Security Settings

Following options in security settings are available in the application:

Change Password

User may have revealed the password to someone or for account security purpose may want to change the password of his account. This feature allows the existing users of the bank to change their password.


User must have an existing login credentials

Features Supported In Application

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings > Change Password

To reset the password:

Set Security Questions

Using this option, the user can choose the security questions and maintain the corresponding answers. User will be asked to answer these questions to as the second level of authentication to complete the transaction.(if 2FA is configured by Bank/System admin)

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings > Set Security Question

As a part of first-time set-up of Security Questions, the user selects security questions, from those maintained in the application and provides the answers to these. He saves the answers. At the time of authentication, he’s asked these questions and he has to provide an answer that matches with the one he had saved earlier, as a part of the second level of validation.

Security Settings - User Security Question Setup

To set up security questions:

Note: Since security questions have not been set-up by the user, message will be displayed "Security Questions are not set up yet".

  1. Click Set up now to set-up security questions. The User Security Question screen appears.
  1. From the Security Questions list, select the appropriate security question to be added in set.
  2. In the Answers field, enter the answers corresponding to the security question.
  3. Click Save to save the changes made.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back tom previous screen.
  4. The User Security Question – Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to make the changes if any.
    The User Security Question – Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    The success message of submitting the request appears.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Security questions - Edit

If the user has already set-up of Security Questions, the application displays the list of security questions. It also allows the user to modify the set of security questions.

To edit the set of security questions:

  1. Navigate to Set Security Questions screen, the Set Security Question- View screen appears.
  1. Click Edit to make the changes if any. The User Security Question – Edit screen with values in editable form appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
  1. From the Security Questions list, view the existing questions. Modify if required.
  2. In the Answers field, enter the answers corresponding to the security question.
  3. Click Save to save the changes made.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
  4. The User Security Question– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to make the changes if any.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
  5. The User Security Question– Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to make the changes if any.
    The User Security Question– Edit screen with values in editable form screen appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the operation and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.
    The success message of security question setup appears along with the transaction reference number.
    Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.

Alternate Login

This option lets the user to disable his alternate login options (Touch ID/PINClosedPersonal identification number (PIN) is a secret number given to an account holder to be used when they put their credit card or cash card into an automatic teller machine (ATM). If the number they use is correct they will be allowed to access their account./Pattern) incase if he loses his phone/device (on which his mobile application was installed) and wants to disable his alternate login to prevent it from getting misused by anyone..

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings > Alternate Login

Push Notification

This option lets the user to disable receiving alerts via push notification.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle Menu > Security Settings > Push Notification


Closed If I have more than one iOS devices and I need to deregister one of my devices from the Zigbank application, can I do so using 'Registered Device' option?

If you disable 'iOS Devices' in the 'Register Device' option, it will disable receiving alert notifications from all the devices. You need to re-install the application if you want to use it again on that device

ClosedWhy there is a need to unregister the devices?

The unregistering of devices is done in case you have lost your device and you want to disable your alternate login from that device to prevent any misuse of your Bank account.
