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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area

This procedure is used to copy the EAGLE’s security log to the file transfer area of the fixed disk using the copy-seculog command. The copy-seculog command uses these parameters.

:dfile – the name of the file created in the file transfer area containing the security log entries copied with the copy-seculog command.
  • The filename can contain from 1 to 32 characters. If the filename contains special characters such as blank spaces, colons, dashes, periods, ampersands (&), etc. (for example, eagle123.doc), the filename must be enclosed in double quotes. For example, :dfile=“eagle123.doc”.
  • If a filename is not specified, the EAGLE specifies its own filename with this format, yymmddx.log, where yymmdd are the current year/month/day that the security log file was created, and x is either a if the security log on the active fixed disk is copied (slog=act) or s if the security log on the standby fixed disk is copied (slog=stb).

:slog – the security log that is copied to the file transfer area, the security log on the active fixed disk (slog=act) or the standby fixed disk (slog=stb). The default value for this parameter is act.

:dloc – the file transfer area that is receiving the copy of the security log, the file transfer area on the active fixed disk (dloc=act) or the file transfer area on the standby fixed disk dloc=stb). The default value for this parameter is act.

If a filename is not specified, the EAGLE specifies its own filename with this format, yymmddx.log, where yymmdd are the current year/month/day that the security log file was created, and x is either a for the copy of the security log on the active fixed disk or s for the copy of the security log on the standby fixed disk.

The copy-seculog command can be specified with no parameters. If the copy-seculog command is specified with no parameters, the security log on the active fixed disk is copied to the file transfer area on the active fixed disk and is given a default name. The default name is in this format, yymmdda.log, where yymmdd are the current year/month/day that the security log file was created, and a for the copy of the security log on the active fixed disk.

  1. Verify the card that is card location 1113 by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    CARD   VERSION      TYPE      GPL        PST            SST        AST
    1113   132-013-000  E5MCAP    OAMHC      IS-NR          Active     -----
      ALARM STATUS       = No Alarms.
      BLMCAP  GPL version = 132-005-000
      IMT BUS A           = Conn
      IMT BUS B           = Conn
      CURRENT TEMPERATURE   =  30C ( 86F)
      PEAK TEMPERATURE:     =  33C ( 92F)     [02-01-05 07:18]
    Command Completed.
  2. Verify the card that is in card location 1115 by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 40.1.0
    CARD   VERSION      TYPE      GPL        PST            SST        AST
    1113   132-013-000  E5MCAP    OAMHC      IS-NR          Active     -----
      ALARM STATUS       = No Alarms.
      BLMCAP  GPL version = 132-005-000
      IMT BUS A           = Conn
      IMT BUS B           = Conn
      CURRENT TEMPERATURE   =  30C ( 86F)
      PEAK TEMPERATURE:     =  33C ( 92F)     [02-01-05 07:18]
    Command Completed.

    Ensure that both card locations contain the same type of card (E5-OAM).

  3. Display the current characteristics of the security log by entering the rept-stat-seculog command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-04 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
                 -- SINCE LAST UPLOAD --  OLDEST   NEWEST   LAST
    1114 Active  8312    84    No   No    09-01-25 09-03-04 09-02-15
                                          08:25:21 09:02:44 02:47:17
    1116 Standby 693     7     No   No    09-01-25 09-03-04 09-02-15
                                          08:25:21 09:02:44 02:47:17
  4. Copy the security log to the file transfer area by entering the copy-seculog command.

    For this example, copy the security log on the active fixed disk to the file transfer area on the fixed disk. Enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-04 16:02:37 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
    Security log on TDM 1114 copied to file security1.log on TDM 1114
  5. Verify the changes with the rept-stat-seculog command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-03-04 16:04:43 GMT  EAGLE5 40.1.0
                 -- SINCE LAST UPLOAD --  OLDEST   NEWEST   LAST
    1114 Active  1       1     No   No    09-03-04 09-03-04 09-03-04
                                          09:02:44 09:02:44 16:02:37
    1116 Standby 0       0     No   No    09-01-25 09-03-04 09-02-15
                                          08:25:21 09:02:44 02:47:17

Figure 4-5 Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area

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