Manage Brand

Banks can have varied requirements with regards to the theme and for look and feel of the application.

Manage Brand is an administrative maintenance that allows the System AdministratorClosedAdministrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. to define the theme using brand logo, colors, fonts and font sizes.

System Administrator can configure the style/ theme by selecting brand logo, header colors, background colors, label colors, button colors, font color, header size, font type, font sizes for header texts, menu, buttons etc.

The administrator can define multiple themes with the above mentioned attributes and once defined, the administrator can activate one of the theme from the available list.

At any point in time, the administrator can deactivate a theme and activate another one.



Features supported in application

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > User Experience > Manage Brand

Manage Brand – Summary

  1. In the Action column, click View to view the already created theme.

Manage Brand - View

Using this option System Administrator can view the created theme or brand.

To view the brand:

  • Manage Brand - Create

  • Using this option, System Administrator can create a new theme for retail, corporate and administrator users.

  • To create a brand:

    1. In the Manage Brand screen, click Create. The Create Brand screen appears.
    1. In the Brand Name field, enter the name of the theme.
    2. In the Brand Description field, enter the description for the theme.
    3. In the Brand Type field, select the appropriate brand type.
    4. In the Customized Brands section, click Assets.
    5. The Asset section appears. Click Choose File to browse and upload the logo for brand.
    6. In the Colors category, for various brand items, enter the color hex value or select color from the spectrum list.
      The corresponding hex value to be displayed in the field.
    7. In the Font Details category, enter the font url and font name.
    8. In the Font Size Details category, enter the values for Heading 1, 2, 3.....6.
    9. Click Save to save the details.
      Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
    10. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
      Click Edit to make the changes if any.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
      A warning message of cancelling the operation appears. Click Yes to confirm.
    11. The success message appears along with the status of transaction.
      Click OKto complete the transaction.
  • Manage Brand - Edit

    If the defined theme does not suits the requirement, then bank administrator can edit the defined theme using the Update Brand option.

    To edit the brand:

    1. In the Action column, click View against the brand which you want to edit . The Manage Brand - View screen appears.
      Click Apply to apply the current theme.
    2. Click Edit to edit the brand. The Update Brand screen appears.
      Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.
      Click Delete to delete the brand.
    1. In the Customized Brands section, Assets section, click choose File to browse and upload the new logo if required.
    2. In the Colors category, for various brand items, enter the color hex value or select color from the spectrum list if required.
      The corresponding hex value to be displayed in the field.
    3. In the Font Details category, enter the new font url and font name if required.
    4. In the Font Size Details category, enter the values for Heading 1, 2, 3.....6, if required.
    5. Click Update to save the changes.
      Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate to the 'Dashboard'.
    6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
      Click Edit to make the changes if any.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    7. The success message appears along with the status of transaction.
      Click OK to complete the transaction.

    Manage Brand - Delete

    The System Administrator can delete the created brand maintained in the application.

    To delete the brand:

    1. Select and click the required brand which you want to delete. The Manage Brand - View screen appears.
    2. Click Delete . The success message appears along with the status of the transaction.
    3. Click Ok to complete the transaction.

    Brand Mapping

    Using this option System Administrator can map the existing brands to the user, party, role or entity.

    Brand Mapping Summary

    To view the brand mapping summary:

    Create Mapping

    Using this option System Administrator can create a mapping of brand.

    To create the brand mapping:

    Delete Mapping

    Using this option System Administrator can delete a mapping of brand.

    To delete the brand mapping:
