6      Executing Run through Process Modelling Framework in OFS AGILE RP USFED

Process Modeling Framework (PMF) is a design and execution framework that enables the Process Pipeline developers to implement various Pipelines modeled by the Business Analysts. The Process Pipeline developers use the framework to orchestrate the Business Pipelines and the Run Pipelines within OFSAA and to design the artifacts that participate in the Pipelines to complete their implementation.

This chapter provides information about the usage of the Process Modeling Framework (PMF) feature in the Oracle Financial Services Regulatory Reporting for Us Federal Reserve (OFS AGILE RP USFED) application.



For more information about the Process Modeling Framework (PMF) feature in OFSAA, see the Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.



This chapter includes the following topics:

·        Overview

·        Designing a Pipeline in OFS AGILE RP USFED

·        Verifying the Execution Logs


In OFS AGILE RP USFED, Process Modelling Framework (PMF) is used to create a Run definition in a Run process. The visual representation of the Run is enabled through PMF by the construction of a Run Pipeline. PMF is a feature in parallel to the Run Management feature. Through the PMF, you can execute the following two Ready-to-use Runs for data loading:

·        Financial Services Regulatory Reporting for US Federal Reserve (OFS AGILE RP USFED)
Sourced Run

·        Financial Services Regulatory Reporting for US Federal Reserve (OFS AGILE RP USFED)
Execution Run

Designing a Pipeline in OFS AGILE RP USFED

You can design the process flow diagrams for both the processes (Business Process Pipeline and Run Pipeline). This is an example of a process flow diagram for a Run Pipeline (for OFS AGILE RP USFED Sourced Run).

After you create, design, and define the process in the process flow diagram, you must assign values to the Run parameters, and execute the Run. You can execute a Run Pipeline from the UI or using a command-line utility called wfExecExternal.sh.

This section includes the following topics that describe the Run Pipeline execution from the UI:

·        Selecting the Run Parameters and Executing the Run

·        Verifying the Run Execution

·        Verifying the Execution Logs



For more information about executing the Run Pipeline using a command-line utility, see the section Using Command Line Utility in the Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.


Selecting the Run Parameters and Executing the Run

After designing and saving the process flow diagram, the Process is listed on the Process Modeler page.

To select the Run parameters and execute the Run, follow this procedure:

1.     On the Process Modeler page, click the More icon  corresponding to the Run Pipeline that must be executed.

Figure 101: Process Modeler Screen

This illustration shows the list of runs that can be executed in the Process Modeler.

2.     When you click Execute Run, the Select Run Params window is displayed.

Figure 102: Select Run Parameter Screen

This illustration shows the Select Run Parameter window in the Process Modeler page. You must enter the details for Reporting Currency, Legal Entity, Consolidation Type, Intra Company Elimination, Consolidation Hierarchy, GAAP Code, FIC MIS Date and Run Execution Description fields; and click OK.


3.     Select or enter the required values for each field as follows.

Table 30: Run Parameter Fields and Descriptions

Field Name

Description or Instruction

Reporting Currency

Enter the Reporting Currency Code used to calculate the amount during the data population in the target table.

Legal Entity

Select the Legal Entity Code to identify the legal entity used for the Run.

Consolidation Type

Select the Consolidation Type of legal entities on a solo or consolidation basis. In a Solo Run, only the selected legal entity is used. In a Consolidated Run, along with the selected legal entity, all its child legal entities are also used.

Intra Company Elimination

Select the Intra Company Elimination type to eliminate (YES) or skip the elimination (NO) of Intra Company Accounts during a Consolidated Run.

Consolidation Hierarchy

Enter the Legal Entity Hierarchy used for the consolidated run. This parameter is not required for the Solo Run.


Enter the required accounting standard.


Select the extraction date.

Run Execution Description

Enter a longer description of the Run.


4.     When you click OK, the Run execution begins. The Select Run Params window closes.



The execution of the Run Pipeline is triggered using the selected FIC MIS DATE. The Run SKey is generated and inserted into the DIM_RUN table. For the Run SKey generated, the corresponding user-selected Run parameters are inserted into the RUN_EXE_PARAMETERS table.


Verifying the Run Execution

After selecting the Run parameters and beginning the Run execution, verify the progress of the Run.

To verify the Run execution progress, follow this procedure:

1.     On the Process Modeler page, click the More icon  corresponding to the Run Pipeline that must be verified. Click Process Flow Monitor.

Figure 103: Process Modeler Run Execution Screen

This illustration shows the list of runs whose run execution progress can be verified in the Process Modeler.

2.     The Process Monitor window is displayed. You can see the generated process flow ID, the Run execution timestamp, and the status of the Run execution. To verify the Run execution status at the Pipeline level, click the corresponding process flow ID.

