This FCUBS Adapter Implementation includes following topics:

To process the request with FCUBS core banking system, OBDX has set of adapter specifications which would be implemented for host specific services invocation. Concrete implementation adapter classes need to be created by implementing respective adapters interface and interface defining methods should be implemented.

Concrete adapter defining methods may have two types of operation:

Inquiry operation is process to interchange data between OBDX and FCUBS core banking system without altering customer banking state. It queries on the host system to fetch needed information required for tracking, summarizing the details or processing the transactional operation.

Example: Fetch Customer detail, Accounts detail.

Transactional operation will request to host system for altering/creating end user banking states.

Example: Payments, Account Opening.

Guideline to Implement Adapter

  1. Adapter implementation class must implement the respective interface and provide implementations for all methods defined in the interface.
  2. Any exception while invoking core banking services must be translated into OBDX exception (com.ofss.digx.infra.exceptions.Exception) and host error code(s) should be mapped to an OBDX error code.

Inquiry Operation on FCUBS

To inquire data on core banking system, FCUBS provides a set of database view/synonyms object to inquire the required information. A connector schema is required which hosts the required views, synonyms, functions and procedures for querying data in FCUBS. OBDX relies on a middleware API packaged as “com.ofss.extsystem.ubs” which provides host adapters that interact with the connector schema to fetch the required information. To invoke these host adapters, the static Java method com.ofss.extsystem.ubs.business.extsystems.HostAdapterManager.processRequest(HostRequestDTO) needs to be invoked from within OBDX adapter implementation. The HostRequestDTO class must be provided with the required request information.

All the FCUBS middleware adapters are configured with unique a request id in the database table MSTHOSTINTERFACE. HostAdapterManager identifies the adapter class for given request id configured in MSTHOSTINTERFACE table and invoke the processRequest() method of respective adapter class.

Following steps are required to invoke the host adapter

  1. Create the Request DTO object and fill required fields.
  2. Build host request by calling com.ofss.extsystem.ubs.business.extsystems.HostAdapterHelper.buildHostRequest(RequestDTO)method.
  3. Invoke HostAdapterManager.processRequest(HostRequestDTO) with the HostRequestDTO created by invoking the method in step 2.


Host Integration Matrix

Transactional operation on FCUBS

For processing transactional operations, FCUBS core banking system exposes SOAP web services. To invoke the SOAP web services, SOAP client stubs need to be generated with the help of WSDL exposed by FCUBS. The thus generated client stubs should be included in classpath and configure database entries in DIGX_FW_CONFIG_OUT_WS_CFG_B table. Create instance of FCUBS Soap client service using com.ofss.fc.infra.ws.JAXWSFactory.createServiceStub(String, String) and invoke the respective methods with required request payload.

com.ofss.fc.infra.ws.JAXWSFactory.createServiceStub(String, String) method will instantiate the respective SOAP client services by passing the service and operation name. It uses the DIGX_FW_CONFIG_OUT_WS_CFG_B database table to retrieve the SOAP WSDL URL, End point service name and proxy services name for instantiating the client services, so all the relevant database entries should be configured in database table for each service operations.

Following step to invoke the soap service

  1. Generate SOAP client stubs from WSDL file
  2. Insert the database entry in DIGX_FW_CONFIG_OUT_WS_CFG_B table for the respective service and operation.
  3. Get the SOAP client services instance by invoking com.ofss.fc.infra.ws.JAXWSFactory.createServiceStub(String, String) method.
  4. Create request header instance and fill the mandatory fields.
  5. Create request body instance and fill the essential detail.
  6. Invoke the respective SOAP method by passing the request parameter containing request header and body.

Create FCUBS SOAP Client Instance

Create an instance of soap client services by invoking JAXWSFactory.createServiceStub method by passing service id and operation name arguments to identify the service.

Important: A database entry must be available for respective service and operation in DIGX_FW_CONFIG_OUT_WS_CFG_B database table.

Host Integration Matrix

Get FCUBSHeader Values

Each and every FCUBS soap request requires header object of class FCUBSHeaderType.

The class com.ofss.digx.ubs.adapter.impl.RequestHeader, provides all properties to set in FCUBS SOAP request header object.

A RequestHeader object should be instantiated by invoking AbstractAdapterHelper.getRequestHeader method and set all the required properties in FCUBS soap request header object.

com.ofss.digx.FCUBS.adapter.impl.AbstractAdapterHelper.getRequestHeader(String, String, String)

Create the Adapter helper instance and retrieve Request Header Object.

Host Integration Matrix

Instantiate the request header and fill the essential details.

Host Integration Matrix

Invoke the FCUBS SOAP service.

Host Integration Matrix
