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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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RMS Hardware Tab elements

The Hardware tab for an RMS contains the Hardware Information table, an LED state indicator, and a button each to refresh the table data and to toggle the LEDs on or off.

Hardware Information Table

This table provides standard information including:
  • Entity Type
  • Discovery State
  • UUID
  • Manufacturer
  • Product Name
  • Part Number
  • Serial Number
  • Firmware Type
  • Firmware Version
  • Status

Buttons and Indicator

The following buttons and indicator are available:

Table 5-5 Elements on the RMS Hardware Tab

Component Description
LED State Indicator Shows the current LED light state of the RMS, such as ON , OFF, or UNKNOWN.
LED State-related button Allows you to change the state of the LED light. The button's label and corresponding action depends on the current LED light state. For example, if the current LED light state is OFF, the button label is Turn On LED.
Refresh button (depicted by chasing arrows in upper right corner) Lets you refresh the work area information.