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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Installing the operating system



This procedure is not intended for general customer use and should be used only as directed by Customer Access Support (see My Oracle Support).


Before applying an ISO image to multiple servers, ensure that the network allows for the bandwidth required by the multiple simultaneous processes. A slow-down of the image data transfer can cause PMAC to fail the background task automatically if it cannot detect a successful installation within 45 minutes for each server.
  • OS image has been loaded into the software repository.

  • Permissions:
    • User group admin or ops: Install OS, monitor operation, delete background task

    • guest: Monitor operation

This procedure describes how to install the TPD operating system (OS) on one or more server(s) using an ISO image.

The ISO image of the TPD operating system is bootable. During the installation process, the PM&C server performs a one-time boot from the network to load the ISO image. Then, the PM&C server installs the operating system onto the target server(s) as an individual background task per server.

  1. Log into the PMAC GUI as the guiadmin or pmacop user.
  2. Locate the target server(s):
    • To install the OS on a single server, click Hardware > System Inventory > Cabinet to locate the rack mount server (RMS), or the Enclosure and Bay of the server blade. If the target is a Guest server, go to VM Management to locate the name of the target guest.
    • To install the OS on multiple servers, go to Software Inventory and select the servers from the Software Inventory list.
  3. Click Install OS.

    The Software Install - Select Image page appears.

    The Targets pane shows the server(s) to receive the installation. Verify the component label(s) to make sure that they match the desired targets. The Image table shows the available images.

  4. Select the ISO image to be installed.
  5. Supply software install arguments (if any) in the provided text box.
  6. Click Start Software Install.
  7. Click OK to confirm that you want to start the installation.
    A background task launches for each installation. A tracking number for the background task displays when the background task starts processing.
  8. Select the Task Monitoring menu item to view the progress of the background task(s).

The operating system has been installed successfully when the Status field in the Background Task Monitoring window returns Done for the respective image.