Figure 104: Process Monitor Screen

This illustration shows the list of processes available to verify the run execution status of the run pipeline.

3.     The process flow diagram window is displayed. The  icon at each Sub Pipeline indicates that the Run execution is successful.



The  icon at each Sub Pipeline indicates that the Run execution is unsuccessful.


Figure 105: Run Pipeline Process Flow Diagram

This illustration shows the run execution process flow.

Verifying the Execution Logs

You can access the execution logs to verify the details of the Run.

To verify the execution log, follow these steps:

1.     In the Process Monitor window, click the required process flow ID. The process flow diagram is displayed in a new window. Hover on the required Sub Pipeline. Four icons appear. Click the log  Icon.

Figure 106: Sub Pipeline

This illustration show the successful run execution in the sub pipeline.


2.     The Execution Logs window is displayed. Click the required metadata to verify the execution log.

Figure 107: Execution Logs

This illustration shows the execution logs to verify the required metadata.

3.     The Activity window is displayed. Click Execution Log.

Figure 108: Activity Logs

This illustration shows the activity log details.

4.     Click Execution Logs. The Log File details page is displayed.

Figure 97: Log File

5.     Select the Log File that you wish to view from the drop-down list and click View Log. The Run execution log details are displayed.

Figure 98: View Run Execution Log window

6.     The Run execution log details are listed in a separate window.

Alternatively, to verify the execution logs, click the  icon in the Process flow diagram window. The log details of the Run execution are displayed in a new window.

Figure 109: Run Execution Logs

This illustration shows the log details of the run execution in the process flow diagram.

For detailed information about the complete functioning of the PMF, see the Process Modelling Framework Orchestration Guide.

Recommendations to Execute 8.0.x Regulatory Reporting Run (RRF) in 8.1.x without Run Management User Interface

The Run Management Functionality is no longer available from releases of all OFSAA Applications since the ready-to-use Reporting Run is now using Run Pipeline in the Process Modelling Framework. If you still wish to use the Rule Run Framework (RRF), you can consider the following additional configuration steps to achieve the Run Management features.



The product direction is to start using the Process Modelling Framework Run Pipelines for Regulatory Reporting Run Executions instead of obsolete Reporting Run (RRF). The ready-to-use version of the Reporting Run (RRF) will no longer be updated in the Regulatory Reporting Installer. All the new tasks added for the reporting will only be a part of the PMF Run Pipeline.


The Run Management User Interface was used to capture and store the Run Parameters for downstream usage.

To execute the RRF Run with the parameter support, follow this procedure:

1.     After logging into the OFSAAI applications page, navigate to Regulatory Reporting for US Federal Reserve, select Process Modelling Framework and then select Process Modeller.

Figure 110: Process Modeller Page

This illustration shows the list of runs that can be executed in the Process Modeler. 

2.     On the Process Modeller Page, click the Add icon to create a new Run Pipeline The Process Details Page is displayed.

Figure 111: Process Details Page

This illustration shows the list of fields for which the values must be provided to create a process in the OFS REG REP USFED application. 

3.     Select or enter the required values in the following mandatory fields.
Other fields in the Updated Process Details Page can be ignored.

Table 31: Process Details Fields and Descriptions

Field Name

Description or Instruction

Process Name

Enter the Process Name.

Process Description

Enter the Process Description.

App Package ID

Select the Application Package ID as Regulatory Reporting for US Federal Reserve from the dropdown list.


Select the process type as Run Pipeline.


Select the infodom from the dropdown list.


Select the USFED segment from the dropdown list.

Figure 112: Updated Process Details Page

This illustration shows the updated process details in the process creation. 

4.     Click OK  icon to save the created process. The Process Saved Page is displayed.

Figure 113: Process Saved Page

This illustration shows the process saved details in the OFS REG REP USFED application. 

5.      Add the Run Type Node icon by dragging and dropping onto the canvas. The USFED Run Details Page is displayed.

Figure 114: USFED Run Details Page

This illustration shows the USFED Run fields to be added in the OFS REG REP USFED application.  

6.     Select or enter the required values for each field as follows.

Table 32: USFED Run Details Fields and Descriptions

Field Name

Description or Instruction

Activity Name

Enter the Activity Name.

Activity Description

Enter the Activity Description.

Exclude Task

Select No from the dropdown list.

Dynamic Parameters for Run

Datastore Name

Select the Infodom from the dropdown list.

Run Type

Select the Run type as Base Run from the dropdown list.

Execution Rule

Select the execution rule as USFED Execution Run from the dropdown list.

Run Parameters

Enter the Runtime Parameter as WF_RUNSK.

7.     Click OK  icon to save the entered Run Type Node details.

Figure 115: USFED Run Type Saved Page

This illustration shows the USFED Run Type saved details. 

