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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Configure RMS elements

The Configure RMS page contains these elements:

Table 10-4 Elements on the Configure RMS Page

Element Description
Provisioned RMS Table Contains the iLO IP addresses and names of RMS currently existing in the system.


You can delete or edit only one RMS at one time.
Add RMS This displays the Add RMS page within the work area.
Edit RMS Displays the Edit RMS page within the work area


Edit is disabled unless a RMS is selected.
Delete RMS Deletes the selected RMS and a confirmation box is displayed.


Delete is disabled unless a RMS is selected.
Find RMS Displays the Find unprovisioned RMS page within the work area.
Found RMS Displays the Found RMS page within the work area.
Pause Updates

Allows the user to temporarily suspend ("pause") the automatic page refresh that occurs automatically when the page is entered.

If the checkbox is "checked", a manual page refresh will "uncheck" the checkbox.

Background Monitoring Pane The Tasks button on the toolbar displays a floating window containing the Background task table that shows tasks pertaining only to the selected RMS's configuration.