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Oracle@ Communications Diameter Signaling Router Session Binding Repository (SBR)
Release 8.3
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SBR Data Migration Plans

On the SBR > Configuration > SBR Data Migration Plans page on an Active NO, an SBR Data Migration Plan can be configured.

SBR Data Migration is the process of moving data from an Initial SBR Database to a Target SBR Database by creating new records in the target and allowing records in the initial to be removed by normal PCA Diameter signaling.

Creation of an SBR Data Migration Plan has no effect on either database. After creating a Data Migration Plan, go to the SBR Database Reconfiguration Status screen to prepare, start and monitor the migration. Once migration has completed, or has been cancelled, the SBR Data Migration Plan should be deleted.


SBR Data Migration Plans are configurable only on an Active NO, but are viewable on NO and SO servers.

Data Migration Plans can be configured prior to the start of the plan's execution.

The fields are described in SBR Data Migration Plans elements.