External Payments Interface

The application supports the facility to interfacing with third party systems. Through the support of external payment interfaces, the bank’s customers can make purchases from merchant sites by using their bank accounts. External Payments Interface (EPIClosedExternal Payment Interface) provides the facility of interfacing with merchant sites. A transaction through EPI is performed as follows:

You are here How to reach here:

Merchant Site URL > External Payments Interface

To perform a transaction through EPI:

  1. Login to the Merchant URL. The merchant details screen appears.

Note: The following ‘Merchant Details’ screen is a dummy merchant screen and the fields indicate the parameters to be received by the Bank portal from the Merchant portal.

  1. In the Merchant Code field, enter the ID of the merchant.
  2. In the User Account Number field,select the account number of the user that is to be debited ( The user needs to mandatorily select the account number, only if ‘Default customers debit account number as request parameter’ check box is not selected by bank administrator in the ‘Merchant Maintenance’ screen).
  3. Enter the other relevant merchant details.
  4. Click Submit. The user will be redirected to the bank portal from the merchant site.

Bank Portal

External Payments Interface – Complete Payment

  1. From the Select Account list, select the account number from which the amount is to be transferred.
  2. Click Pay.
  3. The Review screen appears. Verify the details and click Confirm.
    The details submitted by the user will be updated in the host system.
    The success message appears along with the reference number.


Closed Can I change the transaction amount?

No, you cannot change the transaction amount; it is fetched from the merchant URL to indicate the amount that will be debited from your account..

ClosedCan I go back to the merchant URL?

No, you cannot go back to merchant URL. You have to cancel the transaction and re-initiate the transaction for the same.

Closed What will be the transaction currency?

The transaction currency will be the currency as defined by and received from the Merchant’s site.

Closed Can I select any account number out of the multiple accounts mapped to me, for the purpose of making the payment?

Yes , you can select any account number from multiple accounts mapped to you, only if the flag for defaulting the customer’s account is set as ‘No’ in the merchant maintenance screen.
