Following topics in this chapter provides detailed information on configuring OBDX Application and Mobile Banking:

Creating WebGate Agent on OAM Console

Before you can use the new Oracle HTTP Server 11g WebGate agent for Oracle Access Manager, you must register the new WebGate agent with Oracle Access Manager by using the Oracle Access Manager Administration Console. Following are the steps to register a WebGate Agent:

Login to OAM Console.

For example: http://<hostname>:<oam_admin_port>/oamconsole

In the Agents block, Click the “+” and choose Create Webgate.

This creates the 11g Webgate Agent for OAM.

Note: The hostname here will be the fully qualified hostname of the server where Webagte is installed.

Manage Application Domain and Resources

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Go to Launch Pad and search for an application domain.

Click on Applications Domain in the Access Manager tab.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Search

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on the Domain Name you want to configure.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on the Resources Tab

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Search

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Search Results will show an entry for Resource URL as /** which is Protected.

Select the Resource entry and Click the Edit option.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Modify the values of Protection Level, Authentication & Authorization Policy as shown.

Click on Apply to save the changes.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on the Create Icon

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Specify the following values for each of the fields respectively:

Select Type HTTP

Click on Apply to add the resource.

Perform the above steps to add the URLs listed in the table below:

Resource URLs


Protection Level

Authentication Authorization Policy




This is the LDAP Server (OUD) Hostname.




This is the LDAP Server (OUD) Port. For example: 1389.




This is the AdministratorClosed Administrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. Account name. For example: cn=orcladmin




This is the Administrator Account password.




This is the OUD user search base

cn=Users, dc=in,dc=oracle,dc=com




This is the OUD group search base

cn=Groups, dc=in,dc=oracle,dc=com




This is the OUD group search base

cn=Groups, dc=in,dc=oracle,dc=com


Installer Prerequisite Setup

Creating Custom Login Scheme

To add a Custom Login Page, go to Launch Pad on oamconsole.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Authentication Schemes from the Access Manager block.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Create Authentication Scheme

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Specify the following details:

Click on Apply to save the Scheme.

Add the Login Scheme to Authentication Policy

Go to the Launch Pad.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Application Domain.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Search and Select the Domain Name.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Authentication Policies Tab

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on Protected Resource Policy

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Select the Scheme create for Login from the Authentication Scheme drop-down.

Click on Apply to save the changes.

Manage User Identity Stores

For modifying the OAM Identity Store to store LDAP details, click on Configuration button available on the top-right corner.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click on User Identity Stores.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Select the entry UserIdentityStore1, under OAM ID Stores and Click the Edit option.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Now, Select the Store Type depending on the LDAP to be used and you will be shown additional fields to provide further details as shown below.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Enter the values against the mandatory field on the page:

Location: Provide LDAP hostname & port in the following form:


Base DN: This will be the LDAP username e.g. cn=orcladmin

Password: Enter the LDAP user’s password.

User Search Base: Provide the user search hierarchy e.g.


Group Search Base: Provide the group search hierarchy e.g.


Then, check the Enable Password Management checkbox at the end and provide the details in the fields as shown below.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click Apply to save the changes.

Note: After mapping the LDAP server details in OAM ID Store, login to the oamconsole will be only allowed using the LDAP admin user credentials. The user details can be found in the usergroup.ldif file attached in the Section 9.4 “Creating Attributes, Object Class, Users, Groups and Adding Optional Attributes on LDAP Server” of this document.

Enabling OIC in OAM (For Mobile Banking)

OBDX uses Oracle Identity Connect (OIC) API’s. Below are the steps to enable OIC in OAM

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Navigate to Configuration > Available Services

Enable Mobile and Social Service.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Now, go to Application Security Tab > Agents

Select the WebGate for which OIC is to be enabled.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Add the below parameters in User Defined Parameters as shown and save changes.

OAMAuthAuthenticationServiceLocation=http://<OAM Host>:14100/oic_rest/rest/oamauthentication

Note: The below step is required if using non-default identity store in OAM. In such a case map the identity store to an authentication scheme and then the authentication scheme to OIC.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

From Launch Pad, go to Application Domain > IAM Suite > Authentication Policies > OICAuthenticationPolicy

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Select the OBDX Authentication Scheme created previously and click Apply.

Now, refer Section 5 in OpenLDAP-Configuration.docx to configure Mobile Banking using Weblogic Managed Authentication.

Finger Print Authentication

Finger print authentication in OBDX mobile banking is achieved using JSON Web Tokens (JWT). JWT Tokens are validated along with mobile device UUID. Below configurations are required in OAM:

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Navigate to Mobile Security Tab > Mobile & Social Services > Service Providers > JWTOAMAuthentication

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Click Edit and Change value of TokenExchangeInput to JWT_UT+CRED. Also set the validity of the token as required in seconds and Save the changes.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Now, Navigate to Application Security Tab > Authentication Modules Tab > Create Custom Authentication Module

Give Name eg. DeviceUUIDBasedUserModule

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Now, configure the Steps tab as shown above.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Now, configure the Step Orchestration tab as shown. Click on Apply to save the Module.

After creating the module, Navigate to Launch Pad > Authentication Scheme > Create.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Create a new authentication scheme as shown and map the previously created module.

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Then, go to Launch Pad > Application Domains > IAM Suite > Authentication Policies > OICTokenExchangePolicy

Installer Prerequisite Setup

Map the DeviceUUID scheme here from the Authentication scheme dropdown.

Click Apply to save the changes.

Run below on OBDX schema


values ('AUTH_PROVIDER', 'mobileconfig', 'OAM', 'N', '', 'Stores device id in OUD', 'ofssuser', sysdate, 'ofssuser', sysdate, 'Y', 1,);

Copying the artifacts generated after registering Webgate

Registering the new WebGate agent will generate the following files and artifacts either in <IDM_HOME>/oam/server/rreg/client/rreg/output/Agent_ID directory or else in <Oracle_Home>/user_projects/domains/<oam_domain>/output/Agent_ID directory:

The user should copy the files from the above mentioned location to the <WebTier_Instance_Home>/config/OHS/ohs1/webgate/config directory and restart OHS server instance.
