PIA_HOME/webserv/profileName/logs/server1/http_error.log.

To access WebSphere logging and tracing options:

  1. In the Administrative Console, select Servers, Server Types, WebSphere application servers, and clicking on your server in the resource list.

  2. In the Troubleshooting section, click Logging and tracing.

The diagnostic trace, JVM log, and process log output files are directed to a variable, ${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}, which refers to the following location on a typical PeopleSoft installation:


The IBM Service log output file is directed to a variable, ${LOG_ROOT}, which refers to the following location on a typical PeopleSoft installation:
