Oracle Financial Services Data Foundation Application Pack Release v8. One-off Patch Release #1 (

OFS Data Foundation Application Pack is a separately licensed product.


Bug # 30056279 - JQUERY UPGRADE TO 3.4.1


The prerequisite software that must be installed for this patch release are:

·         Minimum patch set required for Oracle Financial Services Data Foundation Application Pack v8. is:

§  OFS Data Foundation Application Pack v8. ML Release 27197750.

·         OFS AAAI Application Pack v8. Maintenance Level patch release 29922464.

How to Apply This One-Off Patch Release?

Perform the following steps to apply the one-off patch:

1.       Login to, and search for Bug# 30056279 under Patches and Updates tab.

2.       Download archive file, and copy it to your OFSAA server in Binary mode.

3.       Shut down all the OFSAAI Services.

4.       Extract the contents of the patch archive file by using the command: unzip -a <name of the file to be unzipped>

For example: unzip -a

Note: The above "-a" option is mandatory to unzip the patch. In case you notice an error message, “unzip: not found [No such file or directory]” when the package is not installed, contact your UNIX administrator to resolve this issue. For further details, refer to Oracle Financial Services Data Foundation Installation Guide Release in OHC Documentation Library.

5.       Grant RWX (755) permissions for folder by executing  command: chmod -R 755 OFS_BFND.

6.       Navigate to the path: <>/OFS_BFND/conf

7.       Update the UPLOAD_MODEL parameter value to 0 in params.conf file to skip model upload.

8.       Navigate to the path: <>/OFS_BFND/bin

9.       Execute the command: ./

10.    Verify the patch installation logs in the location <>/OFS_BFND/logs. Contact Oracle support in case of any errors.

11.    Generate the application EAR/WAR file and redeploy the application in the configured web application server. For further details, refer to Oracle Financial Services Data Foundation Installation Guide Release in OHC Documentation Library.

12.    Post installation, restart all the OFSAAI services. For further details, refer to OFS AAI Application Pack Minor Release in OHC Documentation Library.

List of Bugs Fixed

