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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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DHCP Ranges elements

The DHCP Ranges page contains these elements:

Table 12-7 Elements on the DHCP Ranges Page

Element Description
Start DHCP A valid IPv4 address in dotted quad format for the first address in the DHCP pool.
End DHCP A valid IPv4 address in dotted quad format for the last address in the DHCP pool.
Add Select to define a DHCP pool not shown in the table. This displays the work area in the DHCP Ranges - Add DHCP Range page.
Delete To delete a DHCP pool, select a DHCP Range entry in the table, then select Delete. A dialogue box confirms the action.

Clicking OK within the dialog box, displays a notification box beneath the title PM&C Configuration if successful, and the deleted range is removed from the table. Clicking Cancel within the dialog box, closes the dialog box and returns to the work area.


Delete is disabled when no entry is selected.
Cancel Select to cancel this PMAC Initialization task. A dialog box confirms the action. Select OK to display the work area in the Configuration Summary - Cancel page. Select Cancel to close the dialog box, and the current work area remains unchanged.
Next Select Next to proceed to the next step of the initialization wizard. This saves the changes made in the DHCP Ranges table and display the work area in the DHCP Ranges page.