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Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client is a command-line based utility that uses the Administrative Web services in Oracle CRM On Demand to extract configuration data from Oracle CRM On Demand and to import configuration data to Oracle CRM On Demand. The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client allows you to download customized configuration data from one Oracle CRM On Demand environment to your local machine, and then to import that configuration data to another Oracle CRM On Demand environment, thus eliminating the need to manually reproduce the customized configuration data from one Oracle CRM On Demand environment to another. For example, you can download the customized configuration data from a customer test environment, and then import it to a production environment.

The type of configuration data that you can extract from Oracle CRM On Demand, and import to Oracle CRM On Demand, includes the following:

  • Access profiles
  • Action bar layouts
  • Assignment rule groups
  • Assignment rules
  • Cascading picklists
  • Concatenated fields
  • Custom field definitions
  • Customized record types
  • Custom HTML head tag additions
  • Custom Web applets (for Homepages, Detail pages, Action bar, and the Home tab)
  • Custom Web links
  • Custom Web tabs
  • Dynamic page layouts
  • Field audit setup
  • Homepage layouts
  • Integration event queues
  • List access and order layouts
  • Modification tracking settings
  • Page layouts (field information, related information, and sections)
  • Picklists
  • Picklist value groups
  • Process administration
  • Related information layouts
  • Role associations for analytics folders
  • Roles
  • Sales assessment templates
  • Sales categories
  • Search layouts
  • Workflow rules and actions

Your ability to perform tasks through the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client is subject to the same restrictions as your ability to perform the same tasks in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface. Typically, if you are not able to perform a task in the user interface, then you cannot perform the equivalent task in the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client, for example, delete an access profile, edit a field type, and so on.

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client verifies that you are using the latest version of the client. If you run a command on the Oracle CRM On Demand server using an unsupported version, then you are prompted to download the latest version of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. In addition, when you download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client from an Oracle CRM On Demand environment, a version argument with a value that corresponds to the release of Oracle CRM On Demand that is running on that environment is applied to all of your requests by default. So, the configuration data that is returned by Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client reflects the configuration data that is available in that version of Oracle CRM On Demand. For example, if you download the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client from an environment that is running Release 36 of Oracle CRM On Demand, then the configuration data that is returned for your requests is the configuration data that is available in Release 36 of Oracle CRM On Demand.

Auditing and Log Files

All Web service operations in the customer test environment are audited. All successful operations as well as processing errors, such as Request Size exceeded, Invalid SOAP request, rate-limit error, and so on, are audited. You can view the audit records in the Web Services Utilization section in Oracle CRM On Demand (click Admin, and then Web Services Utilization).

You can view the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client log files on your local machine in the Installation directory\log directory, for example:

C:\Oracle Migration Tool On Demand\log

Supported Operating Systems for Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Although the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client might successfully migrate configuration data on any operating system that supports extraction of a ZIP file, the client has been fully tested only on Microsoft Windows. The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client is supported on the following Microsoft Windows operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Edition
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Home Version
  • Microsoft Windows Vista Enterprise Edition
  • Microsoft Windows 7

Supported Releases of Oracle CRM On Demand

The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client supports exporting and importing configuration data between any two Oracle CRM On Demand tenants on the same release (for example, two Release 37 tenants). In addition, the version of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client you are using must be the same as the release of Oracle CRM On Demand with which you are working (for example, you cannot use the current version of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client on a previous release of Oracle CRM On Demand).

Typically, the patch level between two Oracle CRM On Demand tenants does not impact migration. However, the introduction of a new configuration attribute or a new attribute in the Oracle CRM On Demand programming interface API in a patch might impact the migration. For example, if a new configuration attribute is added to field management, then you must remove that value from the migration request to an older patch level, because the older patch level does not support that field value.

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide, Release 37 Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.