System rules are defined to set different parameters for each enterprise role. Various parameters can be set for each enterprise role are party mapping required, Limits Check, PartyClosedA party is any individual or business entity having a banking relationship with the bank. Preferences Check, Account Transaction Mapping and Approvals Check. Enabling these parameters at enterprise role, enforces the system to check if respective maintenances are available for users associated with those enterprise roles.

E.g. if Approval check flag is enabled for ‘Corporate User’ type of enterprise role; then transactions initiated by corporate type of users will follow the approval maintenance for a party mapped to user. If approval check flag is disabled for ‘Retail User’ type of enterprise role, then transactions initiated by retail user will not follow the approval maintenance and will get auto-approved by the system.

This screen allows the System AdministratorClosedAdministrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. to search and view existing system rules, and create new system rule.




Features Supported In Application

This option allows the System Administrator to:

You are here How to reach here:

Administration Dashboard > RulesClosedRules are set of application instructions to form the logic and basis of calculation across various modules. Multiple conditions can be set in a single Rule ID. These rules are used across modules to calculate interest rates, service charges, and so on. and Role > System Rules

To set the system rules:

  1. From the Enterprise Role list, select the appropriate option.
  2. In the Party Mapping Required field, select the appropriate option.
  3. In the Party Preferences Check field, select the appropriate option.
  4. In the Account Transaction Mapping Check field, select the appropriate option.
  5. In the Approvals Check field, select the appropriate option.
  6. In the First Time Login Steps field, select the appropriate option.
  7. In the Limits Check field, select the appropriate option.
  8. Click Submit to save system rules.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    The success message appears.
  9. The System Rules - Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Edit to make the changes if any.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  10. The success message of System Rules maintenance appears along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to complete the transaction.


Closed Who can create-edit this maintenance?

System Administrator can create and edit this maintenance.

ClosedHow can I find out what checks are granted to a particular role? Can I change it?

You can select a role and view the checks mapped to the role, you can also edit the type of checks.
