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Oracle@ Communications Diameter Signaling Router Session Binding Repository (SBR)
Release 8.3
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Predicting the Duration of an SBR Reconfiguration Plan

During execution of an SBR Database Resizing Plan or SBR Data Migration Plan, data is migrated by creating new records on the target Resource Domain or SBR Database. The old record created prior to starting the reconfiguration plan in the initial Resource Domain or SBR Database are removed over time as the sessions or bindings are terminated normally by policy or charging Diameter signaling.

Because the migration is driven by normal Diameter signaling, predicting the duration of an SBR Reconfiguration can be difficult unless accurate information is available for the hold-times of sessions and bindings.

Some sessions may last longer and prevent the migration from completing in the predicted time frame. in such cases, the migration can be forced to end or accelerated by requesting that remaining sessions be removed by sending RAR messages including a Session-Release-Cause AVP.

Histogram measurements provide reliable information on session and binding hold-times. Each measurement provides a count for a specific time duration. Refer to the DSR Measurements Reference for details on the specific measurements.