Using this option, the user can set a budget for a particular period with a monthly frequency. The user is allowed to create a budget for a category. The option to continue with the same budget on a rolling basis is also available. Budget can be set for periodicity as: This month, Recurring or Specific duration.

User can also view, modify and delete his created budgets from the Trends dashboard.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Budgets > More Options > Create Budget > My Budgets > Set your Budget > Set Budget

Dashboard > Toggle Menu > PFM > Budgets > My Budgets > Set your Budget > Set Budget

Set Budget

To set a budget:

View and Modify Budget

The user can view and modify all his created budgets from the Trends Dashboard.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Budgets > More Options > Create Budget/ Manage Budget > My Budgets


Dashboard > Toggle Menu > PFM > Budgets > My Budgets

To modify a budget:

Modify Budget

  1. Edit the required details.
  2. Click Save. The success message of updating the budget appears on theMy Budgets screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

Delete Budget

Using this option, a user can delete a budget.

To delete a budget:

  1. Click Yes, proceed to delete the budget. The success message of deleting the budget appears on the My Budgets screen.
    Click No, do not proceed to cancel the deletion process.


ClosedHow Do I set a budget for One-Time Expenses?

You can budget a onetime expense by selecting the option ‘This Month’ from the periodicity field while creating the budget.

ClosedHow can I identify how much I have spent against a set budget?

The bar graph displays the amount consumed against a budget as a percentage value. The amount spend can also be viewed in terms of actual amount value by hovering over the bar graph.
