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Working with Lists

For many record types, you can limit the records you see by using filtered lists. A filtered list shows a subset of the records that meet the criteria making up the list.

Oracle CRM On Demand provides standard filtered lists for many record types. Users who have the Manage Public Lists privilege in their user role can create custom filtered lists and make them available for other users. Your company administrator can determine which lists are available for your user role. You can also create additional custom filtered lists to return the records that you want to work with. For more information, see Creating and Refining Lists. From the lists that are available to you for a top-level record type, you can choose the set of lists that is shown in the Homepage and in picklists of lists. For more information, see Changing Sets of Lists for Record Types.

When you select a filtered list, the list of records that meet the list criteria opens in the record List page. You can choose to display the first 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, or 100 records in the page at one time. The option you choose is maintained in the List pages for all record types, until you change it again. When you browse a list, the record on which your pointer is resting is highlighted by a change in the background color.

Depending on your company setup and the setup in your user profile, the column headings in List pages might always remain in view when you scroll down a page of records. This feature can be turned on or off at company level, but you can override the company-level Freeze List Column Header setting in your personal profile. For information about changing the Freeze List Column Header setting in your personal profile, see Updating Your Personal Details.

NOTE: Oracle CRM On Demand can use only one method of collation to determine the sort order within lists. The collation method was chosen to provide the best solution for all languages. However, it can result in some letters appearing in the wrong order in some languages.

What Happens If There Is More Than One Page of Records?

If there are more records in the list than can be shown on one page, then the following occurs:

  • You can click the navigation icons at the top or bottom of the list page to move to the next page, previous page, first page, or last page in the list.
  • If you click the icon to go to the last page in a list, then the last page shows a full page of records, and the number of records shown on the last page in the list is determined by the number of records that you choose to display in your list page.

    For example, assume that a list has a total of 60 records, and you choose to display 25 records in your list page. If you click the icon to go to the last page in the list, then the last 25 records in the list are displayed on the page.

  • If you navigate through a list one page at a time, then the last page in the list shows only the remaining records in the list.

    For example, assume that a list has a total of 60 records, and you choose to display 25 records in your list page. If you navigate through the list one page at a time, then each of the first two pages of the list shows 25 records, and the last page shows the remaining 10 records in the list.

Tasks That You Can Perform from the List Pages

From the List pages, you can do the following:

  • Sort the records.
  • Review multiple records at a glance.
  • Find a record to review, delete, or update.
  • Update the fields on the List page inline, if the inline edit functionality is enabled.
  • Open a record Detail page in the record pane and update the record details without navigating away from the List page, if the record pane is available in the List page.
  • Create new records.
  • Add the list to the Favorite Lists section in the Action bar by clicking the Favorites icon.
  • Refine the list within the List page, if the Toggle Refine List Pane icon is available. For more information, see Refining Lists Within List Pages.
  • Change the order of the columns in the list, by dragging the column headings to a new location and dropping them. You can optionally save the list after you change the order of the columns.

About Reordering Columns in List Pages

You can reorder the columns in a list directly in the List page. When you hover over a column heading, a four-directional arrow appears, and you can then drag the column to the new location and drop it. If more columns are available than can be displayed on your browser page, then when you drag a column header to the edge of the displayed columns, the page automatically scrolls to display the additional columns. The changed order of the columns continues to apply when you perform actions that refresh the page, such as paging through the list, sorting the list, using the Alpha Search controls and Quick Filter fields, and so on. The changed order also continues to apply if you open a record Detail page from the list and then return to the list. However, after you navigate away from the list, the next time you open the list, the columns appear in the original order unless you saved the list after you reordered the columns.

About Using Custom Fields to Sort Lists

For performance reasons, some custom fields cannot be used to sort lists. The following general rules apply:

  • You cannot use the following types of custom fields to sort lists of any record type, including the custom object record types:
    • Check box fields
    • Web link fields
    • Multi-select picklist fields

      However, for any given record type, there might be other types of custom fields that you cannot use to sort lists.

