Configuring the Environment Management Hub

Before you can run the Environment Management hub, you must ensure that it's properly configured.

The hub issues automatic recrawl and revalidate commands to the agents, and it can be configured to accept automatic updates from Change Assistant. You configure the hub by setting appropriate parameters in its configuration file, which is located as follows:

  • WebLogic:


  • WebSphere:


The following table describes the primary parameters for the hub:

Configuration Parameter


Default Value


The interval, in hours, between two successive recrawl commands that have been issued to a peer. The server issues recrawl commands only to agents that are connected to the hub and have no pending messages in the queue. This configuration parameter is ignored by the agent.

24 hours

Note: A 0 value means that it will not recrawl.

Recrawling includes a revalidating.


The maximum time, in hours, between two successive automatic revalidates that the hub issues.

6 hours

Note: A 0 value means that it will not revalidate.

Hub Security Considerations

Environment Management framework does not support HTTPS connections. The agent and hub communicate using standard HTTP only.

On WebSphere, or for a single server configuration on WebLogic, PSEMHUB is a web application running within PIA. If PIA is configured to be accessed using HTTPS, you need to configure a separate server instance for the hub to enable the HTTP connections between agents and hub.

Configuring Hub Logging

The Environment Management hub logs are located as follows:

  • WebLogic: PIA_HOME\webserv\domain\applications\peoplesoft\PSEMHUB\envmetadata\logs

  • WebSphere: PIA_HOME\webserv\ps1\installedApps\<domain>NodeCell/<domain>.ear\PSEMHUB.war/envmetadata/logs

Edit the .....\PSEMHUB\envmetadata\config\ to configure logging for the hub. The following two parameters, which determine the maximum size of each log file, and the amount of log files rolled over, can be changed:

  • log4j.appender.R.MaxFileSize=1024KB

  • log4j.appender.R.MaxBackupIndex=1"