The extensibility consists of following topics:


OBDX is designed to help banks respond strategically to today’s business challenges, while also transforming their business models and processes to reduce operating costs and improve productivity across both front and back offices. It is a one-stop solution for a bank that seeks to leverage Oracle Fusion experience across its core banking operations across its retail and corporate offerings.

OBDX provides a unified yet scalable IT solution for a bank to manage its data and end-to-end business operations with an enriched user experience. It comprises pre-integrated enterprise applications leveraging and relying on the underlying Oracle Technology Stack to help reduce in-house integration and testing efforts.


While most product development can be accomplished via highly flexible system parameters and business rules, further competitive differentiation can be achieved via IT configuration & extension support. Time consuming, custom coding to enable region specific, site specific or bank specific customizations can be minimized by offering extension points and customization support which can be implemented by the bank and / or by partners.

Extensibility Objective

OBDX when extended & customized by the Bank and / or Partners results in reduced dependence on Oracle. As a result of this, the Bank does not have to align plans with Oracle’s release plans for getting certain customizations or product upgrades. The bank has the flexibility to choose and do the customizations themselves or have them done by partners.

One of the key considerations towards enabling extensibility in OBDX has been to ensure that the developed software can respond to future growth. This has been achieved by disciplined software development leading to cleaner dependencies, well defined interfaces and abstractions with corresponding reduction in high cohesion & coupling. Hence, the extensions are kept separate from Core – Bank can take advantage of OBDX Core upgrades as most extensions done for a previous release can sit directly on top of the upgraded version. This reduces testing effort thereby reducing overall costs of planning & taking up an upgrade. This would also improve TTM significantly as the bank enjoys the advantage of getting universal features through upgrades.

The broad guiding principles w.r.t. providing extensibility in OBDX are summarized below:


The scope of this document is to explain the customization & extension of OBDX for the following use cases:

This document would be a useful tool for Oracle Consulting, bank IT and partners for customizing and extending the product.

The document is a developer’s extensibility guide and does not intend to work as a replacement of the functional specification which would be the primary resource covering the following:

Out of scope

The scope of extensibility does not intend to suggest that OBDX is forward compatible.


This document is organized into following chapters

Architecture of Service Tier

Let’s go through the building blocks of OBDX framework (also known as DIGX framework). To build a REST API, each of these framework components (as mentioned below) needs to be addressed and that’s why it becomes important to have a holistic idea about each of them. The arrangement of all of these framework components can be clearly understood in the following diagram:

Extensibility Guide
