Security Settings

Security settings features are the second layer authentication mechanism provided by bank to its customers for increased protection against threats. This features protects the application from unauthorized access, modification, analysis or exploitation. The security settings include changing of password and setting of security questions.




Features supported in application

The Security Settings maintenance allow the Bank AdministratorClosedAdministrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. to:

You are here How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings

Change Password

This feature allows the Bank Administrator to change their password.

You are here How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings > Change Password

To reset the password:

Set Security Questions

Application allows the system administrator user to set up security questions, which will then be used as another layer of security (Over & above the Login credentials), before a user (Retail/ Corporate/ Administrator) can complete transactions through the internet channel.

Through the Manage Security Questions functionality, the administrator user can create and modify security questions. He / She can add the security questions, if required.

How to reach here:

Administrator Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings > Set Security Questions

To set security questions:

Note: Since the security question maintenance is not available, message will be displayed "Security Questions have not been set up yet". Alongside a button – “Set up now”.

  1. From the Security Questions list, select the appropriate security question to be added in set.
  1. In the Answers field, enter the answers corresponding to the security question.
  2. Click Save to save the changes made.


    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


    Click Back to go back tom previous screen.
  3. The User Security Question – Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to make the changes if any.
    The User Security Question – Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  4. The success message of submitting appears along with the status of transaction.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

View Security Questions

On accessing ‘Manage Security Questions’ option, system displays the existing security questions already maintained if any.

To view the existing t security questions maintenance:

  1. Click Edit to make the changes if any. The User Security Question – Edit screen with values in editable form appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    Click Back to navigate back to the previous screen.

User Security Question - Edit

Bank Administrator can modify existing maintenance for security questions. Administrator is allowed to add security questions but cannot delete the existing questions.

To edit the security questions set:

  1. Click View to view the security questions already set. The Manage Security Questions - View screen appears.
  2. Click Edit. The Manage Security Questions – Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
  1. From the Security Questions list, view the existing questions. Modify if required.
  2. In the Answers field, enter the answers corresponding to the security question.
  3. Click Save to save the changes made.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
  4. The User Security Question– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to make the changes if any.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  5. The User Security Question– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to make the changes if any.
    The User Security Question– Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    The success message of security question setup appears along with the status of transaction.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


ClosedCan I delete the existing security questions?

No, you can add more questions, but cannot delete the existing questions.

Closed How many questions will be asked to the user as layer of security?
