
Mailers are information or a messages published by the Bank, to communicate about the Bank’s Products, services and other information to its users. Bank may send mailers to announce a limited period promotional product rate, launch of a product or service, etc.

Using this option, the System AdministratorClosedAdministrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. creates Mailers which are sent to specific users, parties or user segments (all Retail / Corporate / Admin) users. Mailers can be customized to reach some or all users, to be sent now or on a specific date and time, in the future.




Features Supported In Application

The Mailers module supports following features:

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Communications > Mailers

Mailers - Search and View

Using Mailers – search option, System Administrators can search and view the list of mailers created in the application. System Administrator enters the mailer code or mailer description to search the user, however blank search is also allowed.

The information will be displayed sorted by Date of creation

To search the mailer:

To view the mailer details:

Mailer - View

Note: The Edit and Delete option is available only for Mailers that have a status as ‘Scheduled’.

Mailers - Create

This function allows the System Administrator to create mailers. The System Administrator creates the content of the mailers, specifies the date - when a mailer is to be sent, if the mailer has a high, medium or low priority, and the recipients at whom the mailer is directed.

To create a new mailer:

  1. In the Mailers screen, click Create. The Mailers - Create screen appears.
  1. In the Mailer Code field, enter the mailer id.
  2. In the Mailer Description field, enter the mailer description.
  3. From the Send Date list, select the appropriate date and time to send the mailer.
  4. In the Priority field, select the priority to send the mailer.
  5. In the Mail Subject field, enter the appropriate subject for the mailer.
  6. In the Mail Body field, enter the appropriate content for the mailer.
  7. To send the mailer, select the type of recipients.
  8. Click Save to save the details.
    Click Add User IDs, if you want to add specific user ids as mailer recipients.
    Click Add Party IDs , if you want to add specific party ids as mailer recipients.
    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
    Click Cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
  1. The success message of mailer creation appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.

Mailers - Edit

This function enables the System Administrator to edit the mailer details.

Note: This option is available only for Mailers, which have status as ‘Scheduled’.

To edit or update a mailer details:

  1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
    The search results appear on the Mailers screen.
  2. In the Mailer - Search Results section, click the Mailer Code link of the record for which you want to edit the details.
    The search results appear on the Mailers - View screen appears.
  3. Click Edit to edit the mailer. The Mailers - Edit screen appears
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
  1. View the defined values for fields, in an editable form.
  2. Modify the required details.
  3. Click Save to update the changes.
    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate the user back to ‘Dashboard’.
  4. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.


    Click Edit to make the changes if any.

    The user will be navigated back to the create screen.


    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  5. The success message of mailer update appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction.

Mailers - Delete

Using this option, the System Administrator can delete the mailer.

Note: This option is available only for Mailers, which have status as ‘Scheduled’.

To delete the mailer:


ClosedCan I attach a file while creating a Mailer?

No, option to attach files is currently not supported.

ClosedTill which date I can see the mailers which are already sent to the customers?

You can view already sent mailers till the date, data is available in the system. This will be based on the Bank’s purging policy.

ClosedCan I send mailers to specific customers?

Closed Who will be the recipients of the mailers incase if mailers are targeted for specific party id/s?
