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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Groups Administration page

The Groups administration page is accessible under Administration > Access Control > Groups. Administrative users can launch operations to add, delete, or modify a user group as well as generate reports. See Groups basics for more information.

The Groups [Insert] administration page presents a check box matrix of functions vs actions. Functions correspond to a menu option or submenu function and are closely grouped according to the main menu's structure. Actions determine at what level you are allowed to access a function. Five actions are available; View, Insert, Edit, Delete, and Manage. If a check box is checked, the group has access to this option on the menu. If a check box is not checked, the group does not have access to this option, and the option is not visible on the GUI menu. Selecting one or more check boxes defines a set of permissions for members of that group.

A group of related functions fall under a permissions section. For example, Users and Groups fall under the Administrative Permissions section. Permissions can be granted on a function basis (individually), or globally on a section basis. Alternatively, permissions can be granted on a global action basis. For example, selecting the Global Action Permissions checkbox immediately under the View action allows any user belonging to this group to view all GUI pages and options.

By default the PMAC comes with three groups already provisioned; The first is the admin group. Any user belonging to this group has access to all GUI pages and functions. The second default group is ops. As the name implies it provides any user belonging to this group access suitable for most operations personnel. The third default group is guests. Any user belonging to this group has permissions suitable for guests with limited administrative permissions.


The pre-defined admin group that comes with the system cannot be modified. The other two pre-defined groups, ops and guests, can be modified to meet specific needs. A user can be assigned to multiple groups.