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Oracle® Communications EAGLE Database Administration - System Management User's Guide
Release 46.6
E93319 Revision 1
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Manual Organization

Throughout this document, the terms database and system software are used. Database refers to all data that can be administered by the user, including shelves, cards, links, routes, global title translation tables, and gateway screening tables. System software refers to data that cannot be administered by the user, including generic program loads (GPLs).

This document is organized into these sections:

Introduction contains general information about the database and the organization of this manual.

Database Management Procedures describes the different options for managing the database, such as backing up data and copying database tables from one disk to another, and provides procedures for tasks associated with database applications.

GPL Management Procedures describes the procedures used for managing the system data (GPLs) on the EAGLE.

System Administration Procedures describes the procedures used to administer the items shown in the Introduction.

SEAS Over IP Configuration Procedures describes the procedures used to configure the EAGLE to support the SEAS over IP feature.

Controlled Feature Activation Procedures describes the procedures necessary to activate and deactivate the controlled features (features that require a feature access key to be activated) contained in this guide.

Setting Up a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using PuTTYdescribes the steps to set up a secure telnet connection to to the EAGLE using the PuTTY client program.

Setting Up a Secure Telnet Connection to the EAGLE using OpenSSHdescribes the steps to set up a secure telnet connection to to the EAGLE using OpenSSH.

Remote Database Backup and Restore Procedures describes the procedures for backing up the database to the DB FTP server and restoring the database from the DB FTP server.