11 Policy Dimension Table

This section provides information about Policy Dimension and its loading process in the Oracle Insurance Data Foundation application.


·        About Policy Dimension Table

·        About SCD Process for Populating Policy Dimension Table

·        Deploying Policy Table on Hive

·        Populating Policy Dimension Table

The policy is the legal document issued by an Insurance Company (Insurer) to a policyholder (Insured) which states the terms and conditions of the insurance coverage.

The policy dimension table stores list of all policies issued by the insurer.

About Policy Dimension Table

The mapping details for the Policy Dimension (DIM_POLICY) tables are given here.

Table 32: The Policy Dimension table mapping details

Map Reference Number

Source Table Name

Logical Stage Table Name



Stage Property Casualty Contracts View



Stage Life Insurance Contracts View



Stage Health Insurance Contracts View



Stage Annuity Contracts View



Stage Retirement Accounts View



Stage Reinsurance Contracts Issued



Stage Reinsurance Contracts Held


About SCD Process for Populating Policy Dimension Table

The SCD process for the DIM_POLICY table generates individual numeric Surrogate Keys for every policy code. These columns are loaded during SCD process:

·        V_POLICY_CODE

·        N_POLICY_SKEY

·        FIC_MIS_DATE


·        V_PROD_CODE

·        V_ENTITY_CODE  

This approach replaces the function load in which the table DIM_POLICY is getting loaded through the function, FN_POPDIMPOLICY. This loads the above-mentioned columns into the DIM_POLICY table. Here, the sources are the different product processor tables present in the solution, which are configured in the FSI_DIM_POLICY_SETUP_DETAILS table.


·        About <INFODOM>_INSURANCE_SCD Batch


Batch <INFODOM>_INSURANCE_SCD has been introduced with 30 tasks under it.

These tasks represent the corresponding SCD processes where different product processors are the source and DIM_POLICY is the target. MAP_REF_NUMs 224, 401, 402, and 403 are introduced into the SYS_TBL_MASTER table, and subsequently into SYS_STG_JOIN_MASTER.

Depending on the requirement by an application, a task can be excluded or included from the batch execution.

Deploying Policy Dimension Table on Hive

All RDBMS related Policy Dimension table can also be deployed on Hive (Stage and Results on Hive).

Populating Policy Dimension Table

To populate data into the Policy Dimension table through the SCD process, see Execute the SCD Batch of the DIM_POLICY table.



You can also follow this SCD process to populate data into any Hive related Policy Dimension table.


For supplementary information about populating data in the Dimension table, see the Supplementary Information for Dimension Loading Process section.