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Forecast Detail Page

The Forecast Detail page displays forecast information for the selected forecast participant. This page shows the forecast summary, which lists projected revenue amounts by fiscal month, the corresponding user quota and percent attainment, as well as a list of the individual’s forecasted opportunities, revenues or products.

Managers can also see their team’s summary by month. As a result, managers can see their own detailed forecasted records and the summary records of their direct subordinates for the forecasted period.

Fiscal months are indicated by their standard names in the Forecast Summary and Team’s Summary sections. However, the duration of the month is based on your company's definition of the fiscal calendar . For example, the month of October might start on 15 October and end on 14 November.

The following table describes the tasks that you can do from the Forecast Details page.

To do this

Follow these steps

Change the currency for a displayed forecast

In the Forecast Summary title bar, click View In and select the currency.

Show all of your team's forecast summaries

Click Show Full List under the Team's Summary by Month section. This section is available only if you are a manager-level user.

In this section, a line item is listed for each team member by fiscal month.

Show all of your team's product summaries

Click the Show Full List link under the Team's Product Summary section. This section is only available if you are a Manager level user and you are using the Product Quantity Forecast type.

In this section, a line item is listed for each team member by product.

Show the forecast detail for a specific user

In the Owner Alias column of a team's summary section, click the name of the user for whom you want to see forecast details.

Show all forecasted opportunity records for a specific user

Click Show Full List under the My Opportunities section. This section is available only if you are using the Opportunity Forecast type.

This page lists a row for each revenue record forecasted along with the corresponding close date, forecast flag, opportunity name, account name, revenue, sales stage, and next step.

Show all forecasted revenue records for a specific user

Click the Show Full List link under the My Revenues section. This section is available only if you are using the Product Revenue, Account Revenue or Contact Revenue Forecast type.

This page lists a row for each revenue record forecasted along with the corresponding start and close date, forecast flag, product name, opportunity name, account name, revenue, and sales stage.

Show all forecasted product records for a specific user

Click Show Full List under the My Products section. This section is available only if you are using the Product Quantity Forecast type.

This page lists a row for each product forecasted along with the corresponding closed quantity, forecasted quantity, pipeline quantity, closed revenue and expected revenue. These values are the sum of all forecasted opportunities for the user.

Show all forecasted opportunities within a product category for a specific user

In the Product Category column, click the category for which you want to see the forecasted products. This page shows the specific values for each of the related opportunities for the selected product category, including the close date, opportunity name, individual quantities, and revenue amounts.

Show all forecasted opportunities for an individual product for a specific user

In the Product Name column, click the product for which you want to see forecasted opportunities.

This page shows the specific values for each of the related opportunities for the selected product, including the close date, opportunity name, individual quantities, and revenue amounts.

Update a forecasted opportunity

In the My Opportunities, My Revenues or My Product Revenues section within the Forecast Detail, click Opportunity Name to navigate to the opportunity details.

When you save your changes, return to the forecast by clicking Back to Forecast Detail, and then click Refresh.

Any adjustments made to the opportunity detail records are not captured in the forecast summary section until you click Rollup.

Rollup forecasted revenue

In the Forecast Summary section, click Rollup.

Clicking Rollup updates (recalculates) the total fields based on your opportunity updates.

Any adjustments made to the forecast revenue amounts will be overwritten after clicking Rollup.

Update the forecast or best case revenue amounts

In the Forecast Summary title bar, click Edit.

Clicking Edit opens the Forecast Edit page. Enter revenue adjustments, and click Save.

Submit a forecast

In the Forecast Summary section, click Submit Forecast.

The Status to Submitted field is updated, indicating to a manager that the forecast is ready for review.

Unsubmit a forecast

In the Forecast Summary section, click Unsubmit Forecast.

The forecast is unlocked. The status is set to Active, allowing a user to update and adjust his or her forecast, and then resubmit it. Only the reporting manager or company administrator can perform this action.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.