  • For the Custom Object 01 through 03 record types, you cannot use any type of custom field to sort lists.

Actions That You Can Perform on the Listed Records

In addition, you can use the record-level menu (beside each record name) to perform various actions on the listed records, including some or all of the following:

  • Open the Edit page for the record (by selecting the Edit option), where you can edit all of the fields on the record.
  • Create a new record by copying the existing record. Your company administrator determines which field values are automatically copied to the new record.
  • Delete a record.

You can filter the list further if there are too many records on the page. For more information about quick ways of filtering your lists, see Filtering Lists.

Each filtered list is specific to the record type, such as Opportunities or Accounts. All employees can create filtered lists for their own use, but you need to be assigned the appropriate role to create public lists that are available to all employees.

NOTE: A list that you or your managers create appears in only the language it is created. If you switch languages, it is not added to the lists in the other languages that the application supports. Only the default filtered lists appear in all languages. For example, if an Italian manager creates a new list and some of her team uses the Spanish version of the product, her team members don't see the newly-created list.

About Creating Bookmarks for List Pages

In most lists, the pages in the list share the same URL. As a result, when you create a bookmark for a page within a list, the bookmark always opens the list at the page that opened when you first accessed the list (usually the first page in the list). Similarly, when you copy the URL from the address field of a page within a list and later paste the URL into your browser address field, the list opens at the page that opened when you first accessed the list.

For example, when you open a list from a list link on the Account Homepage, the list opens at the first page. If you navigate to the third page in the list and create a bookmark for that page, then the new bookmark will open the list at the first page (that is, the page that opened when you first accessed the list).

List Management Options

In the List page for most record types, there is a Menu button with some or all of the following options:

Accessing the List Management Options

The way in which you navigate to the list management options varies with the record type as shown in the following table:

Record Type


Main record types (on tabs)

  1. Click the record tab at the top of the page.
  2. In the Lists section, click a list.
  3. Click the Menu button and select the required option.

You can also access the New List page as follows:

  1. Click the record tab at the top of the page.
  2. In the List title bar, click the New button.

    NOTE: Communication Lists are lists for specific types of activities. Therefore, use the Activities List page to create additional Communication Lists. Communication lists are available only if your company uses the call center,


  1. Click the Calendar tab.
  2. In the Open Tasks section, click the Show Full List link.
  3. Click the Menu button and select the required option.


  1. Click the Home tab.
  2. At the bottom of the Alerts section on My Homepage, click the Show Full List link.
  3. Click the Menu button and select the required option.

    NOTE: If there are no alerts, the Show Full List link does not appear.


Available only if your role includes the Manage Content - Manage Attachments and Detail Page Images privilege.

  1. At the top of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. Click the Content Management link.
  3. On the Content Management page, click the Manage Attachments link.
  4. On the Manage Attachments page, click the Create New List button.


Available only if your role includes the Manage Users privilege.

  1. At the top of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. Click the User Management and Access Controls link.
  3. Click the User Management link.
  4. Click the Menu button and select the required option.

Product Categories

Available only if your role includes the Manage Content privilege.

  1. At the top of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. Click the Content Management link.
  3. On the Content Management page, click the Product Categories link.
  4. Click the Menu button and select the required option.


Available only if your role includes the Manage Content privilege.

  1. At the top of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. Click the Content Management link.
  3. On the Content Management page, click the Products link.
  4. Click the Menu button and select the required option.

Standard Filtered Lists

For a description of the standard filtered lists, see the Working with the record type Homepage topic for each record type; for example:

To open a list

  1. Click the record tab.

    NOTE: For lists of activities, click the Calendar tab and then click Show Full List in the Open Tasks section. For information about working with lists of activities, see Working with Activity Lists.

  2. From the Lists section on the record Homepage, select the list you want to work with.

Related Topics

See the following topics for related information:

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.