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Oracle® Communications PMAC User's Guide
Release 6.6
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Components of the PMAC GUI

The PMAC GUI is a Web-based GUI that enables authorized users to access PMAC application functions.

The table describes the components of the PMAC GUI.

Table 4-1 GUI Components

Component Location Function
Banner Area Top bar across the web page, under web browser menu or bookmarks bar From left displays the Oracle logo followed by the application name. Following the application name the title bar displays the following:
  • The current release and version of the application.
  • A Pause Updates checkbox that allows the users to pause any reoccurring updates while on a given page. Note that not all pages support periodic updates.
  • A Help button that, when selected, displays the Oracle help pages in a separate browser tab.
  • The name of the currently logged-in user displayed as Logged in Account <username>.
  • A Log Out button that, when selected, logs the displayed user out and returns to the Oracle System Login page.
Main Menu Left side of web page, under banner area A tree-structured menu of operations that can be performed with the user interface. The plus sign (+) next to a folder indicates that a menu item contains subfolders.
  • To display submenu items, click the plus character, the folder, or the text.
  • To select a menu item that does not have submenu items, click the text or its associated symbol.
Work Area Heading Across top of work area panel, below banner area

Displays the locator link (window title) of the current page or form. Also displays the date and time in UTC format.

Work Area Toolbar Directly below work area heading Provides access to optional elements of the work area, such as Info and Error messages, a display filter, and a page specific Task Management grid. If one or more of these options is available in the active page or form, the following appear on the toolbar:
Displays the Info window from the toolbar when the system has one or more non-error messages for the user. This typically confirms that a requested action has been performed without error. Clicking Info displays the messages in a green floating (movable) window. These messages do not appear the next time the screen is displayed.
Displays the Error window for error messages. Unlike the Info window, the Error window opens automatically when an error message is present. These messages do not appear the next time the screen is displayed
On some pages that present tabular information, the Toolbar includes a Filter button. The Filter window shows page-specific criteria that reduces the amount of information displayed. The capabilities of the filter function vary from page to page according to the type of information presented. The page-specific details appear in the online help with the appropriate page descriptions.

The filter is presented in a floating window where you can select or enter criteria to be applied to the contents of the table. If you specify multiple criteria, the data shown includes only those items that satisfy all of them: they are joined by "and".

After you have entered criteria for one or more table columns and select Go, the table is displayed with the filter in effect. The filter window remains visible for further use. You can close the window by selecting Filter in the toolbar or the filter window's X button. The work area title includes (Filtered) as a reminder that not all data are being shown.

The filter settings are retained when the filter window is closed, as long as you do not navigate to a different GUI page. Upon returning to this page, the filter is cleared and has no effect.

Displays most of the information available on the main Task Monitoring screen, but only for tasks related to the current work area. For example, for a Bay-specific work area, only tasks for that Bay are shown; for Manage Software Images, only Add Image tasks are shown.

Because of the restricted window size, one or more of the columns that are visible on the main Task Monitoring screen might not be present here.

Info, Error, Filter, or Tasks appear on the toolbar.
Work Area Directly below work area toolbar and to the right of the main menu

A page containing text, input fields, and controls related to the option most recently selected from the main menu.

When a user first logs in, a splash page with a user-defined welcome message displays.

Status Area Bottom bar of web page, under navigation and main work areas

Displays the PMAC site name as defined in Administration > General Options.

Displays the current status of the Pause Updates action presented in the title bar. Updates are either enabled or disabled.