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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Database Administration – System Management User's Guide describes the procedures used to manage and configure these items.


Database administration privileges are password restricted. Only those persons with access to the command class “Database Administration” can execute the administrative functions. Other command classes and the commands allowed by those classes are listed in the Commands User's Guide.
Throughout this manual, these terms are used to refer to either the original card or the EPM-B version or other replacement version of the card unless one of the card types is specifically required.
  • E5-ENET - the original E5-ENET or the E5-ENET-B card
  • E5-E1T1 - the original E5-E1T1 or the E5-E1T1-B card
  • E5-ATM - the original E5-ATM or the E5-ATM-B card
  • E5-IPSM - the original E5-IPSM or the E5-ENET-B card that is running the IPSHC GPL
  • E5-SM4G - the original E5-SM4G or the E5-SM8G-B card (not an EPM-B card)
  • MCPM - the original MCPM or the E5-MCPM-B card