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Customizing Related Item Layouts

You can customize page layouts to improve the look-and-feel of Oracle CRM On Demand. The layout functionality for related items allows you to customize a related-list layout for most record types to show the specified fields. You can select fields from related lists and some parent fields. You can select which fields that you want to appear, and you can specify the order of the fields that meets your business needs. However, you cannot select the number of rows that are displayed, and you cannot specify the sort fields, except in the case of the Opportunities related item for certain parent record types.

NOTE: You cannot customize the layout for the Teams related information section for most of the record types that support teams.

If the Enable Enhanced View for Tabs option is selected on the company profile, then you can specify custom default filters for the related information sections that support the enhanced view. For more information, see Managing Default Filter Criteria for Related Items.

Before you begin. To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application privilege.

The following procedure describes how to customize the related item layout.

To customize the related item layout

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.
  2. Click Application Customization.
  3. In the Record Type Setup section, click the link for the record type that you want.
  4. In the Page Layout Management section, click the Related Information Layout link that you want for the record type that you selected.

    The Related Information Section page appears.

  5. In the Related Information Setup section, select the related information type that you want to customize.

    The Related Information Layout page for the selected related information type appears.

    NOTE: The items in the Related Information Setup section vary depending on which record type you select.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit to modify an existing layout.
    • Click New Layout to create a new layout.
    • Click Copy to copy an existing layout.

      The Related Information Layout Wizard is displayed and guides you through the process.

  7. In Step 1 Layout Name, enter a name for the layout and a description (optional), and click Next.
  8. In Step 2 Field Setup, select fields from the available Fields list, and click the up and down arrows, next to the Selected Fields list, to organize the fields in the order that you want.

    The maximum number of fields for a layout is 20. If you select more than 20 fields, then an error appears when you try to save the layout.

  9. (Optional) To define the sort criteria of record type Opportunity Related Items, do the following:
    1. In the Sort by drop-down list, select a sort field.

      You can sort by Modified: Date, Opportunity Name, Close Date, or Created: Date.

    2. Click Ascending or Descending to select a sort order.

      NOTE: If you do not select a sort field, then the default sort field and sort order are used.

      The sort criteria apply both where the related information sections are displayed as tabs and where they are displayed as lists. The field selected in the Sort by drop-down menu is used for sorting even if that field is not available in the Selected Field list. For example, if you select Created: Date in the Sort by drop-down menu, then all opportunities are sorted by created date, even if the Created: Date field is not available in the Selected Fields list.

      CAUTION: For performance reasons, it is recommended that you only use this option to sort Account Opportunity Related Items.

  10. Click Finish.

Published 7/3/2018 Copyright © 2005, 2018, Oracle. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.