This document includes following topics:


Prefill form Using LinkedIn, Facebook

External App Setting for Successful working of LinkedIn, Facebook on your site.

Below are two important steps to be done on respective platforms:

  1. Create App to get App ID

Social Media has been successfully integrated in Origination Module. In order to make it work below are the external settings we need to do:

Follow Below steps to create/setup your App on respective platforms.

Follow the step-by-step guide to creating and configure a LinkedIn App from the App Dashboard

1. Create a LinkedIn Application

Social Media Integration

2. Adding Domain URL In LinkedIn Application

Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

Getting an Application Client ID/API Key

Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

Key is Invalid


Firstly, Client needs to have a Facebook account. Follow the step-by-step guide to creating and configure a Facebook App from the App Dashboard.

1. Create a Facebook Application

Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration

2. Adding Domain URL In Facebook Application

Social Media Integration

Getting an Application ID

Social Media Integration

Social Media Integration


Follow Below links to Create App ,get App ID and Add Domain URL from respective platforms. Below links are official sites which show the steps in case any change in near future
