45 APPENDIX C: How to Define a Batch

This Appendix provides information about How to Define a Batch in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation application and step-by-step instructions to use this section.


·        Batch Definition

Batch Definition

To create a batch using the OFSAAI Batch Maintenance page, follow these steps:

1.     From the OFSAA Home, select Operations, select Batch Maintenance.

2.     In the Batch Maintenance page, Select the + button from the Batch Name toolbar. The New Batch Definition page is displayed.

3.     Enter the Batch Definition details as tabulated.

Table 351: Batch Definition fields and their description



Batch Name

The Batch Name is auto generated by the system. You can edit to specify a Batch name based on the following conditions:

·        The Batch Name must be unique across the Information Domain.

·        The Batch Name must be alphanumeric and should not start with a number. The Batch Name must not exceed 41 characters in length.

·        The Batch Name must not contain the special characters ?.? and ???.

Batch Description

Enter a description for the Batch based on the Batch Name.

Duplicate Batch

(Optional) Select the check box to create a new Batch by duplicating the existing Batch details.

On selection, the Batch ID field is enabled.

Batch ID (If duplicate Batch is selected)

It is mandatory to specify the Batch ID if Duplicate Batch option is selected. Select the required Batch ID from the list.

Sequential Batch

Select the check box if the Batch has to be created sequentially based on the task specified. For example, if there are 3 tasks defined in a Batch, task 3 should have precedence as task 2, and task 2 should have precedence as task 1.


4.     Click Save to save the Batch Definition details.

5.     The new Batch definition details are displayed in the Batch Name section of the Batch Maintenance page with the specified Batch ID.