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Note Page (List)

The Note page shows all notes linked to a record. The following table describes what you can do from the Note page:

To do this

Follow these steps

Create a note

In the Notes title bar, click the New Note button. On the Note Edit page, complete the required information and save the record.

Delete a note

Click the Del link in the row of the record you want to delete. You can restore deleted items up to 30 days after deletion.

Find a note

Click a column header to sort the data for that column. If the Alpha Search controls are available, then you can click the header for the Subject column, and then click a letter in the Alpha bar to find notes where the subject begins with that letter. For notes beginning with numbers, click 0-9.

NOTE: If your user language is Korean, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese, then the Alpha Search controls are not available.

Page through the list

Click the navigation icons at the top or bottom of the list page to move to the next page, previous page, first page, or last page in the list.

Show more/fewer records

In the Number of records displayed drop-down list at the bottom of the page, select a number of records to see at one time.

Update a note

Click the Edit link in the row of the record you want to update. On the Note Edit page, update the information and save the record. If inline editing is enabled for your company, then you can also edit the fields that are displayed on the Note page inline.

Mark a note as private

Click the Edit link in the row of the record you want to update. On the Note Edit page, select the Private check box. If inline editing is enabled for your company, you can also select the Private check box inline on the Note page.

NOTE: Some users have access to notes that are owned by other users and that have the Private check box selected. For more information about how the Private check box controls access to the note, see Note Edit Page.

View note details

Click the Edit link in the row of the record you want to view. On the Note Edit page, review the note details.


Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.