Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Administration Guide > How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Oracle CRM On Demand Data > How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles Microsoft Outlook Calendar >

How Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop Handles a Recurring Microsoft Outlook Appointment

If you have a recurring calendar event in Microsoft Outlook when you synchronize with Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop, then this recurring event is transformed into a series of individual nonrecurring Oracle CRM On Demand appointments.

When Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop transforms the recurring calendar activity, it also includes any modifications and deletions made to these occurrences, known as exceptions.

However, there is a limit to the number of individual Oracle CRM On Demand appointments that can be created to represent a recurring Microsoft Outlook calendar activity. Even if the end date on the recurring appointment in Microsoft Outlook is specified, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop limits the number of instances of a recurring activity, depending on the recurrence pattern.

The maximum number of occurrences for the individual appointment activities created in Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop depend on the recurrence pattern of a Microsoft Outlook calendar:

  • Daily. 60 occurrences
  • Weekly. 26 occurrences
  • Monthly. 12 occurrences
  • Yearly. 5 occurrences

You can modify the recurring appointment in Microsoft Outlook and the individual appointments in Oracle CRM On Demand. However, you cannot modify the list of participants in a single appointment occurrence in Microsoft Outlook.

If you modify a recurring appointment that is shared with Oracle CRM On Demand in Microsoft Outlook, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop does the following:

  • If a single occurrence of a recurring appointment is modified, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop applies the modification to the corresponding individual appointment activity created in Oracle CRM On Demand for this appointment.
  • If the entire series of a recurring appointment is modified, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop applies the modification to all individual appointment activities created in Oracle CRM On Demand for this appointment.
  • If a single instance of a recurring appointment is deleted in Microsoft Outlook, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop deletes the corresponding appointment activity in Oracle CRM On Demand after synchronization.
  • If all occurrences of the recurring appointment are deleted in Microsoft Outlook, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop deletes all appointment activities on Oracle CRM On Demand.

When an Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop user who is the participant of a recurring meeting has the default preference to automatically share new Microsoft Outlook activities with Oracle CRM On Demand, the following happens:

  • When the meeting request arrives in the meeting participant's Inbox, the number of Oracle CRM On Demand appointment activities that are created corresponds to the maximum number of supported instances for the recurrence pattern.
  • If the meeting participant declines the meeting request, then the Oracle CRM On Demand appointment activities created in the participant's Microsoft Outlook are deleted.
  • If the meeting participant declines the meeting after the individual appointment activities have been synchronized with Oracle CRM On Demand, then the participant is removed from the list of users on all appointment activities.
  • When the meeting participant modifies a single occurrence, or the entire series of the recurring Microsoft Outlook meeting, the modification is not applied on the Oracle CRM On Demand appointment activity.
  • When the meeting participant deletes a single occurrence, the modification is not applied on the corresponding Oracle CRM On Demand appointment activity.

If the user modifies an appointment activity in Oracle CRM On Demand that corresponds to a single occurrence of the recurring Microsoft Outlook meeting shared with Oracle CRM On Demand, then Oracle CRM On Demand Desktop behaves in the following way:

  • If the appointment activity is modified, then the corresponding occurrence of the meeting will be updated in Microsoft Outlook after synchronization for all the meeting participants.
  • If the appointment activity is deleted, then the corresponding occurrence of the meeting will be deleted in Microsoft Outlook after synchronization for all the meeting participants.
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