This image shows the Data Lists page, which contains a table with Name, Description, and Actions columns, and an Actions drop-down list above the table on the right. The Actions column for each row contains an Edit link and Delete option. The table has ten rows, with the following values in the Name and Description columns:
CommonDocMetaFields, Common document meta data fields
RevisionsTableFields, Fields from the Revisions table
DocumentsTableFields, Fields from the Documents table
WorkflowDocumentsTableFields, fields from the Workflow Documents table
WorkflowsTableFields, fields from the Workflows table
WorkflowStateTableFields, fields from the WorkflowStates table
WorkflowStepsTableFields, fields from the WorkflowSteps table
WorkflowActionHistoryFields, fields from the WorkflowActionHistory table
SearchResultsFields, Fields returned from a search
SubscriptionFields, Subscription Fields