User Management

User Management function enables System/ Bank AdministratorClosedAdministrator is a set of individuals that administer the applicant/Affiliate entity. For example, Accountants, Authorized Signatories for organizations, Power of Attorney for individuals. to onboard and manage users and their login credentials for channel banking access. This module facilitates channel banking access to the bank’s internal users (administrators) and external users (customers).

In a multi entity scenario, this function enables system/ bank administrator to provide access to multiple entities to users.

Internal Users:

External Users:



User Management- Workflow

Features Supported In Application

The User Management module allows the system/bank administrator to

You are here How to reach here:

Administration Dashboard > Toggle menu > Onboarding > User Management

Administration Maker Dashboard > Quick Links > User Management

User Management - Create

System/Bank Administrator logs into the system and navigates to the User Management screen. This function allows the administrator to create internal and external users.

Note: In case of multi entity implementation, if the system/bank administrator has access to multiple entities, then the administrator can select the entity from the entity switcher in which the user needs to be on boarded. The selected entity of the user as part of onboarding will be the default/home entity of the user being created.

To create a new user:

  1. In the User Management screen, click Create. The User Management - Create New User screen appears.
  2. From the User Type list, select the appropriate type for the user being created.
    If the user type selected is Retail and Corporate user, Party ID and Party Name fields are displayed.
    If the user type is selected as Administrator, the Personal Information, Contact Details, Accessible Entity Details and Roles section is displayed.
    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Create User – Map PartyClosedA party is any individual or business entity having a banking relationship with the bank. ID

If the user type to be created is selected as Retail or Corporate User, system displays a screen to enter the party information (party ID or party name) and search party. User can enter the party ID (if known) or the party name with a minimum of 5 characters. The matching results are shown on the screen.

In case of a party search by party ID, it is an exact match and Party ID entered by the user gets validated from the core banking application. After the core banking application validation is successful, party name gets displayed on the screen.

In case of a party search by name, system displays the matching party records. The records have parties listed with both Party ID and Party Name information. User can select the record by clicking on the Party ID from the list.

  1. Select the party ID, an option to create a user appears.
    Click Search . The mapped details for the party id appears based on the entered search .
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction. The Dashboard appears.
    Click Clear to reset the search criteria.
  2. In the User Management – Create New User screen,
  3. If you select Retail User or Corporate User option:
  4. From the User Type list, select the appropriate option.
  5. In the Party ID field, enter the party id.
  1. Click Create.
    The Personal Information, Contact Details, Limit & Roles,and Accessible Entity Details section appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
  1. In the User Name filed, enter the required details. Click Check Availability to check the uniqueness of the user ID. If the user ID is already used.
  2. In the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
  3. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
  4. In the Limits & Roles section, select the limit to be mapped from the Limit list.  
  5. Select the roles to be mapped from the Roles check box.
  6. Add the Accessible entities for the User and select the party and limits for that entity (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup).
  7. In the Status field, select the appropriate option.
  8. If you select Administrator option:
  9. In the Organization field, enter the organization of the employee.
  10. In the Manager field, enter the name of the manager of the employee being created.
  11. In the Employee Number field, enter the six digit employee number of the user.
  12. In the Personal Information section, enter the required details.
  13. In the Contact Details section, enter the required details.
  14. Add the Accessible entities for the User (applicable only if Bank has Multi Entity setup)
  1. Click Save to save the user details.
    Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  2. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Edit to make the changes if any.
    The user will be navigated back to the create screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  3. The success message of user creation appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OKto complete the transaction.

User Management - Search and View

Using this option, System/ bank administrators can search and view details of the existing users. Administrator selects the user type of the user to be searched.

System/ bank administrators can also change the user status or the channel access permission for a user using this screen.

Default search is available with User Name, whereas user can be searched by provided other details also.

To search user:

To view the user details:

  • Click the User Name link of the record for which you want to view the user details.
    The User Management - View screen appears.
  • User Management - View

    User Management - Change user status

    This section allows you to lock and unlock a user.

    To lock or unlock a user:

    1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
      The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search parameters.

    Lock / Unlock User

    1. Click edit in the Status column to lock / unlock a user. The User Status Maintenance screen appears.
    1. In the Lock Status field move the slider to lock / unlock a user.
    2. In the Reason field enter the appropriate description.
    3. Click Submit to save.
      Click Cancel to close.

    User Management - Channel Access Permission

    This section allows the administrator to grant / revoke channel access for a user. In case Bank administrator changes the channel access from grant to revoked; user will not be able to access his channel banking.

    To grant or revoke channel access:

    1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.

      The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search parameters.

    Channel Access

    1. Click edit in the Channel Access column to grant / revoke channel access to a user. The User Channel Access screen appears.
    1. In the Channel Access field move the slider to grant / revoke channel access rights for a user.
    2. In the Reason field enter the appropriate description.
    3. Click Submit to save.
      Click Cancel to close.

    User Management - Edit

    This function enables the Administrator to edit the existing user details.

    To edit or update a user details:

    1. Enter the search criteria, click Search.
      The search results appear on the User Management screen based on the search parameters.
      Click Clear if you want to reset the search parameters.
      Click Cancel if you want to cancel the transaction.
    2. In the User Management - Search Results section, click the User Name link of the record for which you want to edit the user details.
      The User Management - View screen appears.
    3. Click Edit to update the user information.
      Click Reset Password to reset user’s password. A warning message ‘Do you want to reset the password?’ appears on the screen.
      If user clicks Yes, a reset password confirmation screen is displayed. New password gets communicated to the user on registered email address (if the alert for the same is maintained) and the record for that user gets available in the Print password screen, from where it can be printed.
      If user clicks No, the action gets cancelled.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
      Click Back to navigate to the previous screen.

    User Management - Edit User

    1. Edit the required details.
    2. Click Save to update the changes.
      Click Back to navigate to previous screen.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    3. The Review User Details screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
      Click Edit to modify the details.
      The user will be navigated back to the create screen.
      Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    4. The success message of updates appears.
      Click OK to complete the transaction.


    ClosedWho can create / update the user?

    System administrator, bank administrator and corporate administrator can create or edit the users.

    ClosedCan I edit the party id mapped to the user?

    No, party ID mapped to the user cannot be edited.

    ClosedWhen does the system update a user status as ‘locked’?

    ClosedWhen will the System/ Bank Administrator use Revoke Channel Access feature?

    Closed Can I set the user name which is already used in the application?

    Closed Can I edit personal and contact details of Retail user?

    Closed Can one assign multiple child roles to a user?

    Closed What are the different child roles available out of box?

  • Application Role

    Child Roles

    Retail User


    Corporate User

    • Maker
    • Checker
    • Viewer
    • Corporate Admin Maker
    • Corporate Admin Checker


    • Admin Maker
    • Admin Checker
  • Closed If I update the limit package associated with a user, what will happen to the in-flight transactions?

    ClosedIf I update the child role associated to a user, what will happen to the in-flight transactions?

    ClosedCan administrator with one entity have right to create users in different entity?

    ClosedIf a user’s User ID is locked and he/she has requested for a reset password, does the admin needs to unlock it separately ?
