Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Visualization Tools Tag Reference for Oracle ADF Faces
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dvt:diagramLink diagramLink diagram link

UIComponent class:
Component type: oracle.dss.adf.diagram.DiagramLink

The diagram link component is used to stamp out links between nodes in the diagram.

Relationship with other tags

This component must be a child of the <dvt:diagramLinks> component.

The link component can have the following children: f:facet.


Type Phases Description
org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.event.AttributeChangeEvent Invoke Application,
Apply Request Values
Event delivered to describe an attribute change. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change event might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.

Supported Facets

Name Description
endConnector This facet can be used to provide a custom marker that will be used as the end connector for the link.
label This facet can be used to provide a richer label than is provided via the label attribute.
startConnector This facet can be used to provide a custom marker that will be used as the start connector for the link.


Name Type Supports EL? Description
attributeChangeListener javax.el.MethodExpression Only EL a method reference to an attribute change listener. Attribute change events are not delivered for any programmatic change to a property. They are only delivered when a renderer changes a property without the application's specific request. An example of an attribute change events might include the width of a column that supported client-side resizing.
binding Only EL

Specifies a binding reference to store a specific instance of UIDiagramLink from a backing bean. Set this attribute only to access code in a backing bean. For example, to reference a diagram link component in the sample managed bean, use the following code: binding="#{sample.diagramLink}"

endConnectorType String Yes Valid Values: none, arrowOpen, arrow, arrowConcave, circle, rectangle, rectangleRounded
Default Value: none

Specifies the type of end connector on the link. Valid values are:

  • "none" - no end connector
  • "arrowOpen" - arrowhead that looks like an angle bracket
  • "arrow" - filled triangle arrowhead
  • "arrowConcave" - filled triangle arrowhead with base flare
  • "circle" - circle
  • "rectangle" - rectangle
  • "rectangleRounded" - rounded rectangle
endNode Object Yes Specifies the end node for this link. This can be used in conjunction with the nodeId attribute on the diagram node tag.
id String No the identifier for the component
label String Yes Label of the link
linkColor String Yes Default Value: #000000

color of the link, specified as CSS named color, or rgb() format, or #aarrggbb format
linkStyle String Yes Valid Values: solid, dash, dot, dashDot
Default Value: solid

Specifies the style of the link. The default value is solid. Valid values are:

  • "solid" - solid line
  • "dash" - dashed line
  • "dot" - dotted line
  • "dashDot" - dash dotted line
linkWidth int Yes Default Value: 1

width of the link, in pixels
readOnly boolean Yes Default Value: false

Specifies whether this link is read-only or not (false by default, but depends on component-level readOnly property as well)
rendered boolean Yes Default Value: true

Specifies whether the component is rendered. The first link component whose rendered attribute evaluates to true will be stamped for that data element.
selectable boolean Yes Default Value: true

Specifies whether this link can be selected (true by default)
shortDesc String Yes The short description of this component. This is used to customize the tooltip text for the link.
startConnectorType String Yes Valid Values: none, arrowOpen, arrow, arrowConcave, circle, rectangle, rectangleRounded
Default Value: none

Specifies the type of start connector on the link. Valid values are:

  • "none" - no start connector
  • "arrowOpen" - arrowhead that looks like an angle bracket
  • "arrow" - filled triangle arrowhead
  • "arrowConcave" - filled triangle arrowhead with base flare
  • "circle" - circle
  • "rectangle" - rectangle
  • "rectangleRounded" - rounded rectangle
startNode Object Yes Specifies the start node for this link. This can be used in conjunction with the nodeId attribute on the diagram node tag.