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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Install OS background task steps

The table shows the main steps of the Install OS background task.

Table 6-5 Install OS steps

Step Status Field Description
1 Network PXE Boot. The process has been launched.
2 MAC Address Discovery Determining the MAC address and creating the PXE configuration file.
3 Waiting for target server to boot PMAC has told the target server to reboot and is now waiting for it to start requesting files for installation.
4 Installing packages from ISO The target server has begun requesting files from PMAC.
5 Final reboot. The final boot occurs after the installation of the operating system. All configuration files associated with the installation are cleaned up. If PMAC waits more than 45 minutes for the Post Install Inform notification from TPD, PMAC fails the background task.
6 Success.