8.     Add the Service Task icon to end the Run Pipeline, and connect the Nodes using the Connectors in the USFED Process Canvas Page.

Figure 116: USFED Process Canvas page

This illustration shows the addition of Service Task to end the run pipeline in the canvas area.


9.     These steps will enable RRF Run Execution through the PMF along with the parameters’ support. There is an additional step required since the PMF Run Pipeline will be generating the Run Surrogate Key (Run Skey) and store the parameters against this Run Skey. But, when RRF Run gets invoked, there will be a new Run Skey that will be generated for RRF. Since we need parameters for RRF Run, it is expected to copy the Run Parameters from the PMF Run to RRF run. The same can be achieved using the Post Load Changes (PLC).

10.  Create a Data Transform (DT) for the Run with the Run Parameters under PLC with the Standard Run Parameters and an additional Parameter as WF_RUNSK to copy the data of RUN_EXE_PARAMETERS of WF_RUNSK to load into the RUN_EXE_PARAMETERS for $RUNSK.

Figure 117: Post Load Changes Page

This illustration shows the list of data transformation under the Post Load Changes in the OFS REG REP USFED application.

11.  For example : DT can contain an Insert command as follows.

         I_RUN_SKEY AS N_RUN_SKEY, -- The $RUNSK for Reporting Run

12.  In the Financial Services Data Foundation Application, select Rule Run Framework, and then select Process.

Figure 118: Process Creation Page

This illustration shows the navigation starting from Financial Services Data Foundation, then select Run Rule Framework, and then select Process.

13.  Click New  to create a process in the Regulatory Rules Framework to add the newly created DT with an optional parameter as WF_RUNSK.  Select the Folder as USFEDSEG and click OK.

Figure 119: Process Segment Selection Page

This illustration shows the selection of the segment for the process.

14.  Select or enter the required values for each field as follows.

Table 33: USFED Run Details Fields and Descriptions

Field Name

Description or Instruction


Enter the Process Code.


Enter the Process Name.

Figure 120: Process Definition Page

This illustration shows the list of fields for which the values must be provided during the process creation.

15.  Select the Component option and the Component Selector Window is displayed.

Figure 121: Component Selector Window

This illustration shows the selection of the Data Transformation from the available components list.

16.  From the Available Components Column, select Transformation Rules, then select Database Functions Transformations and then select the corresponding DT, click Move  icon to add the DT to the Tasks In Root Column.

17.  In the Tasks In Root Column, select the Process and right click on the Setting  icon to add the parameters.  The Add Parameters Window is displayed.

Figure 122: Add Parameter Window

This illustration shows the addition of the parameter in the data transformation.

18.  Click OK to add the parameter details to the Data Transformation.

19.  Click OK in the Component Selector Window to save the Data Transformation.
The Process Definition Save Page is displayed

Figure 123: Process Definition Save Page

This illustration shows the data transformation added to the process and click Save to save the process details.

20.   Click Save button to save the process details.

21.  In the Financial Services Data Foundation Application, select Rule Run Framework, and then select Run.  

Figure 124: Run Summary Page

This illustration shows the list of available runs in the run Summary page.

22.  Select the USFED Reporting Run from the Run Summary Page.   

Figure 125: Run Summary Page

This illustration shows the selection of the USFED regulatory Reporting run from the run summary page. 

23.  Click Edit icon to edit the Run details The Edit Run Details Page is displayed.

Figure 126: Edit Run Details Page

This illustration shows the edit run details page. 

24.  Click the Selector dropdown list and select the Job option. The Component Selector window is displayed.
 From the Available Components Column, select Processes, then select USFEDSEG and then select the corresponding process, click Move  icon to add the newly created process to the USFED Reporting Run as the first task.



The selected component must always be on top of the Tasks table. You can use the Move Up icon to do the same.


Figure 127: Component Selector Run Window

This illustration shows the component selector for the runs from the list of available components.

25.  Click Ok button to save the Run details. The updated Run Definition Page is displayed.

Figure 128: Updated Run Definition Page

This illustration shows the run definition page updated with the process.

26.  Click Next button to view the added process to the Run. The Process Added to Run Page is displayed.

Figure 129: Process Added to Run Page

This illustration shows the process added to the existing run in the application.

27.  Click Save button and a Confirmation Window is displayed.

Figure 130: Confirmation Window

This illustration shows the confirmation required to save the run as an existing run in the application.

28.  Click No to add the process to the existing USFED Regulatory Run.

29.  Execute the initially created Run from the Process Modeler Screen with the Run Parameters (similar to Run Management). The PMF generates a Run Skey that will be provided as inputs to the RUN_EXE_PARAMETERS.             

30.  Execute the USFED Regulatory Reporting Run that creates another Run Skey and the DT retrieves the parameters.