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Sharing Records (Teams)

For some record types, you can share a record so that a team of users can view it. The following record types can be shared by teams:

  • Account
  • Accreditation
  • Activity
  • Application
  • Business Plan
  • Certification
  • Contact
  • Course
  • Custom Objects
  • Deal Registration
  • Event
  • Exam
  • Household
  • Lead
  • MDF Request
  • Objective
  • Opportunity
  • Order
  • Partner
  • Portfolio
  • Sample Request
  • Service Request
  • Special Pricing Request

With account records, you can also share the contact and opportunity records that are linked to that account record.

About Teams and Record Ownership Modes

Depending on the record ownership mode that your company administrator sets up for the record type, a record might not have an owner. The record might instead have a primary custom book or might have no owner or primary custom book. For more information about record ownership modes, see About Data Access, Record Sharing, and Record Ownership. Record ownership modes apply only to record types that support books.

If your company administrator changes the record ownership mode for a record type, then a record that previously had an owner might have the owner removed from the record the first time that the record is updated after the record ownership mode changes. When this happens, all the members of the team, except the former owner of the record, remain as members of the team. The behavior is the same for team members who are members of a predefined group; that is, all of the members of the group, except the former owner of the record, remain as members of the team. However, the Account record type is an exception to this rule. If the former owner of an account is a member of a predefined group, then all of the members of the group are removed from the team. Any team members who are not members of the predefined group remain as members of the team, as is the case with other record types.

NOTE: In the standard application, the former owner of the record is not retained as a member of the team, as described here. However, your administrator can configure the record type so that the former owner of the record is retained as a member of the team on the record. For information about configuring a record type to retain the former owner as a member of the team, see Customizing Previous Ownership for Shared Records.

To share a record, you first add the person to the Team for the selected record. Then you specify the access profile for the user for that record.

NOTE: You add users to an activity team in the Users related information section in the activity Detail page. When you add a user to an activity team, you cannot specify the access profile for the user for the activity record. The user is automatically given the ReadOnly access profile for the activity. The user whose name appears in the Delegated By field on an activity is automatically given the Full access profile for the activity. The access level that the user has to the record depends on how the access profile is configured. However, regardless of how the ReadOnly access profile is configured, only the activity owner and the user whose name appears in the Delegated By field on an activity can remove users from that activity. For more information about adding users to activities, see Scheduling Appointments with Others.

To share a record

  1. Select the record.

    For instructions on selecting records, see Finding Records.

  2. On the record Detail page, scroll down to the Team section and click Add Users.
  3. In the Team Add User window, click the Lookup icon next to User.
  4. In the Lookup window, select an employee.
  5. Set roles and access levels:

    NOTE: Depending on the record type and setup, your application might differ from these options.

    1. (Optional) To explain the role the linked record plays in relation to the main record, select an option from the Team Role drop-down list.
    2. To set the access rights for the record type for team members, select an access profile from the Access drop-down list. The access profiles that are available by default are as follows:
      • ReadOnly. In the standard application, this access profile allows users to view records but not change them.
      • Edit. In the standard application, this access profile allows users to update records.
      • Full. In the standard application, this access profile allows users to update or delete records.

        NOTE: Administrators can change the access settings on the default access profiles.

        Your company administrator can make other access profiles available for teams.

        NOTE: Your managers have owner access to the records of their subordinates regardless of the setting of the Manager Visibility Enabled option on the company profile and regardless of your selections in the Access drop-down list. For any user, the most liberal access that is set in the application is the one that determines the access level for that user. For more information about access profiles, see Access Profile Management.

  6. Click Save.
  7. (Opportunity teams only) To allocate part or all of the revenue on the opportunity to a team member, do the following:
    1. In the Opportunity Detail page, in the Opportunity Team section, click Edit Users.
    2. In the Opportunity Team Edit Users page, in the Percentage Split field, enter the percentage of the value that is to be allocated to the team member.

      The value in the Percentage Split field can be any number from 0 (zero) to 100.

      NOTE: The Split Revenue field is a read-only field that is calculated from the Percentage Split field on the opportunity team record and the Revenue field on the opportunity record.

    3. Click Save.

Related Topics

See the following topic for related information about opportunity teams:

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.