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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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DNS Configuration elements

The DNS Configuration page contains the following elements:

Table 15-1 DNS Configuration Page elements

Element Description
Domain Name

A text box where you can enter a valid Domain Name. The Domain Name is used with the PMAC hostname to produce the Common Name field in website Certificate Signing Requests created with the Administration > Access Control > Certificate Management [Create CSR] button.

  • Can be 1 to 255 characters in length. All alpha-numeric characters including period (.) and underscore (_) are allowed.


This field can be set as blank.
Name Server 1 Address A text box where you can enter a valid IPV4 or IPV6 address that indicates the IP of the first Name Server in the DNS Configuration.


This field can be set as blank.
Name Server 2Address A text box where you can enter a valid IPV4 or IPV6 address that indicates the IP of the second Name Server in the DNS Configuration.


This field can be set as blank.
Name Server 3Address A text box where you can enter a valid IPV4 or IPV6 address that indicates the IP of the third Name Server in the DNS Configuration.


This field can be set as blank.
Update DNS Configuration Updates the DNS Configuration settings according to the following rules:
  • If all fields are blank, the DNS Configuration file /etc/resolv.conf is set to the TPD default. This includes basic comments only instructing the user on how to configure this file. DNS Configuration is disabled for the PMAC.
  • If a valid Domain Name is entered and the Name Servers are all blank, the Domain Name is saved in the PMAC database for use by other PMAC configuration applications. The /etc/resolv.conf file is set to the TPD default. DNS Configuration is disabled for the PMAC.
  • If there is one or more valid Name Server addresses entered (in any order) and the Domain Name is blank, validation fails. The Domain Name must always be included if any Name Servers are included.
  • If a valid Domain Name is included and one or more valid Name Servers are included, this information is written to the /etc/resolv.conf file and DNS Configuration is enabled.


When clicking the Update DNS Configuration button, a message appears that this action may interrupt any existing GUI sessions because the PM&C Web Server has to be restarted. Click OK to continue. Then click the DNS Configuration menu selection again to refresh the page with your updates. If you click Cancel, the configuration will not be updated.