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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Software Inventory elements

The Software Inventory page contains the following elements:

Table 5-29 Elements on the Software Inventory page

Element Description
Ident The identity information of the server.

The field will always be blank for any unprovisioned server.

An Enclosure link takes you to the Enclosure Inventory Summary page. A Bay link takes you to the Bay Summary tab. An RMS link takes you to the RMS Hardware tab. A guest link takes you to the View VM Guest work area for the guest.

IP Address The IP address of the server where the application resides.

If available, IPv4 addresses are displayed. In some cases during the installation, PMAC is unable to obtain the IPv4 addresses via SNMP. In such cases, PMAC displays the IPv6 address (for example, fe80::226:55ff:fe7d:9b10).

Hostname The configured hostname of the server.
Plat Name The name of the operating system.
Plat Version The version of the operating system. This field also indicates the TPD architecture as follows:
  • TPD (i686) indicates a 32-bit TPD.
  • TPD (x86_64) indicates a 64-bit TPD.
The remaining fields on the page are defined by the application. If the application is not set up to display data in these fields, these fields will appear blank.
App Name The name of the application.
App Version The version of the application or one of the following upgrade states: Pending Upgrade Acc/Rej, Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej, or In Upgrade.


There might be times during an upgrade when PMAC is not able to query and display the upgrade state.
Desig The designation used to identify the server.
Function The function of the application.
Buttons The following links are provided:
Install OS
This button is enabled if one or more rows of the grid are selected. Clicking the button opens the Software Install - Select Image page. Use this page to install an operating system (OS).
This button is enabled when one or more rows containing a server with an installed OS are selected. Clicking the button opens the Software Upgrade - Select Image page. Use this page to upgrade an OS or to install or upgrade an application.
Accept Upgrade
This button is enabled if one or more rows containing servers in the Pending Upgrade Acc/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej upgrade state are selected. Click Accept Upgrade to accept upgrades on the selected servers.
Reject Upgrade
This button is enabled if one or more rows containing servers in the Pending Upgrade Accept/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej upgrade state are selected. Click Reject Upgrade to reject upgrades on the selected servers.
This button is enabled when one or more rows containing a server with an installed OS are selected. Clicking the button opens the Software Upgrade - Select Image page. Use this page to patch software on the selected servers.
Accept Patches
This button is enabled if one or more rows containing servers in the Pending Patch Acc/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej state are selected. Click Accept Patches to accept patches on the selected servers.
Reject Patches
This button is enabled if one or more rows containing servers in the Pending Patch Acc/Rej or Pending Upgrade and Patch Acc/Rej state are selected. Click Reject Patches to reject patches on the selected servers.
Transfer ISO Image
This button transfers the selected single ISO image to one or more selected remote servers on the PM&C control network.

The button will become enabled only if all of the selected items have been discovered by PM&C (PM&C itself not included) as having a TPD OS installed.

Map Device Aliases
Selecting Map Device Aliases regenerates ISO for the selected guests. After you click the button, a Dialog box confirms the action. For any guest that is running PM&C application, an additional dialog box is displayed to let you to skip such guest. If a regenerate ISO action fails for a given guest, it is added to the Error window below the Software Inventory heading. If the action is successful, it is displayed in the Info window. Note that Map Device Aliases is enabled only if all selected entries are virtual guests.
This button is enabled if one or more rows containing discovered servers are selected. Click Refresh to rediscover the details of the selected servers.


These buttons act on the server or servers that are selected in the grid. If multiple servers are selected, the operation is applied to all of the servers.
Pause Updates

Allows the user to temporarily suspend ("pause") the automatic page refresh that occurs automatically when the page is entered.

If the checkbox is "checked", a manual page Refresh will "uncheck" the checkbox.

Display filter

The Software Inventory page includes a Display Filter, which allows filtering the inventory display according to the contents of one or more columns of the table.

You can filter the display based on the content of one or more columns by selecting an operator and entering text to compare against. Selecting an operator of "Ignored" for a column allows for any value in that column.


The Ident column of the table actually consists of a combination of Enclosure, Bay, and Guest or RMS and Guest (whatever is known about a managed server), but the filter presents those components separately.